The second module aimed to give the students an opportunity to self-developing governance skills. This session aimed to apply the core pillars of the GrInnLab experience: Public sphere, private agents, institutions of knowledge, organized civil community and social innovators have to work together creating an inclusive urban ground. A role-play experience is implemented in order to empathize with everyday governance issues such as spaces administration, revenue management and damage coverage.
Workshop: Community building and Co-governance
-Speakers: adjunct professor Elena De Nictolis, doc. Nicoletta Levi, doc. Paola Cannavò, doc. Dario Minghetti
Co-Working: Building an inclusive governance scheme hosted by prof. Alessandro Piperno
The first module is designed as a space to learn how to think in a sustainable way. In particular, this session aims to develop a social entrepreneurship: concretizing the economic value of an individual and integration of those excluded from the system.
Economic and social value is defined as a single unit.
Workshop: social innovation, ethos, entrepreneurship and innovation
-Speakers: prof. Francesco Rullani, doc. Luciana Delle Donne, doc. Lorenzo Di Ciaccio
Co-Working: Idea generation through design thinking hosted by prof. Alessandro Piperno
Urban resource co-governance model for Porto Fluviale
A new eco-systemic attitude is needed in order to face the modern challenges such as climate change and digital transition, in this regard GrInn Lab aims to develop the latest technological innovations together with new management tools. A new governance based on the cooperation of different urban agents: public, private, social, knowledge and citizens.
GrInn Lab is an experimental laboratory dedicated to find innovative and sustainable solutions to the problems of the urban context. The student is the main protagonist of the project, he will have the opportunity to develop new skills: dealing with legal constraints, creating a sustainable business model, teamworking and social media management. An innovative approach based on concrete practices for planning solutions.
Our new formula: firms’ community, the “Italian brilliance” (art, design, culture), urban development, technological innovations, social and environmental sustainability, sustainable finance, cultural integration.
The Interdisciplinary Urban Clinic of LabGov
2020 did not stop in the face of COVID-19 and managed instead to adapt to new
working methods in order to carry out its project idea.
The sudden
closure of Luiss Guido Carli University, due to the Ministerial Decree of March
4, surprised the Urban Clinic team, who found themselves facing a totally new
scenario. In fact, in less than 24 hours the entire teaching activities of the
university were moved to an e-learning platform to allow students to carry out
their lessons regularly online, establishing a primacy on a national scale. The
Clinic’s activities were no exception.
In a few days, the tutors of the Urban Clinic 2020, supported by the entire LabGov team, had to rethink how the remaining modules of the course were to be carried out, adapting them to new needs. On the weekends of March 13 and 14, April 3 and 4 and April 17 and 18, the theme modules “Building a narrative for Open and Collaborative Innovation for Sustainable Fashion”, “Ux Design for Open and Collaborative Innovation for Sustainable Fashion” and “Legal design” took place online.
The first module
was moderated by Process Design expert Dr. Azzurra Spirito, who guided the students
in their approach to themes such as storytelling, design process as well as
service design. The second module was carried out with the support of the NTT
Data team, which introduced the concepts of user experience, digital data and
innovation as a means of understanding new markets and consumer needs. The Clinic
then ended with the legal design module in collaboration with the team of This
Is Legal Design, an expert start-up in the sector, which allowed us to
analyze the legal touch points between user and seller.
The work
was carried out in view of the final session of May 5, which will take place
via webinar and will be the occasion for the students to present their ideas in
front of notable guests. The experience of these workshops and alternative
co-working sessions has helped both the students and the whole team to approach
different tools and platforms for remote cooperative work, thus being able to
maintain the focus on the goal and carry it out collaboratively while working
in different locations.
The design idea of the Urban Clinic itself was also influenced by the crisis period we are facing. The team, driven by the valuable feedback of Prof. Christian Iaione and DG Luiss Giovanni Lo Storto, rethought the final product by demonstrating how resilient the approach used throughout the Clinic was. In light of the above, the project now envisages two final outputs. Firstly, remaining in line with the original idea, we will continue working on sustainable fashion by creating “Ri-Made In”, a brand focused on the local and community dimension. ‘Ri-Made in’ will transform clothing waste by giving them a second life and the whole process will be carried out inside the neighborhood from which the clothing item comes. The concept of “Ri-Made In” will then be completed with the name of the neighborhood itself. The garment recovery process involves a first stage of collection, followed by a regeneration and personalization moment and by a sale that can be carried out both by current currency and by digital currency paid to garments’ donors.
The second
output, in line with the current situation, provides for a “Ri-Start
Kit” to be distributed to students. It will consist of a shopping bag
created by sensitive local actors from recycled clothes, which will contain a
reusable mask created in the same way as the bag, and a manual with practical
instructions on how to deal with the delicate period that lies ahead with the
due hygienic and behavioral precautions.
