gpr2cNext April, the 1st, will begin in Barcelona the European Meeting organised by The Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C).  The Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) was set in November 2014 aiming to advocate for fair, democratic, sustainable and inclusive cities. An informal network gathers hundreds of organizations from American, African, Asian and European countries representing social movements, non-governmental organizations, networks and forums, academic institutions, local governments, foundations and international organizations.

The meeting aims to present the initiative of the Global Platform and its principles, goals and actions; strengthening regional alliances and inviting new organizations to join it; discuss the meaning of the Right to the City among our organizations and share information and analyse setbacks, challenges and/or particular regional developments.

Since Professor Iaione and LabGov are GPR2C’s partners, they will attend the Thematic Meeting.

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Il prossimo aprile, il 1 °, inizierà a Barcellona il Meeting europeo organizzato da GPR2C. L’incontro ha lo scopo di presentare l’iniziativa della piattaforma globale e dei suoi principi, gli obiettivi e le azioni; rafforzare le alleanze regionali e invitando nuove organizzazioni a farne parte; discutere il significato del diritto alla città tra le nostre organizzazioni e condividere le informazioni e analizzare battute d’arresto, le sfide e gli sviluppi regionali. Dal momento che il professor Iaione e LabGov sono partner di GPR2C, parteciperanno alla riunione tematica.