MOTUS-E is the first Italian Association to bring together industries, the transport sector, the academia, consumer associations and opinion movements, to favor the transition towards a more sustainable model of mobility, in a context in which technologies and digital transformation play a crucial role.

LabGov’s strategic partner for various projects, MOTUS-E, has recently launched a call for papers and a best thesis award to prize the best research contribution in E-mobility. Both of the calls are open to everyone wishing to submit a paper, a research project or a thesis (discussed in years 2017-18-19), regardless of the country. Even papers already published in journals may be considered since there are no specific requirements on publication.

Universities, graduates, undergraduates, researchers and professionals are invited to present their own contribution about one of the clusters launched by MOTUS-E. The three selected papers and the winner of the Best Thesis Award will also have the opportunity to attend the MOTUS-E Event in Rome in 2020. The deadline for the submissions is 31st January and a Scientific Committee will evaluate the papers by 15th April. The papers can be submitted either in Italian or in English.

Find the more detailed rules, the application form and the topics through the following link:

Best of luck!
