5th May 2018 | Third Civic Collaboration Day and RomaSUDfEST

5th May 2018 | Third Civic Collaboration Day and RomaSUDfEST

The Heritage Walk through the neighbourhoods in the South-East suburbs of Rome during a one day event to enjoy the city experiencing civic collaboration practices 

The EDU@LabGov academic year 2017-2018 – the LUISS Educational Lab is the urban clinic for students to experiment on the field the urban commons theories and collaboration practices – is coming to an end and, for the third year, the labgovers will be committed to a one day experience of civic collaboration and cultural and environmental heritage regeneration of urban commons in the South-East of the city of Rome.

On Saturday, 5th May 2018, the Third Civic Collaboration Day and the RomaSudfEst will represent a unique opportunity to meet, discuss and spread a message of environmental, economic and social sustainability.

A programme full of activities – open to participants of all ages – will engage a variety of local actors and urban stakeholders in living different places and public spaces of the entire district, experiencing new practices of civic collaboration, and pushing forward the local public debate.

The Civic Collaboration Day will start at 9 a.m. in the Degli Acquedotti Park (Don Bosco neighbourhood) and from there will cross through the neighbourhoods of Torre Spaccata, Tor Sapienza, Centocelle and Alessandrino; in each of them are scheduled different activities and events organized by associations and active citizens in collaboration with public and knowledge institutions, as Municipio V, Rome Municipality, ENEA and LUISS University.

The initiative is one of the outputs of the work carried on by EDU@LabGov in different urban experimentation sites in the framework of Co-Roma, a project aimed at building an integrated model of urban smart district based on the development of new co-economies: economies with a circular, social, supportive and collaborative nature and on an active and cohesive citizenship.

Amongst the many activities scheduled during the day:

>> At 10.30 a.m., in the green area next to the Rugantino Library (Torre Spaccata), the labgovers – together with the students of the Master in Landscape Architecture of La Sapienza University of Rome – will bring the University outside its doors by setting up the third satellite of the University’s community garden #ortoLUISS and leading a horticulture lab for children.

>> At 3 p.m. in the Centocelle Park – which, for the first two years, has been the centre of the Co-Roma project – will take place different activities for kids about urban mobility, together with a series of heritage walks (organized by the Comunità Parco Pubblico di Centocelle Odv), as defined by the Faro Convention framework, to discover together and showcase to all the participants the beauty of several archaeological and cultural resources of the district.

>> The Collaboration Day will close at FusoLab (Centocelle) at 19.30 with the RomaSudfEst where many people from the district and from the whole city will gather to celebrate with the music the conclusion of this important collective moment.

Click here to download the full programme of the event


Participatory Governance in Culture: Exploring Practices, Theories and Policies

Participatory Governance in Culture: Exploring Practices, Theories and Policies

From November 22nd to 24th, Rijeka (Croatia) is going to host the Participatory Governance in Culture: Exploring Practices, Theories and Policies Conference.

The Conference is organized by Kultura Nova Foundation, in partnership with Rijeka 2020 LLC and collaboration with European Cultural Foundation (ECF) and International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA) as a part of the “Approaches to Participatory Governance of Cultural Institutions” project supported by UNESCO’s International Fund for Cultural Diversity. The conference is also supported by the regional intergovernmental forum Central European Initiative.

The Conference, through the presence of  scholars, researchers, theoreticians, cultural operators, artists, practitioners, activists, policymakers and decision-makers from across the world, is going to cover a number of issues and concerns about the challenges, limitations, paradoxes and perspectives that cultural research, practices and policies are  facing around the concept of participatory governance in culture. The different paper and panel sessions will explore changes in the socio-political context, cultural and social effects of new models of governance, modes and levels of involvement of all relevant stakeholders in decision-making processes and the (re)organization and relevance of their roles.

Prof Christian Iaione, LabGov’s co-founder, is going to attend the conference as a keynote speaker. He will give a speech on “The right to the Co-City” on Thursday, November 23rd, at 7 pm.

The full program is available on the official website of the Conference: http://conference.participatory-governance-in-culture.net/hr/programme

BUILD 2017 – Bilbao Urban Innovation Leadership Dialogues

BUILD 2017 – Bilbao Urban Innovation Leadership Dialogues

From November 15th to 17th, Detroit will host BUILD – Bilbao Urban Innovation Leadership Dialogues, the event organised by The German Marshall Funds for the United States that will reflect on the role that cities and regions can play in the broader transatlantic relationship via new subnational diplomacy efforts and by reflecting our transatlantic values of democracy, freedom and justice.

BUILD is a  forum for urban innovators that explores pressing issues facing transatlantic cities and how to move from ideas to action. GMF launched BUILD in 2014 as a vehicle for discussing transformative change in transatlantic cities supporting greater sustainability, inclusion, and global engagement.

BUILD 2016 launched a conversation on urban transformation in the digital age: this dialogue is going to be deepend and examined in light of new disruptive dynamics challenging rtaditional paradigms in the global political and economic order. Last year’s forum added a new dimension to the exploration of urban transformation — the impact of the digital age on the people, places, and economies of transatlantic cities.

