About Urban Media Lab
The Urban Media Lab (UML) is LabGov’s platform for debate on the complex challenges that cities around the world are facing today. The UML brings together city-makers, researchers, citizens and urban experts to reflect on a variety of themes relating to urban living and the future of cities.
Discover the U20
Energy Citizenship: EN-ACTION Lab
Analyzing the habits and customs of contemporary society, it is evident that we are witnessing a transition in the energy supply model. Moving away from the traditional model based on centralized fossil fuel production, there is a growing trend towards the use of a...
Human Fraternity crosses the gates of Rome to enter the world: Fratelli Tutti’s mission to reconstruct a new grammar of humanity
«Every man is our brother, every woman is our sister, always. We want all to live together, as brothers and sisters in the Garden that is the Earth. The Garden of fraternity is the condition for all life»[i]. Thus began the Rome Declaration on Human Fraternity,...
The Hidden Environmental Impact of Our Digital Lives
Introduction Technology has become a central part of our lives, as more and more aspects of our daily routines rely on digital technologies. While our lives have become “smart”, little thought has been given to the environmental consequences. Since technology is often...
Smart and Sustainable Mobility. A multi-layered governance strategy
The story behind pollution The modern world requires speed, adaptability, and precision. All these three adjectives are not meant to be a statement for people, they are more suitable for a car advertisement. From the beginning, starting with Ford Model T by Henry...
Degrowth & fashion: future allies or eternal enemies?
Degrowth is a social movement, a political debate, and an academic field of research. “An equitable reduction in production and consumption that increases human well-being and improves ecological conditions at the local and global level, in the short and long term” as...
Urban Food Systems: a challenge to holistic approaches?
Manfredi Valeriani The complexity of the world we live in requires more and more encompassing approaches towards the problems that societies face across the globe. New conceptualizations of development and sustainability have been created in the past based on...
Shaping Tomorrow: The Implications of Artificial Intelligence on Creative Industries and Beyond
Author: Viktoriya Pisotska, PhD In recent times, the conversation surrounding the influence of digital technologies on creative industries has gained momentum, emphasizing the significance of digital platforms and the emergence of digital ownership via NFTs...
The Nordic Waste scandal
The Nordic Waste scandal has brought attention to the environmental hazards posed by a massive landslide that occurred at one of its facilities in Ølst, Denmark, last December. In December 2023, a thunderstorm caused a massive landslide at one of Nordic Waste's...
Global Supply Chain Role and Crucial Role of Cities
The modern food industry has undoubtedly reached impressive milestones in terms of efficiency, diversity, and accessibility of products, largely owing to globalization. Traditional globalized food supply chains now offer customers an extensive range of food options,...
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Urban Journalism Institute
The Urban Journalism Institute
The Urban Journalism Institute is a platform incubated by LabGov.City to promote urban journalism as a tool to put forms of sustainable and inclusive development at the center of the current conversation on cities and their governance. The Institute aggregates journalists, communicators, experts and policymakers to share knowledge about, and debate on urban topics, as well as assist regional, national and local governments, NGOs, and foundations in the communication of urban strategies and projects on the field.
The Urban Journalism Institute is co-directed by Simone d’Antonio and Alessandra Pirera in partnership with UN-Habitat and other LabGov.City partners such as Luiss University and Georgetown University.
What we do?
• Trainings for journalists, communicators s and press officers
• High-level dialogues with editors
• Management of urban communications
• Media monitoring and networking
• Urban reportages and portfolios
• Media tours

Changing the conversation about cities
Cities are the places where most of the challenges of our time are converging. Innovative solutions and experiences of urban governance and economy shared and discussed in a multilevel dimension can be influential in changing the approach to cities in national and local contexts worldwide.
Media have a decisive role in promoting urban debates at all levels. While they cover urgent contemporary trends, sharing news about economic crisis, refugees and migrants’ emergencies, women struggles, or natural disasters, they are talking about how cities are planned, managed and lived.
Exploring new communications tools to develop meaningful urban storytelling will contribute to spread new narratives about cities able to foster active participation of citizens and to push innovative social, economic and environmental urban policies. In this sense, cities are becoming the testing ground also to stimulate a more civic and substantive engagement of media in sustainable development processes at local and global level.