Edu LabGov 2020-2021
Technological innovation in households. Third Module – GrInn Lab
The third module is the most practical one, it is designed as an experimental space addressed to find innovations for households’ everyday life. Workshop: Intellectual Property law: a key driver for innovation -Speakers: prof.ssa Silvia Scalzini, doc. laudia Meloni,...
Co-governance models for an inclusive ecosystem. Second Module – GrInn Lab
The second module aimed to give the students an opportunity to self-developing governance skills. This session aimed to apply the core pillars of the GrInnLab experience: Public sphere, private agents, institutions of knowledge, organized civil community and social...
Stakeholders’ engagement for social entrepreneurship. First Module – GrInn Lab
The first module is designed as a space to learn how to think in a sustainable way. In particular, this session aims to develop a social entrepreneurship: concretizing the economic value of an individual and integration of those excluded from the system. Economic and...
GrInn Lab 2021 Co-HousInng
GrInn Lab 2021 Co-HousInng Urban resource co-governance model for Porto Fluviale A new eco-systemic attitude is needed in order to face the modern challenges such as climate change and digital transition, in this regard GrInn Lab aims to develop the latest...