BUILD 2017 plenary sessions will provide a space for critical discussion of how transatlantic cities can rise above the wave of disruption to global leadership while delivering on a local agenda of sustainability, inclusion, and innovation. In keeping with BUILD’s mission, the sessions will address both the policy dimensions and leadership practices to support participants in translating ideas into action.

Alicia Bonner Ness, LabGov’s senior advisor for the Co-Cities research, is going to attend the forum. In particular, she is going to attend the breakout session “Neighborhoods Rising: Co-Creation as an Antidote to Apathy?” on Friday 17th morning. The session will challenge prior thinking on engagement by presenting three models of engagement — co-creation, co-production, and co-city — from leading experts in the field.

The agenda of the 2017 forum is available on the BUILD Program page.

The 2016 BUILD Report is now available.

Dal 15 al 17 novembre, Detroit ospiterà BUILD 2017, il forum per innovatori urbani nato nel 2014, che esplora le problematiche e le sfide che stanno affrontando le città transatlantiche e come muovere dalle idee all’azione. Alicia Bonner Ness, senior advisor di LabGov, parteciperà al Forum come speaker per la sessione “Neighborhoods Rising: Co-Creation as an Antidote to Apathy?“.

A series of seminars to discuss urban regeneration and social innovation in Naples

A series of seminars to discuss urban regeneration and social innovation in Naples

On Tuesday the 16th of May 2017 Professor Christian Iaione, LabGov coordinator, will be in Naples to hold a seminar on the topic “The commons in Italy, between urban economies and public policies”.

His lesson is part of a series of seminars organized by Professor Giovanni Laino within the framework of the course Urban and metropolitan policies (UPTA) offered by the Architecture Department (DIARC) of the University Federico II in Naples.

The series of seminars, titled “Riuso contenitori dismessi, tra rigenerazione e innovazione sociale”, allows its participants to analyze topics such as the reuse of vacant urban spaces and buildings, urban regeneration and social innovation from different perspectives. This is possible thanks to the contributions brought by scholars, experts and practitioners with both a strong knowledge and practice in these fields. Each lesson will be the occasion to discover the experience of a different city (from Milan to Bari and Brindisi, with a special focus on Naples itself) ad to learn about the innovative processes that are regenerating our cities and our communities.

The previous seminars saw the participation of Claudio Calvaresi (Avanzi – Innovation and urban regeneration in Milan, Base and much more), Giuseppe Micciarelli (University of Salerno – The reuse of ex-spaces in Naples as citizenship laboratories), Roberto Covolo (Laboratorio Urbano Brindisi – Ex Fadda in San Vito dei Normanni), Claudio Morelli and Teta Sepe ( Metropolitan city and Neaples Municipality), Carla Tedesco (IUAV and Bari Municipality – The ex-Caserma Rossani in Bari) and Emma Ferulano (Chi rom e chi no – Chiku, regenerating a space in Scampia). Additionally the last seminar, which will take place on Thurday the 18th of May, will be held by Annibale D’Elia and will focus on the topic “Places, between social innovation and change”.

The complete program of the series is available here:

Martedì 16 maggio 2017 il Professor Christian Iaione, coordinatore di LabGov, terrà il seminario “Beni comuni in Italia, tra economie urbane e politiche pubbliche” all’interno del corso di Politiche urbane e metropolitane (UPTA) presso il Dipartimento di Architettura (DIARC) dell’università Federico II di Napoli.

L’intervento del Professor Iaione è parte di un ciclo di seminari dal titolo “Contenitori Urbani dismessi, tra rigenerazione e innovazione sociale”, a cura del Professore Giovanni Laino.

Tutti gli incontri si tengono dalle 10 alle 13 in aula SL 2.6 a via Forno vecchio 36, 2° piano.

Conference in Bergamo -The new law of public contracts

Conference in Bergamo -The new law of public contracts

The conference “Il nuovo codice dei contratti. Strumenti a disposizione delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni nella relazione con le imprese ordinarie e le imprese cooperative” (The new contracts code. Instruments for the Public Administrations in relation to ordinary and cooperative enterprises) will take place in Bergamo on Friday the 12th of May 2017.

The event, which is mainly addressed to members and functionaries of the local administration, is organized by Confcooperative Bergamo together with Legacoop Bergamo, AGCI Bergamo and some of the major Italian working unions (Cgil, Cisl e Uil), and is part of a series of initiatives aiming at promoting cooperation.

These initiatives originate from a widespread awareness of the potential of collaboration for local development, but also of the need for institutions and civil society to work together in order to realize this potential.

Professor Iaione, LabGov coordinator, will take part in the roundtable “Institutions and communities between new models and new needs”, together with Michele Bertola, Director General of the Municipality of Bergamo and Giuseppe Guerini, President of Confcooperative Bergamo.

Here is the complete program of the event:


“Venerdì 12 maggio, dalle 9.00 alle 13.00 presso la Sala degli Angeli della Casa del Giovane in via Gavazzeni 13, il convegno “Il nuovo codice dei contratti. Strumenti a disposizione delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni nella relazione con le imprese ordinarie e le imprese cooperative” rivolto principalmente ad amministratori e funzionari degli enti locali per sensibilizzarli ad una logica progettuale e consapevole nella programmazione e nella realizzazione delle procedure di affidamenti”.

Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili qui.