Collaborative governance and urban Commons at #ForumPA!

Collaborative governance and urban Commons at #ForumPA!

2885785In occasion of last ForumPA, Professor Christian Iaione, coordinator of LabGov – LABoratory for the GOVernance of Commons joined three events in collaborative governance field.

During the first meeting, on 26th of May, Professor Iaione participated in Towards a card of digital citizenship” Conference. Here contributors wondered about the highlight of new rights that the network access and the use of new technologies make available to citizens, in light of the first article of the “law Madia” above all.

For the second meeting, that took place on 27th of May, the coordinator of LabGov joined the seminar “Do #RivoluzionePA with participation: how and why”  – in collaboration with Poste Italiane. This was a time for discussion and peer to peer training on tools and methodologies of participation in government processes and on creation of public value. Contributions, experiences and border interactions in a session that wanted to build participation. The goal was to identify and codify tools and practices to be transferred in Public Administration.

Finally, during the last meeting on 28th of May, Professor Iaione held a laboratory named “Collaborative mapping and active policies for commons”, that was a double laboratory dedicated to the combination between the practices of mapping abandoned assets and active policies for commos, both founded on social interaction and active participation of citizens. The first ones tell us about the abandonment of territories, the latter ones dedicated to the production of public goods often triggered through the reuse of these assets decommissioned.




Governance collaborativa e beni comuni urbani al #ForumPA!


In occasione dell’ultimo ForumPA 2015, il Professor Christian Iaione, coordinatore di LabGov – LABoratorio per la GOVernance dei beni comuni, ha partecipato e moderato alcuni tra gli eventi in programma.

WITHYOUWEDO Telecom Italia – Crowdfunding for MappiNa

WITHYOUWEDO Telecom Italia – Crowdfunding for MappiNa

WITHYOUWEDO Crowdfunding
is the Reward Based Crowdfunding platform and Donation Based Crowdfunding Telecom Italia that can support innovative projects by making concrete digital ideas, through the support of the community. 15 projects has been presented and they are now online on the website.

home.1-6d4a1ae2Among all projects presented , there is MappiNa- Mappa alternative della città. MappiNa is a collaborative platform that draws a different cultural image of the city through the contribution of its inhabitants. Born in Naples and a few months ago launched in Milan, Rome and Venice-Mestre, MappiNa wants to encourage citizens to watch their city outside the stereotypes, promoting collaboration in the reuse of resources. Mappina – in Naples – is the cloth used and abused, but useful in the daily practice of those who take care of the house. Building Mappina is a bit like living in the city.

The platform allows anyone to geotag photos, video, sounds and texts. By doing this, they contribute to create a variety of maps based on the urban culture. It is expressed in street art, in street games, the unexpected encounters – in practical use of public space – urban self-produced furnishings to make more comfortable the city (Map of Places). Sounds and words heard on the street (Map of Sounds), in its spaces uncertain and abandoned properties (Map leavers) and reusability temporary (Map of Ideas), in the variety of operators producing culture and the multitude of events that spread (Map of Performers and Events). The goal is to compose, through daily experience, a map that is a collective narrative, which is an occasion rethink alternative ways to govern the city.

To participate as a donor:




WITHYOUWEDO Telecom Italia – Crowdfunding for MappiNa

WITHYOUWEDO Crowdfunding è la piattaforma di Reward Based Crowdfunding e di Donation Based Crowdfunding di Telecom Italia che permette di sostenere progetti innovativi rendendo concrete idee di talento in ambito digitale, attraverso il supporto della community.

Tra i progetti attivi presentati e adesso online c’è MappiNa.  Si tratta di una piattaforma collaborativa che grazie al crowdsourcing urbano disegna una diversa immagine culturale delle città attraverso il contributo, critico ed operativo, dei suoi abitanti. La piattaforma permette a chiunque di georeferenziare foto, video, suoni e testi e contribuire alla costruzione di una varietà di mappe fondate su quella cultura urbana che si esprime nella street art, nei giochi in strada, negli incontri inaspettati, ecc.

Per partecipare:

Cooking lessons and talks: what happened!

Cooking lessons and talks: what happened!

IMG_0370A cooking competition has been the final event  of this third edition of Labgov. In this occasion students, professors and staff members had the occasion to work together, listen to the inspiring words of our judge and guest Annibale D’ Elia. The meeting was followed by the final lesson in the garden with our partners from Zappata Romana. Adding to this an amazing sunny day, we can easily say that there couldn’t have been a better conclusion to the Labgov activities of this year.

