by Edoardo De Stefani | Feb 14, 2015 | The Urban Media Lab
On the 18th of February there will be an interesting meeting at the Casa della Città in Rome, entitled “Il mercato al centro” (The market at the centre) and organized within the activities of the TUTUR project. The meeting aims at searching and questioning what will be the role of the market in the urban regeneration of the neighborhood. It will be present local and Dutch experts, such as Francesca Miazzo, Pinar Balat and Paul Alexander de Graaf. LabGov is partner of the project and it will partecipate at the meeting for contributing at the debate on urban regeneration bringing the experience of Bologna, Mantova and Rome. Prof. Christian Iaione, Coordinator of LabGov will partecipate in the roundtable together experts and local public officers.
TUTUR – Temporary use as a tool for urban regeneration – is a planning tool developed to bring together a wide number of stakeholders for advancing projects of urban regeneration. In particular, the potential uses of existing resources and infrastructures are developed with a specific regard to the revitalization of neighborhoods. As happened for the temporary use requalification of the area placed under the “Viaduct of the Presidents” in Rome, TUTUR aims at facilitating and promoting the reactivation of unused public assets.
In line with this philosophy, the project of Viale Adriatico Market was born with the objective of reanimating the urban network, from the perspective of environmental quality and services to citizens.
The Urban Transformation Assesorate of the City of Rome is the Leading Partner of the project, given the great importance of urban regeneration for the future development strategy of the city. For this reason, on 2 February 2015 there were presented several projects for the regeneration of the “Viale Adriatico Market”, developed by the students of the UARK Rome centre and with the support of TUTUR.
There are in fact a wide range of public owned spaces that need to be placed in a renovated planning scheme, in order to serve the demands and opportunities of that specific physical capital.
Thanks to the support of the residents of the area and of experts and professionals like those from LabGov and Farmingthecity, it was possible to open a panel discussion for identifying the best ideas for the Viale Adriatico Market.
The input received will serve as a basis to operationalize the intervention on the market that will take place on 20-22 March 2015.
For further info visit the link
Forthcoming event at:link
Il 2 Febbraio sono stati presentati a Roma i progetti per il rilancio del mercato di Viale Adriatico sviluppati dagli studenti americani del UARK Rome centre con il gruppo di supporto locale del progetto TUTUR, alla presenza di esperti locali ed internazionali di rigenerazione urbana, tra i quali LabGov e Farmingthecity.
Grazie al supporto delle idee sviluppate dallo UARK Roma Centre, TUTUR mira a ricostruire l’esperienza del “mercato al centro” con l’obiettivo di implementare una strategia di rigenerazione di spazi pubblici mal utilizzati o sottosviluppati. E’ importante riuscire a ricostituire un utilizzo comunitario di beni pubblici, data la crescente necessità di confrontarsi con le sfide di rivitalizzazione dei quartieri.
Gli input ricevuti durante l’incontro sono altresì preziosi per confrontarsi nuovamente sul progetto di rinnovamento.
Per seguire i prossimi eventi o per ulteriori informazioni => link
by Edoardo De Stefani | Feb 10, 2015 | The Urban Media Lab
NexT SNIA Viscosa is an open call for attracting ideas, talents and competences for the regeneration of an ex-industrial area in the City of Rieti.
The underlying idea is not about selecting the best project or about competition among ideas, rather the working method of collaboration and co-design becomes an objective itself.
All local and international stakeholders are called to work in a transversal and interdisciplinary manner on the themes of social innovation and urban requalification.
The participative structure of the call makes possible to include all those local stakeholders that are interested in building a new narrative of the territory.
The project of regeneration becomes a transparent experiment of social co-designing and it gives the possibility to be part of the think-tank together with professionals and changemakers.
The project promoters are the Municipality of Rieti, Rena, Monte dei Paschi di Siena and Snark for the technical support.
To participate, please visit > link
Further info at > Link
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Presentato il bando internazionale NexT Snia Viscosa: un’opportunità di rilancio per Rieti
Giovedì 29 gennaio, presso il cinema Moderno, l’associazione RENA, il Comune di Rieti e Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena hanno lanciato il bando internazionale “NexT Snia Viscosa”, sulla base di un importante progetto di riqualificazione di un ex area industriale del territorio laziale.
