LabGov wishes you a wonderful holiday season with a non-exhaustive list of movies and documentaries, old and new, that will make your holidays more entertaining!

The list below does not follow an order and is the result of various consultations with friends and colleagues, if you wish to send us some suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact us on FB or twitter!

1.”News From Home”, Chantal Akerman



2. “Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du commerce 1080 Bruxelles”, Chantal Akerman 




3. “Battersea Power Station: Selling an icon”



4. “Rush Hour”, Luciana Kaplan 



5. “H2Omx”, José Cohen and Lorenzo Hagerman



6. “Men on the bridge”, Aslı Özge




7. “Relatos salvajes”, Damián Szifrón



8. Cesta ven (the way out), Petr Václav

#urbanexclusion #romapeople


9. “Dark Days”, Marc Singer



10. “Quand il a fallu partir”, Mehdi Meklat and Badrou



11. “Ekumenopolis”, Imre Azem

#urbandevelopment #housing


12. “West Beirut”, Ziad Doueiri



13. “City of God”, Fernando Meirelles and Kátia Lund



14. “Lost in Translation”, Sofia Coppola



15. “Roma”, Alfonso Cuarón 



16. “Le mani sulla città”, Francesco Rosi 



17. “25th Hour”, Spike Lee




18. “Old Boy”, Park Chan-wook

#scarycities #seoul


19. “Taxi Teheran”, Jafar Panahi
