GrInn Lab 2021 Co-HousInng
Urban resource co-governance model for Porto Fluviale
A new eco-systemic attitude is needed in order to face the modern challenges such as climate change and digital transition, in this regard GrInn Lab aims to develop the latest technological innovations together with new management tools. A new governance based on the cooperation of different urban agents: public, private, social, knowledge and citizens.
GrInn Lab is an experimental laboratory dedicated to find innovative and sustainable solutions to the problems of the urban context. The student is the main protagonist of the project, he will have the opportunity to develop new skills: dealing with legal constraints, creating a sustainable business model, teamworking and social media management. An innovative approach based on concrete practices for planning solutions.
Our new formula: firms’ community, the “Italian brilliance” (art, design, culture), urban development, technological innovations, social and environmental sustainability, sustainable finance, cultural integration.