L’idea del bando è quella di raccogliere la sfida di una rigenerazione urbana di aree produttive dismesse, attraverso l’utilizzo di strumenti di innovazione sociale e tecniche di co-progettazione. L’idea principale è quella di mettere insieme un gruppo di professionisti ed innovatori sociali, nonché di persone che abbiano competenze di analisi, progettazione e di racconto dell’area.
Individuare una direzione progettuale richiede infatti un approccio trasversale che coinvolga allo stesso tempo cittadini e operatori del territorio, in modo da comprendere quali siano le reali motivazioni ed esigenze del cambiamento.
Il bando mira quindi a raccogliere idee per la riqualificazione dell’ex Snia Viscosa e ad attirare manifestazioni di interesse, da parte di tutti quei soggetti interessati, siano essi attori locali, nazionali o internazionali impegnati su tematiche di progettazione ed innovazione sociale.
Il percorso prevede una fase di ricerca, ascolto ed osservazione -sulla base di un approccio di comunicazione e partecipazione trasparente alla città e agli stakeholders coinvolti- ed infine un vero e proprio processo di co-progettazione e formulazione progettuale.
Per rispondere alla call, si rimanda al link seguente : link
Ulteriori informazioni su: link
by Edoardo De Stefani | Jan 28, 2015 | The Urban Media Lab

The sharing economy is growing faster than ever and becoming a hot policy issue these days. Casa Netural, Collaboriamo, RENA and LabGov have for this reason decided to launch the “Sharing School”. Thanks to the collaboration between these organizations and with the support of Ouishare, Avanzi and Societing, the School has been able to host highly qualified professionals and experienced innovators. The guest star of the event has been Neal Gorenflo from Shareable, an American leading organization in the field of sharing economy and collaborative practices.
The event held in Rome at Porta Futuro, had the main objective of dealing with the mainstream tendency of sharing economy and to understand if such trend can become the leading paradigm of the new economy. Andrea Fusco, Director of Department III – Services for placement and quality of life of the Province of Rome, the future Metropolitan City, was very happy to host the Sharing School initiative.
Minister Counselor for Public Affairs of the US Embassy in Italy Elizabeth McKay, reminded how the sharing economy has already changed things; it is no longer a new phenomenon and thanks to technological interactions and social media, we are exploring a potential that can disrupt traditional forces. Customers become service providers themselves, acting as catalysts for phasing into the system resources and goods that are normally not exploited.
We were used to think about sharing economy as some “nerd stuffs”, while nowadays there is a sort of “media bulimia” that affect the topic of sharing economy – says Francesco Russo, President of RENA. It is undeniable that we are assisting to a growing tendency of the concept of collaboration, as we simply trust strangers. However, the problem is that we shall distinguish what sharing is really about, and that is the aim of the Sharing School. There is a paradigmatic change of society and in the next future, 40% of the online staffing will be served through services provided by the sharing economy. Then, the approach of the initiative is not only about telling the story of a new economic trend.
As Neal Gorenflo recognizes, we are all here to learn how to gather people and create a common homogeneous vision about the sharing economy. But here we encounter obstacles, since we need to dissolve the gap between trans-formational economy and trans-action sharing, which basically maintains social hierarchies. Neal Gorenflo talked about making a choice between the red pill and blue pill like in The Matrix movie. The blue pill is a story about the re-adaptation of the old capitalist paradigm to the new economic trends, where Uber and AirBnB are the concrete examples of how initiatives of such strand of the sharing economy can still create monopolies. On the other hand, the red pill is the one that inspired our research. It is about the resurgent collaborative experimentation and it is what can wake up reality. We need to open cities, to make them available for use and to activate citizens by creating an economy “by and for” the people. We need to invest on transformational sharing much rather than transactional sharing.
