by Diletta Di Marco | Oct 27, 2015 | Luiss LabGov 2015-2016
Last weekend, on 16 and 17 October LabGov held the first co-working session for 2015-2016. On Friday afternoon, the new LabGovers came together to discuss and to co-design a new idea for Rome together. Students were inspired by foremost experts in the field of regeneration and care of the commons. Each expert, with his or her own particular approach, could make an important contribution to the discussion.
The afternoon began with the intervention of the famous architect Massimo Alvisi, promoter of the project CO-Battipaglia and G124. The intervention has shown, through its key points for urban regeneration and using as example the cities of Turin, Catania and Rome, how collaborative relationships between the city and its inhabitants can stimulate active citizenship in the care for the commons. Massimo Alvisi told of the importance of working in a multidisciplinary environment and acting with determination in the territory. Because public buildings are a common good, participation is a key issue, especially for citizens. His method for participation was simple, with small interventions that have created wealth and stimulated energy. The focus is how citizens who are reclaiming their places in the city should not transform the territories but synthesize impactful solutions for the things that have gone wrong. Massimo Alvisi also demonstrated how a city can be developed through simple ideas in the service of its people to really meet the needs of a city. It can care of all its participants, where every small stimulus is a big step towards a path of cooperation. It is precisely in the areas most abandoned and suffering, that the presence of basic services can activate citizenship. That is where you have the key role of urban regeneration and the creation of a barrier-free city.
The second intervention involved Professor Sheila Foster, Professor of Law and Faculty Co-Director, Fordham Urban Law Center. She told the student how being an an activist and at the same time an expert could impact on things at different levels. She worked with environmental groups in New Jersey, Philadelphia, and New York and she reported to the students with energy her experiences. At LabGov, she discussed how the city can benefit from new forms of collaboration and participation through a new administrative approach. The creation of links is the basis of trust in a smart city.She focused on there the difference between “planning vs. doing” things, in order to help the administrations with experts to re-design and plan the commons.According Sheila Foster, collaboration is already a practice but we should push that to the next level, especially here in Rome.
The afternoon dedicated to building a new Rome, also had the pleasure of hosting a prominent communication expert. Michele D’Alena currently works at the Press and Communications Office of the City of Bologna, for which he also coordinated the process of the Digital Agenda and the project of the new civic network. Michele trasmetted to LAbgov students the basic know-how to enable them to change the administration with a buttom-up process, for Michele, that means first of all change the connection between citizens and the communication and transparency of their legislators and public policers. The proper communication, the marketing and the co-design of the processes shoulb be aimed at creating an active citizenship and an open-government.
The last guest was Flavia Barca, former commissioner of the culture of Rome, who gave us a very personal contribution on how, in Rome, to overcome the crisis, we must recognize the importance of cultural heritage. The impact that cultural heritage can have on economic, cultural and social, is the cornerstone of a new way of doing politics. This idea of culture for us is new, and we must rethink and revive the historical memory. Re-inhabiting the ruins, the past must be reconsidered and switched to instrument. The 1st part of the session was also attended by Lavinia Pastore, Paola Cannavò, Enrico Parisio for Mille Piani and Sara Seganti for Human Foundation.

The second part of the session was held on Saturday morning, from 10 am to 5 pm. Students spent their first hour in the garden with expert Zappata Romana. Strategists organized lectures with students in which they explained the three stages of analysis, mapping and testing. During the first co-working session, LabGovers they split into groups to co-create and start the process. The sustainability group led by Professor Luigi Corvo and Lavinia Pastore had the goal of making feasible the economic-financial, social and environmental ideas of the design group.
During this first session, it was considered necessary to dwell on the economic-financial profile, specifically analyzing the cost items and revenue to be leveraged to make the project sustainable. In particular to do so, after highlighting the various categories of stakeholders potentially affected, we focused on tools for fundraising, to the increase revenue of the project, and crowdsourcing, to reduce their costs. The former included mainly spontaneous donations, especially necessary to start a communication campaign that can reach large groups of people, and corporate investments, both civil and institutional. The latter are needed to lower start-up costs of the project.Special thanks also goes to the point of view reported by Sara Seganti for Human Foundation, thanks to her our students understand the importance of a proper evaluation for investments, and more than anything else the impact that these have on the whole society.
The design team, with the help of Eloisa Susanna, Serene Baldari and Paola Cannavò, worked on areas in which to intervene, reviewing areas and imagining solutions to get in touch with the people. One of the objectives that arose in this group was identifying the potential and the critical places. Another key thing that this group set out to do was to analyze existing structures, in particular those that are already based on collaborative structures such as co-working spaces and fablabs. A short-term objective essential for the group is mapping the area by taking a cue from existing best practices.
The third group worked on the difference between assets and assets not mappable mappable with Guglielmo Apolloni, especially, on how to experience an active search for these on the territory. The Communication’s role more sensitive in the process of starting the project, work on their balance is based on the purpose of receiving more visibility and transparency as possible.
The meeting gave the students a chance to take to the field, having acquired the know-how. The next goal is to go and visit the site to review its territory and its needs. Students have identified the managers of several sites to develop with them a relationship of partnership and trust. On November 13, the group will launch the second module of LabGov 2016 where all the students will report their experiences in comparison with the “collaboration-yards” studied.