On the 18th of April the last event on the Labgov calendar has taken place, and even if several future projects are waiting for the group, we have reached the end of the third edition of the Laboratory, which focused on “environment agriculture and food”, with the aim of discovering a possible path of collaborative governance of our territory as a commons.

The program for the day was rich and diversified. It started with the last cooking class, in which the chefs taught to the participants how to make a classical but always loved dessert–tiramisù- and, before the official competition began, a special coffee break took place, in which our guest Annibale D’Elia gave us numerous advices.

IMG_0364D’Elia is  one of the co-founders of Bollenti Spiriti, the youth policies program created by the region Puglia,  composed by  a number of actions aiming at allowing young citizens’ participation in all the aspects of the community life. Starting from his experience with this project, D’Elia told us about the importance of getting personally involved, trying to create something new from what we already have, without waiting for the perfect conditions to develop. He believes that we should take reality as it is and not as we think it should be, and in order to do so we need to make a step towards a different direction and to look at the world around us from a new perspective.  We live in a time in which what we learn in school is not enough anymore, and in which new competences are required. To acquire these competences we need an informal education in which people get together, share experiences and learn trough practice.

This stimulating speech was followed by the cooking competition, in which the participants, divided into two teams, faced each other and attempted to reproduce all the dishes they prepared during the previous meetings. Before the judges returned their final verdict all the participants enjoyed the lunch offered by CIR-FOOD Luiss.

IMG_0494But this wasn’t the end. During this conclusive Labgov meeting a last common work shift in the community garden could not be missing! The group moved to the garden and met  with our partners from Zappata Romana, who have been following the project since the beginning of the year and who have shared with us their knowledge on many occasions. The last activity of the day consisted in the creation of “gardens in a box in which each student could plant his favorite seeds, giving life to a small personalized garden, ready to be taken home and to be taken care of as the Laboratory taught us to do.

PIANTAGONO – Cleaning our flowerbed to regenerate our neighbourhood!

PIANTAGONO – Cleaning our flowerbed to regenerate our neighbourhood!

Next Friday, April the 17th, LabGov – LABoratory for the GOVernance of commons and AMUSE – Amici Municipio Secondo will collaborate to regenerate the central flowerbed of Piazza Ungheria, Rome.

The goal of the project is to raise awareness of sustainable development, the care and regeneration of urban green spaces and governance of the commons. The specific objective of the project is the rehabilitation, care and maintenance of the flowerbed of Piazza Ungheria and the creation of a network of collaboration among active citizens in urban green spaces.

Among all partners that will enjoy the event, there will be Zappata Romana; Interazioni urbane; Rebike ALTERmobility; Radio Luiss; Greenchallenge; Luiss TV; Luiss LEP; Retake Roma.

The event – that will begin at 2.30 PM in Piazza Ungheria, Rome – will be divided in two parts:

2.30 PM – 5.00 PM: regenerating action

5.00 PM – 6.00 PM: Tea Time in LUISS Community Garden

For more details, please refer to the flyers below:

                           17 aprile_Loc 17 aprile (10)                          Volantino opz2 - B&N (5)

Re-designing and communicating governance: next LabGov workshop is coming!

Re-designing and communicating governance: next LabGov workshop is coming!


Next Friday and Saturday, March the 20th and the 21st LUISS School of Government will host the second LabGov workshop.

After a virtuous beginning with Ernesto Belisario and the Open Data world, LabGov is proud to invite you to a workshop relating to the design and the communication of governance.

This two-day meeting will be organised in the following steps:

Friday, March the 20th: At 4:00 PM, in Room AT03 at Viale Romania, 32 – Rome – Dino Amenduni – social media Manager for Proforma – will start the workshop by introducing communicating skills to create governance of commons.

Saturday, March the 21st: starting at 9:00 AM, in the same room, Daniela Selloni – designer of collaborating services and social innovation – will describe designing techniques for the creation – and management – of urban commons.

Here is the program:

20- 21 marzo


Disegnare e comunicare la governance: il prossimo workshop di LabGov sta arrivando!

Venerdì 20 e sabato 21 marzo l’Università LUISS ospiterà il secondo workshop di LabGov.

Dopo l’interessante inizio con Ernesto Belisario e il mondo degli open data, LabGov è lieto di invitarvi all’incontro per Disegnare e Comunicare la governance.

Per questa settimana, Dino Amenduni – comunicatore politico e responsabile social media di Proforma – e Daniela Selloni – service designer e ricercatrice – ci accomoagneranno nella comprensione della gestione della governance dei beni comuni urbani.