On January 19th, the 13th meeting of the URBACT Local Group will take place in Naples, at the Complesso Santa Trinità delle Monache (ex Military Hospital), from 2.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m..

The meeting will aim at discussing about the most appropriate management models at various levels: it will deal with the detection of the best management model for the S.S. Trinità delle Monache  Complex to be proposed to the Administration; furthermore, it will be a chance to  discuss about the identification of the different useful tools for the implementation or management of specific actions pursuant to the Local Action Plan (as public – private partnerships, programme agreements, public calls for tender and more over).


Professor Christian Iaione will give a speech about these issues at 3.15 p.m., named “Le città tra autogestioni e co-gestioni dei beni collettivi. Modelli e prospettive“, comparing and bearing in mind innovative experiments carried out in Italy and abroad.


The complete programme can be consulted here.


Domani, venerdì 19 gennaio, si terrà presso il Complesso Santa Trinità delle Monache il 13° incontro dell’URBACT Local Group. Il Professor Christian Iaione discuterà sui possibili modelli di gestione per l’ex Ospedale Militare, tenendo conto delle varie sperimentazioni innovative portate avanti in Italia e all’estero.