For the Urban Clinic team, as for many others, it was not easy to adapt to this new conditions, but commitment and dedication allowed us to achieve these results. The most important thing is that we stayed at home and in spite of everything we didn’t stop!
The Urban Clinic modules continue online
Versione Italiana
La Clinica Urbana Interdisciplinare di LabGov 2020 non si è fermata di fronte alla problematica COVID-19 ed è riuscita ad adattarsi a nuovi metodi di lavoro per portare avanti la propria idea progettuale.
La chiusura improvvisa dell’Università Luiss Guido Carli, a causa del Decreto Ministeriale del 4 marzo, ha sorpreso il team della Clinica Urbana, che si è trovato di fronte ad uno scenario totalmente nuovo. L’intera didattica dell’università infatti è stata spostata in meno di 24 ore su una piattaforma di e-learning per permettere agli studenti di svolgere le proprie lezioni regolarmente online, andando a stabilire un primato su scala nazionale. Le attività della Clinica non hanno fatto eccezione.
In pochi giorni, i tutor della Clinica Urbana 2020, supportati dall’intero team LabGov, hanno dovuto ripensare le modalità di svolgimento dei moduli restanti del percorso per adattarli alle nuove esigenze. Nei fine settimana del 13 e 14 marzo, del 3 e 4 aprile e del 17 e 18 di aprile, si sono svolti regolarmente i moduli a tema “Building a narrative for Open and Collaborative Innovation for Sustainable Fashion” e “Ux Design for Open and Collaborative Innovation for Sustainable Fashion” e “Legal design”.
Il primo ha avuto come moderatrice l’esperta di Process Design, la dott.ssa Azzurra Spirito, che ha guidato i ragazzi nell’approccio di temi come storytelling, processo di progettazione oltre che service design. Durante il secondo modulo, svolto con il supporto del team di NTT Data, sono stati introdotti i concetti di user experience, digital data e innovazione come mezzo per comprendere i nuovi mercati e i bisogni dei consumatori. La clinica si è poi conclusa con il modulo sul legal design in collaborazione con il team di This Is Legal Design, start up esperta nel settore, che ha permesso di andare ad analizzare i legal touch point tra utente e venditore.
Il lavoro è stato portato avanti in vista della giornata conclusiva del 5 maggio, che si svolgerà tramite webinar e durante la quale gli studenti presenteranno la propria idea di fronte ad ospiti d’eccellenza. L’esperienza di questi workshop e co-working alternativi ha aiutato sia gli studenti che l’intero team ad approcciarsi a strumenti e piattaforme diverse per il lavoro cooperativo a distanza, potendo così mantenere il focus sull’obiettivo e portandolo a termine in maniera collaborativa pur lavorando in sedi differenti.
L’idea progettuale non è rimasta inalterata durante il periodo di crisi che stiamo affrontando. Il team, spinto anche dai preziosi feedback del prof. Christian Iaione e del DG Luiss Giovanni Lo Storto, ha ripensato il prodotto finale dimostrando quanto l’approccio utilizzato durante tutto il percorso della Clinica fosse resiliente. Alla luce di quanto detto il progetto prevede due output finali. In primo luogo, rimanendo in linea con l’idea originale, si proseguirà sulla traiettoria della moda sostenibile tramite la creazione di “Ri-Made In”, un brand incentrato sull’aspetto locale e di comunità che trasformerà vestiti di scarto andando a donare loro una seconda vita. L’intero processo di rinascita si svolgerà all’interno del quartiere da cui il capo proviene, andando a completare il concetto di “Ri-Made In” con il nome stesso del quartiere. Il processo di recupero del capo prevede un momento di raccolta, uno di rigenerazione e personalizzazione e uno di vendita, che potrà essere effettuata sia tramite moneta corrente che tramite digital currency corrisposta ai donatori di capi.
Il secondo output, in linea con la situazione attuale, prevede un “Ri-Start Kit” da distribuire agli studenti. Sarà costituito da una shopping-bag, creata da attori locali sensibili a partire da vestiti riciclati, che conterrà al suo interno una mascherina riutilizzabile, creata con le stesse modalità della borsa, e un manuale con istruzioni pratiche su come affrontare il delicato periodo che si prospetta con le dovute precauzioni igieniche e comportamentali.
Per il team della Clinica Urbana, come per
molti altri, non è stato facile doversi adattare a questa nuova condizione, ma
l’impegno e la dedizione ci hanno portato a questi risultati. La cosa più
importante però è che noi siamo rimasti a casa e nonostante tutto non ci siamo