by Diletta Di Marco | Oct 14, 2015 | EducationLabs
On 16 and 17 October, Labgov will present the first co-working session for Labgov 2016.
This two-day workshop is based on the proposal to imagine Rome in an innovative way.
The project CO-ROMA is focused on the idea that a city should learn to share, collaborate and cooperate with the institutions, the civil society, universities and all the possible stakeholders in order to create a collaborative community, that wants to improve the quality of life and save the Italian cognitive and cultural heritage.
The programme of this first co-working-day will be structured into four working groups, which will be: urban design; communication; community organization through service design, and sustainability.
The most competent experts in every field will hold the round tables; they will transfer their know-how to the neo-labgovers, and they will imagine all together this transformation for Rome.
Several forces are already present in this new collaborative city: active citizens, voluntary associations, schools, urban gardens, co-working spaces, fab-labs, business leaders, and professionals for the common good.
Moreover, on Saturday morning at 9.00 am, the 2016 Labgov students will work for the first time in the garden, with our technical partner for horticulture, Zappata Romana. It will be a fantastic weekend, full of experiences and adventures. The detailed programme will be published as soon as possible.
For further information, please write to our official address.

by Diletta Di Marco | Oct 10, 2015 | The Urban Media Lab
On October 12, LUISS University will host the first “Smart Cities Roadshow“,
organized by Formiche and Agol, in collaboration with the National Agency for
Youths, as well as several universities, institutions and firms.
These partners will work together to help young students to become the next
generation of leaders; they will teach students to be smarter and more
intelligent citizens of the community.

These are challenges that we can only overcome together through collective awareness
and strong participation. The day will begin at 9:30 am, and Professor Christian Iaione
will be one of the distinguished guests, along with Giampiero Gallo (Economic Advisor
to the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and a professor at the University of Florence),
Simona Vicari (State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Development with
responsibility for Smart City and President of the Task Force of the Ministry on
Smart Cities), Andrea Costa (project manager of EXPO 2015 Telecom Italia),
Laura Bononcini (Head of Public Policy at Facebook Italy) and many others.
In the afternoon the group will engage in stimulating co-design activities, where
students can consult with experts in the field. The round-tables will be organized
with policy makers, enterprises and experts to discuss a possible national policy
on the development of smart collaborative cities.
These activities will be featured by experts of the various branches: Ilaria Potito
(Head of Working Capital Operations at Telecom Italian), Mauro Annunziato
(Smart City and Coordinator of Eco enterprise ENEA) and Ugo Barbara (Head
New Media editors AGI).The event will end at 17:30.
We look forward to your participation!
If you want to participate register at this link.
by Diletta Di Marco | Oct 7, 2015 | EducationLabs
October 2nd we launched LabGov once again for the new academic year 2015/2016! On our first afternoon of the year, full of emotions and debates, we started with a very ambitious and challenging project. In the presence of the new LabGovers (Law, Economics, and Political Science students)several professors, staff members and illustrious experts had the chance to work together, listen to the inspiring words of one another’s previous experiences and imagine a new project for this year. We expect great ambition and willpower, as well as excellent results to share!
The meeting was attended by the Rector of the University Massimo Egidi, the famous Architect Massimo Alvisi and other partners of LabGov, including Luca D’Eusebio for Zappata Romana, Luca Parisio, Serena Baldari and Antonello Caporale. During the afternoon, the new program for the year was introduced by the name of CO-Rome, a project that involves the study of Rome as a city in which we try to build an innovative institutional future, with different and better views . The five souls of the collaborative governance (social innovation, public authorities, schools/universities, businesses, organized civil society) will work together to re-design our own city, making it more economically sustainable.
The goal of LabGov is to form new professional figures: “the practitioners of the commons.” These are people who are able to work in government, in business and in societies. They employ and enhance the resources, ideas, energy, skills and talents of these businesses and societies, which are widespread in the community and in the territories.
Autonomy, accountability, transparency and international openness are the values that make LabGov an incubator of innovative ideas built to establish a new economic and institutional paradigm.
The objects of analysis and experimentation will be as follows: collaborative urban and local governance; and economic, institutional and legal technology applied to the commons (urban, industrial, environmental, cultural, cognitive, digital, etc.). These objects promote processes of local economic development and strategic planning, based on innovation and civic collaboration between the public, private and community.
We will start with an initial mapping phase with a careful reading of the territory and its forms of collaboration. We will then have two phases of design and a follow-up.