However, as Matteo Lepore – Commissioner to Economy, Development of the City, Tourism, International Relations and Digital Agenda of the City of Bologna – underlined, if we talk about social order and sharing economy, we are inevitably bound to themes such as politics, democracy and participation. In fact, even taking the red pill has the risk of initiating a debate between citizens and the political representation. It is all about a systemic change, otherwise there would be no way back from the loss of collaboration between citizens and institutions. Step by step, we are loosing the sense of citizenship, by projecting a vision of citizens as the residual assets of society. Fortunately, the City of Bologna was able to initiate a process of human capital reactivation, thanks to the implementation of the “Bologna Regulation on public collaboration for urban commons” that seeks to transform the Public Administration in an enabling factor. The City of Bologna is thus a starting point for understanding how collaborative practices can rehabilitate citizens and regenerate urban networks, for instance with the instrument of the “pact of collaboration“. The underlying idea is that important results can only be achieved through effective practices of co-working, which involve citizens and professionals through a platform of mutual exchange of skills and knowledge.
Starting from the community to build competences and deliver effective results on the territory is also the strategy of the City of Milan , says Renato Galliano, Director of Smart City Service in Milan. We have to recognize that it exists a network of collaborative urban cities, which is itself a new form of infrastructure. This is the confirmation that collaborative economy is not only about isolated and scattered projects of mobility sharing, start-ups and civic crowdfunding. The social innovation entails a renaissance of the cities in a wider context, whereas citizens are the locomotives of change and public administrations are the habilitating infrastructure.
As Christian Iaione, Coordinator of LabGov, reminded we have to reinforce the processes of active citizenship and active entrepreneurship, to foster a steady dialogue between the five actors of collaborative governance and to create an “Italian way” to sharing. Indeed, the real sharing is centered on the restitution of value to the community. This is a good opportunity also for the City of Rome. Daniela Patti – from the staff of the Comminisioner to the Urban Transformation in Rome – affirmed that we need to create a network of collaborative cities, to develop instruments to regenerate abandoned urban spaces and to consolidate practices for exploiting the latent potential of the great cultural heritage.
Alex Giordano (Societing and Rural Hub) warned against the dysfunctions that an incorrect practice of sharing economy can create. In this sense, we should not only focus on the quantitative approach and upon capitalist mechanisms. It is in fact essential to reason on communities and social impact. If we have a look at territorial distributions, it is possible to notice how people are divided by interests and have lost the sense and ethic of community building. Fortunately there are breeding grounds of innovation that create value, even if their outreach is limited by disabling institutional leaderships. The problem is that those who have the courage to produce social innovation are constantly marginalized, as Simone Cicero of Ouishare, noticed. Even Enrico Parisio, of Coworking Millepiani says that we need to express such new exigency, as a pedagogic stimulus for social innovation. When we started talking about sharing economy, nobody believed it could be real, reminds Ivan Fadini of Impact Hub Roma. For this reason we are strongly committed today on avoiding the reiteration of traditional economic capitalism.
The commoners will be the heroes of social innovation.
Stay united!
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Presentata a Roma la prima edizione della Sharing School.
Si è tenuto il 22 gennaio 2015 l’evento di presentazione della Sharing School di Matera, la prima scuola sulla sharing economy e sulla condivisione per promuovere in Italia un nuovo paradigma sociale, economico e istituzionale. L’incontro, ospitato da Porta Futuro e reso possibile grazie alla collaborazione tra Casa Netural, RENA, Collaboriamo e LabGov, con il supporto di Avanzi, OuiShare e Societing, ha visto la partecipazione, grazie al supporto dell’Ambasciata americana in Italia, di Neal Gorenflo co-fondatore di Shareable.
L’evento, incentrato su temi dell’ economia collaborativa e innovazione sociale, ha rappresentato un importante punto d’incontro tra ospiti internazionali, attori istituzionali, accademici e società civile. Se si vuole sviluppare un nuovo concetto di economia, è necessario rivedere gli orizzonti sociali e promuovere spazi innovativi di collaborazione. E’ in un contesto di inclusione sociale e di promozione della cittadinanza attiva che la sharing economy deve prendere piede perché, come ricorda Neal Gorenflo, le persone devono rappresentare lo snodo per un’economia collaborativa.
