by Alessandra Feola | Oct 10, 2014 | The Urban Media Lab
On the next 11th and 12th of October LabGov will participate in the event organized by the Renzo Piano’s G124 working group.
Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th will be presented in Rome the initiatives for the regeneration and temporary use of the area placed under the Viaduct of the Presidents, in the Nuovo Salario quarter of Rome. This viaduct, which extends from the periphery of the Capital, was built some decades ago for a urban railway that has never been terminated and is nowadays in decay. The project is part of the activities of G124, a working group supported by Renzo Piano, the famous Italian architect and Italian senator since 2013, is coordinated by Arch. Massimo Alvisi and aims at redesigning the urban peripheries and the city of the future. The project managers of the initiatives are two young and talented architects Eloisa Susanna and Francesco Lorenzi. The two day initiatives will be dedicated to the presentation of the project to the neighborhood, slightly before the comprehensive presentation that is currently scheduled for the end of November at the Italian Parliament.
Saturday the Serpentara Station will be reactivated and the community will finally be able to enjoy an ecological space with grass and childrens’ playground. the social lunch -called “Public spaces as a commons” – will be an important moment for all the citizens, who can freely access the facility. The project is realized in collaboration with Greenapsi Associazione Viadotto dei Presidenti, Associazione Interazioni Urbane and the local community. Nonetheless without the collaboration of the special partner “Roma Capitale” administration, it wouldn’t be possible to organize the event. Thus it is crucial to recognize the importance of the collaboration that was set among the different actors and partners.
LabGov will be present during the activities for supporting the participatory design of the space. The organized workshop will be starting at 3:30 pm till 5:30 pm and it will consist in a speech of Christian Iaione, coordinator of LabGov and professor of Public Law, that will illustrate how is it possible to realize a collaborative governance of a public space; Finally there will be time for a co-design session , namely “Under the Viaduct” , for involving the community in the design thinking activity aimed at redefining the future of this space.
Locandina Evento 11-12 ottobre 2014
by Alessandra Feola | Oct 6, 2014 | Luiss LabGov 2014-2015
Sono aperte le iscrizioni per la nuova edizione di LabGov, che quest’anno sarà dedicato a “Ambiente, Agricoltura, Alimentazione: il territorio come bene comune”.
Il corso, nato nel 2013 dalla collaborazione tra Labsus – Laboratorio per la sussidiarietà e LUISS Guido Carli, vuole formare una nuova figura professionale, quella dei professionisti della governance: giovani donne e uomini capaci di pensare, progettare e realizzare nuove forme di collaborazione tra cittadini, imprese e istituzioni per promuovere le comunità intelligenti sia in ambito urbano che rurale.
Il Laboratorio è aperto agli studenti iscritti, per l’a.a. 2014/2015, al II o III anno di uno dei Corsi di Laurea Triennale del Dipartimento di Impresa e Management, Scienze Politiche, Economia e Finanza o al IV o V anno del Corso di Laurea in Giurisprudenza, della LUISS Guido Carli di Roma. Per la partecipazione al Laboratorio vengono riconosciuti 4 CFU per Altre Attività.
LabGov è un percorso di educazione non formale (del tipo in house clinic) pensato per innovatori sociali, imprenditori di futuro, agenti di cambiamento e giuristi creativi. Il campo di sperimentazione è quello dei beni comuni. LabGov trova la propria ragion d’essere nell’affermazione e nello sviluppo di una nuova, potente classe sociale, la “classe creativa” (i.e. cittadini attivi, startuppers, creativi, makers, sharers, prosumers, rural innovators, digital stars, ecc.). Gli studenti che parteciperanno al laboratorio avranno la possibilità di entrare in contatto con la classe creativa e avranno come responsabilità primaria quella di costruire o sviluppare progetti che dovranno prender vita, contribuendo concretamente all’implementazione dell’innovazione sociale, economica, istituzionale e giuridica che la classe creativa richiede in aree o settori dove l’innovazione non è ancora arrivata o accelerare il potenziale innovativo di esperimenti di innovazione preesistenti.
Nell’a.a. 2014-2015 oggetto di analisi e sperimentazione sarà la green governance intesa come tecnologia sociale, economica, istituzionale e giuridica applicata ai beni ambientali e paesistici, al territorio, agli stili di vita. Questi beni e la loro tutela o cura verranno riletti alla luce dei principi e delle tecniche tipiche della governance dei beni comuni, al fine di giungere alla costruzione di formule collaborative per la cura e rigenerazione di risorse fondamentali per il benessere individuale e collettivo, come l’ambiente, il paesaggio, il cibo che possono essere fonte di nutrimento, sostentamento, sviluppo, cultura, progresso. Lo scopo ultimo del LabGov sarà quello di riflettere, elaborare e applicare una strategia di governance idonea a configurare il “territorio come bene comune”.
Per partecipare è possibile consultare il bando e il programma qui.
Per aderire all’iniziativa sarà sufficiente inviare una e-mail a nel periodo compreso tra il 30 settembre ed il 17 ottobre 2014 indicando:
- nome e cognome
- matricola
- Corso di Laurea a cui si è iscritti
- Volontà di acquisire i CFU per Altre Attività attraverso il LabGov
Inscriptions are now open for the new edition of LabGov, dedicated to “Environment, Agriculture and Food: the territory as a commons”.
The course was born in 2013 as a successful output of the partnership between Labsus and LUISS Guido Carli. It aims at creating new professional figures and experts of the governance who are able to promote social innovation and to manage the complex of rural and urban communities.
The Lab is open to all the students currently enrolled at the 2nd or 3rd year of one of the bachelor courses of the following departments: Impresa e Management, Scienze politiche, Economia e Finanza. Moreover, students coming from the 4th or 5th year of the Law Department may apply. Four CFU will be awarded to the participants as “Altre Attività”
For calendar, inscriptions and events please refer to the following links:
Per maggiori informazioni/ Further info at
Prof. Christian Iaione:

by Alessandra Feola | Oct 6, 2014 | The Urban Media Lab
In Mantua on the 10th and 11th of October will be presented the governance proposal to the public.
With the beginning of October the “Entrepreneurs for the Commons co-design Laboratory” – promoted by the “Cooperative and Civic Economy Enterprises Group” established within the Chamber of Commerce of Mantua and realized in collaboration with Labsus – Laboratory for the subsidiariarity, started a new phase of its path, the third and last phase called “Governance Camp”.
In the first phase it has been opened a Call for ideas “Culture as a Commons”, made by the Province of Mantua that selected 5 winning projects. The second phase consisted in an Ideas camp that started in June since the last meeting on the 29th and 30th of September with prof. Luigi Corvo. The Ideas Camp aimed at cultivate, improve and coordinate the project ideas.
During the Ideas Camp the project ideas has been prototype and systematized through interdisciplinary tools and techniques: participatory design, digital communication, services design, cultural and creative entrepreneurialism, fundraising added to co-working session and working groups.
The new phase of the Lab will consist in the Governance Camp. The Lab’s participansts will be involved in the analysis, construction and prototyping of a governance proposal that starts from the original projects present within the Lab and arrives to the construction of a network of alliances with institutional, civic and economic subjects.
The meeting will be held by professor Christian Iaione, scientific director of Labsus, on the next 10th and 11th of October at Politecnico University in Piazza d’Arco, 3.
Finally on Saturday the 11th the Lab will presented its governance proposal during the #fattidicultura Festival, organized by Pantacon association at Santagnese10, the creative co-working space of the Municipality of Mantua.
The #fattidicultura Festival aims to tell the cultural phenomenon that spreads in Italy in 2014. The title of the four days events intends to recall the “facts of culture” but also what does mean “to be made by culture”. In Mantua will arrive all the histories of cultural transformation in Italy, examples of creative contaminations that continues theirs process within challenge and questions. #fattidicultura will be a moment for discuss with who believe in culture. Moreover it will be a moment to present what Mantua is able to create.
by Alessandra Feola | Sep 15, 2014 | Governance labs, The Urban Media Lab
In Mantova continues the work of the Entrepreneurs for the Commons co-design Laboratory.
Social in innovation studies highlight the importance of the so-called “triple bottom line” a perspective that take into consideration jointly the economic, social and environmental sustainability. In the field of the commons it’s important to have in mind this perspective. For this reason the next meeting of the Entrepreneurs for the Commons co-design Laboratory – promoted by the “Cooperative and Civic Economy Enterprises Group” established within the Chamber of Commerce of Mantova and realized in collaboration with Labsus – Laboratory for the subsidiariarity, will be devoted to the study and elaboration of a sustainability plan for the commons, for their management and valorization.
The meeting will be held by professor Luigi Corvo of Tor Vergata University, on the next 29th and 30th of September at the Santagnese10, the creative living lab of the Municipality of Mantova.
On Monday the 29th from 2 p.m to 6 p.m. Corvo will illustrate the three main dimensions of fundraising: corporate, institutional and crowd-funding. On Tuesday the 30th there will be a co-working session aimed at the elaboration of a sustainability plan for the Laboratory.
The meeting will continues on the first of October with professor Christian Iaione, scientific director of Labsus and coordinator of the project, that will open the Governance Camp, the third phase of the project, after the Call for ideas and the Ideas Camp.
Download the paybill Locandina_Mantova_29_30_settembre
by Alessandra Feola | Sep 6, 2014 | The Urban Media Lab
The Circular Subsidiarity Laboratory begun on the 5th of September with professor Iaione
Born in collaboration with the Services Center for Volunteering of Taranto, the Circular Subsidiarity Laboratory – Together for a new development is the new project of Labsus – Laboratory for Subsidiarity designed to all volunteer organizations of the Taranto’s territory. The Laboratory aims to empower local participants to the ideation and realization of a project for the local development based on the principle of subsidiarity and shared administration.
The first meeting has been held on the 5th and 6th of September at the Don Bosco Institute in Taranto by professor Iaione. On the first day the focus was about the evolution of the relations among public institutions, private enterprises, third sectors and citizens. Iaione made reference also to the Regulation on the Collaboration among Citizens and Administration for the Care and Regeneration of Urban Commons adopted by the Municipality of Bologna after a two years experimentation on field with Labsus. On the second day, the 27 participants has been involved in a co-working session. The working group have laid down the foundations for future design of the Laboratory.
The Laboratory will continue its activities until the 17th of October, when there will be a public event for the presentation of the outputs with the presence of Gregorio Arena president of Labsus. The next meeting devoted to the urban regeneration experience there will be on the 25th and 26th of September with Alesssadra Feola and Elena De Nictolis.