As we have already done before, we will apply the CO-Cities approach, based on a strong partnership between institutions, the private sector and the community with significant help on the research side by the academic field.
This year, the co-design will be the fundamental instrument to create a prototype for effective governance and to identify tools based on the needs and characteristics of this city. We have to create a governance tool for the city of Rome that is suitable to the city’s peculiarities. This is our challenge: CO-Roma! In our research, we indentified different areas for testing urban cooperation, which are located on the outskirts of Rome: Garbatella neighborhood, the Appia Antica Park, a high school in Ostia and the V Municipality (Prenestino-Centocelle).
They represent four different types of urban commons to regenerate and invest in. This year, the Lab will focus on a very stimulating challenge for the City. A very stimulating journey cha in the City with many allies, partners and friends who will provide insightful advice to prototype a Commons-based collaborative governance for Rome. The Laboratory stays open to contributions, help and advice. The fourth edition of the Lab will take place in two phases. The former phase will focus on the workshops (October 2/2015, November 13/2015, February 26/2016 and April 8/2016). The latter phase will include co-working sessions (16/17 October 2015, 20/21 November 2015, 04/05 March 2016 and 15/-16 April 2016).
During the project, students will also engage in the field. They will cultivate the garden within LUISS University, a real testing ground of governance. In these 100 hours of pure innovation, together we will discover new stimulating and exciting forms of cooperation! For any information please write to our official account.
by Diletta Di Marco | Aug 10, 2015 | The Urban Media Lab
In the early 2000s the Center for Social Innovation at the Stanford Graduate School of Business launched the Stanford Social Innovation Review with the first “Editors’ Note” defining Social Innovation as “the process of inventing, securing support for, and implementing novel solutions to social needs and problems” with a clear manifesto: “dissolving boundaries and brokering a dialogue between the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.” [1]
From that time until now, research has made many leaps and bounds but there is still a huge potential and need to develop new skills and competences for an age of innovation and collaboration, especially, in the urban field. Our civil society, social economy and social enterprise movement has always found the power to drive positive change through its knowhow besides its values, knowledge and networks. In order to realize the full potential of our resources, it is crucial to embed strong and flexible knowhow that will help build a strong method and skills for innovative civil society organizations and social enterprises in a changing world. The reality is lagging behind these targets. But can we derive and propose some of these dynamic solutions through an innovative approach of commons? Does Commons-Based Urban Welfare Contribute to Social Cohesion?
Sharing and collaboration is also emerging as a model for a new urban lifestyle and new forms of social cohesion. Urban residents increasingly conceive private spaces and goods as common spaces and resources open to access or use by other people, share needs and tasks, help each other, give birth to new ways of living and moving within urban contexts, generate new forms of reciprocity, self- and mutual aid. Local governments following the capability approach are enabling forms of generative welfare to foster human flourishing. What are the lessons and forms of social innovation that we can learn from? One possibility is the regeneration of neighborhoods, private spaces and buildings to transform them into common spaces for co-living, co-housing, and other forms of collaborative living and welfare. The emergence of an urban collaboration class is transforming social relations between urban inhabitants and therefore should trigger a rethinking of welfare systems at the urban level. These questions are the ones which we must build on.
The first IASC Conference is trying to find new stimuli. With its focus on “The City as a Commons: Reconceiving Urban Space, Common Goods And City Governance” LabGov organizes it in collaboration with Fordham University of New York and the ICEDD of the LUISS University of Rome. The Conference will take place in Bologna on 6-7 November 2015. The conference will be co-chaired by the LabGov’s coordinator Professor Christian Iaione (UniMarconi University and LUISS Guido Carli) and by Prof. Sheila Foster (Fordham University) both pioneer scholars in conceiving the urban commons.
The Conference aim to analyses the phenomenon of urban commons in a comprehensive way, dividing the two day work in 6 Tracks. One of the them is devoted to the Social innovation as the Basis for a Commons-Based Urban Welfare. Professors, scholars, experts are invited to submit a paper for contributing to the ongoing debate on Social Innovation. The Conference want to investigate on what are the lessons and the forms of innovation that it is possible to learn from the literature on social innovation and from the experiences of the movement active all around the world.
The real change is already around us. We have to learn about how we should compare and how we must share. From the point of view of Eddy Adams, member of the EU URBACT “cities exchange and learning” Programme, Social Innovation consists on new ways to tackle the most chronic social challenges.
Recently, the change has also paced the Italian capital of Piedmont. Thanks to prominent figures such as Michele Fatibene, the city of Turin has officially sent these days an internal communication to its employees with a special project invite: Innova.To. This project is a collaborative/cooperative “competition”, which aims to engage employees of the City of Turin in developing projects that can help improve the performance of the City through the reduction of waste and the use of resources. The initiative is part of the Torino Smart City project which is an incentive, even within the Administration, for the adoption of tools that enable the participation and sharing of knowledge and ideas.
Ezio Manzini, a leading thinker in design for sustainability, founded DESIS, an international network on design for social innovation and sustainability, in his latest work “Design,when everybody designs”draws the first comprehensive picture of design for social innovation defying that as the most dynamic field of action for both expert and nonexpert designers in the coming decades. Thanks to his experience, what is certainly clear is that also your input is necessary! The deadline for the paper submission is tomorrow, August 10, 2015 at 12.00 pm.
Submit your paper until today!