City Science Initiative
The Regulation on Democracy and Urban and Climate Justice in Reggio Emilia
The Regulation on Democracy and Urban and Climate Justice in Reggio Emilia unifies in a single text the values and methods to ensure participation and collaboration among urban innovators from different categories, according to the quintuple helix paradigm in the...
‘SOCIAL IMPACT FOR CLIMATE JUSTICE’. An exploration of City Science and the new ESG/CSRD frameworks for evidence-based investments in local policymaking.
After the "CSI-ESG/CSRD for Cities Launch 2024", held on March 19th and 20th in Brussels, the final report 'Social Impact for Climate Justice' has been published. Building upon the new EU legislation for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) that is...
“CSI-ESG/CSRD for Cities Launch 2024”– The evidence-based investment & local policy initiative – March 19th and 20th, Brussels.
“CSI-ESG/CSRD for Cities Launch 2024”– The evidence-based investment & local policy initiative will be held on March 19th and 20th in Brussels. The workshop will delve into ‘Social Impact for Climate Justice’, an exploration of City Science and the new...
City Science Initiative
In order to grasp an initial idea of what City Science Initiative is, it can be asserted that it is a program activated within the Joint Research Center of the European Commission which connects cities and urban contexts with science (therefore mainly universities)...