Dobbiamo cominciare a comprendere come l’implementazione di un modello di governance condivisa non ruba potere alle amministrazioni, semmai ne rinvigorisce la struttura e la riempie di nuovi contenuti. Per questo il prof. Christian Iaione, coordinatore di LabGov, invita a pensare all’economia come un bene comune che possa essere curato e messo a punto con interventi di animazione da parte di tutti quei soggetti coinvolti nell’ambito della sharing economy, inclusi i cittadini.
by Edoardo De Stefani | Dec 24, 2014 | The Urban Media Lab
The G124 is a working group lead by the visionary architect and Senator Renzo Piano that works for the re-qualification of the peripheries.
The idea to set up a Lab for the requalification of the urban texture was born as a response to the mounting necessity to restore the ghost spaces of the cities, in particular the old industrial districts. The renaissance of the peripheries is not only an architectural phenomenon, as it involves functions that are far beyond the physicality of spaces.
Indeed, periphery is often a synonymous of identity, but at the same time it demonstrated during the last decades to be so fragile and disconnected from the city.
The Master plan by Renzo Piano for the regeneration of the maxi area of the old industrial district FALK in the city of Milan, intends to mend the “collective conscience” and to establish a new canon of urban architecture, as well as new roles for spaces: In order to contribute to the spirit of the community, it is necessary to rethink the physiognomy of spaces and to assign them the value of melting pot of the collective identity.
The imaginative vision of the working team goes far beyond the boundary of current times, since the project envision a new architecture and new functions for “the city that will be”.
In this sense, there is the awareness that we need to set up today a social construction yard for building the physical innovations of tomorrow.
The terrain is fertile for the inception of a model of active school, that become a sort of educational lab with flexible spaces and instruments that facilitate a collaborative approach to knowledge.
The urban renaissance must be fertilized with structures that are able to sustain collaboration and positive networking; at the same time, it becomes crucial to conquer those abandoned spaces for transforming them into shipyards of social innovation. Let’s think for example to the common gardening or to the quarter Laboratories (LDQ).
Moreover, we shall protect the fragility of our cities by conferring responsibilities to the new generation, by giving them adequate public structures as well as the possibility to invent new jobs.
For this reason, we believe that the project lead by the Renzo Piano Building Workshop will be a prominent example in the area of urban regeneration, especially regarding schools, their educational system and their role in the neighborhood, as they are simply the most important and prolonged space of collective rendezvous.
Image copyright by: RPBW
by Edoardo De Stefani | Dec 3, 2014 | EducationLabs
The second edition of Sharitaly, the first Italian event entirely dedicated to the sharing economy, was a great occasion for launching the “sharing school” program that will be held in the city of Matera on January 2015, the 23rd.
The four days full immersion is a program based on a “learning by doing approach”, which aims at forming participants on the raising theme of sharing economy.
The possibility to experiment collaboration among participants is the pivotal practice of the school. Through active participation, cooperation, inclusion and strong theoretical background, the program aims at analyzing recent trends and best practices of the sharing economy and to provide the necessary instruments for designing and managing community services.
The school is thus recommended for all those people, enterprises or public actors which seek to deepen their knowledge of practices related to the Commons, as well as to the sharing economy.
Matera, elected as European Capital of Culture 2019, is the perfect place for hosting the “sharing school” because of its public spaces and because of the high rate of sensitivity to innovation of the civic community that lives in Matera.
CasaNeutral is an example of how the paradigm of co-working can become social innovation as well as a leading professional experience.
Moreover, thanks to the collaboration of all partners, the school will be able to host highly qualified professionals and experienced innovators.
For inscriptions and more info please click on the link below:
La seconda edizione del Sharitaly, il primo evento italiano interamente dedicato alla economia della condivisione, è stato una grande occasione per il lancio del programma school sharing che si terrà nella città di Matera a partire dal 23 gennaio 2015. Matera, eletta Capitale Europea della Cultura 2019, è il luogo ideale per ospitare la sharing school per i suoi spazi pubblici e per l’alto tasso di sensibilità per l’innovazione della comunità civica che ci vive. La full immersion di quattro giorni è un programma basato su un “learning by doing”, che mira a formare i partecipanti sul tema raccolta di sharing economy.
Per le iscrizioni e per maggiori info: