This article is a focus on the figure of LabGov’s coordinator, professor Christian Iaione.
Christian Iaione is associate professor of public law at Guglielmo Marconi University of Rome, fellow of the Urban Law Center at Fordham University, and visiting professor of governance of the commons at LUISS Guido Carli. He is an expert of the EU Committee of the Regions and he is member of the Sharing Economy International Advisory Board of the Seoul Metropolitan Government.
Prof. Iaione has published several articles in the field of public and administrative law and, in particular, land use, public goods and the commons, public services and public contracts, urban law and local government. He has authored two books on In house publicly-owned companies. Contribution to the principle of self-organization and self-production of local governments (Jovene, 2007 – 2012, II ed.) and The regulation of urban mobility (Jovene, 2008) and has co-authored Italy of the Commons (Carocci, 2012) and The Age of Sharing (Carocci, 2015).
Here is an anthology of his publications:
- L’Italia dei beni comuni (with G.Arena), Carrocci, Rome, (2012).
- L’età della condivisione (with G.Arena) Carrocci, Rome (2015).
Recent Publications:
- La città collaborativa: la governance dei beni comuni per l’urbanistica collaborata e collaborativa, published in Agenda RE-CYCLE, Proposte per reinventare la città (Il Mulino, 2017). Available soon.
- The City as a Commons (Yale Law and Policy Review, 2016), together with Sheila R. Foster. “City space is highly contested space. As rapid urbanization takes hold around much of the world, contestations over city space – how that space is used and for whose benefit – are at the heart of many urban movements and policy debates”. Full article here.
- Lo Stato – Piattaforma di immaginazione civica, la politica e le istituzioni nel secolo del CO-, published in 25 anni di riforme della PA: troppe norme, pochi traguardi, 39 (Forum PA, Annual Report 2016). An analysis of how the State should begin to function as a Platform and of how institutions and policies should evolve in the “CO-” age – a period in which the key words seem to be community, collaboration, cooperation, communication, commons, co-design, co-production, co-management, co-housing, co-design, sharing, knowledge, etc. Full article here.
- La quintupla elica come approccio alla governance dell’innovazione sociale, published in I luoghi dell’innovazione aperta, modelli di sviluppo territoriale e inclusione sociale, 74 (Quaderni, Fondazione G.Brodolini, Studi e Ricerche, November 2016). In this paper it is stated that the “Collaborative City” (CO-City) urban co-governance framework, based on the three levels of sharing, pooling and poly-centrism, can facilitate collaborative and open knowledge production and social innovation processes within the city. Furthermore, the CO-City approach further elaborates on the triple helix governance model and develops a more complex and precise version, defined as quintuple helix model, which identifies the five actors of the polycentric governance. Full article here.
- Poolism: sharing economy vs. pooling economy (LabGov website, 2015). Sharing economy builds on new or revived social patterns having important business, legal and institutional implications: the social practices of sharing and collaboration. They both build on the well known social practice of co-operation.
Full article here.
- The Co-City (American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2015).
This paper introduces an innovative, experimental, adaptive, and iterative approach to creating legal and institutional frameworks based on urban polycentric governance to foster collaborative urban planning. Full article here.
- The Collaborative and Polycentric Governance of the Urban and Local Commons (Urban Pamphleteer #5, 2015), together with Paola Cannavò. “Institutions, designed in a historical era in which the government handed out basic services to citizens, are nowadays required to design new types of services in collaboration with citizens. In order to define better forms of urban and local governance, it’s necessary to study and elaborate a new paradigm, to find new theories, policies and development models”. Full article here.
- Governing the Urban Commons (Italian Journal of Public Law, 2015).
The purpose of this paper is to investigate a fundamental question relating to institutional design in the public sector. After two centuries of Leviathan-like public institutions or Welfare State, do we still need full delegation of every public responsibility and/or exclusive monopoly of the power to manage public affairs? Full article here.
- La collaborazione civica per l’amministrazione, la governance e l’economia dei beni comuni (L’età della condivisione, 2015).
“In Italia i beni comuni sono ormai entrati nel lessico quotidiano. Il rischio è che «beni comuni» diventi un’espressione di senso comune, ma priva di effettivo valore semantico e, soprattutto, di rigore scientifico: casella vuota che chiunque si senta legittimato a riempire con qualunque significato”. Full article here.
- Città e Beni Comuni (L’Italia dei Beni Comuni, 2012).
“Dove va una persona se vive in una città, non ha la fortuna di possedere un giardino e sente il bisogno di immergersi in un ambiente naturale, usufruire di tutti i servizi che uno spazio verde può fornire come correre, leggere un libro su un prato all’aria aperta, respirare aria mediamente più pulita?”. Full article here.
- The Tragedy of Urban Roads: Saving Cities from Choking, Calling on Citizens to Combat Climate Change (Fordham Urban Law Journal, 2009).
This article argues that the best response to the tragedy of road congestion has to rely on market-based regulatory techniques and public policies aimed at controlling the demand-side of transportation congestion.
Full article here.
- Local Public Entrepreneurship and Judicial Intervention in a Euro-American and Global Perspective (Washington University Global Studies Law Review, 2008). “Local public entrepreneurship encompasses a variety of activities carried out by local governments designed to foster local economic development. This article presents local public entrepreneurship as a windfall of the right to local self-government”. Full article here.
A complete list of his publications is available here.
Recent articles and interviews:
- Il Giornale delle Fondazioni, “Spunti per una ri-costruzione” December 13th 2016. Available here.
- Linkiesta, “Non sarà il referendum a cambiare l’Italia, ma le città e il protagonismo delle piccole comunità”, November 26th 2016. Available here.
- New Europe – Cities in Transition, “The Possibility of a Co-city” – November 17th, 2016. Available here.
- Green European Journal, “The City as Commons” (Interview to Christian Iaione by Kati Van De Welde, ) Novembre 2016. Available here.
- Forum PA, “Christian iaione illustra il paradigma della città cooperativa” – Novembre 4th 2016
- Vita, “Bologna dove decolla la Pooling Economy”, November 3rd 2016
- Collaboriamo, “Co-progettare una policy sull’economia della collaborazione e della condivisione. L’esperienza di #CollaboraToscana” – September 11th 2016
- The Academy of Urbanism, “Co-governance, building a stronger spirit of Collaboration” – July 25th 2016
- European Cultural Fundation, Build the city Magazine, June 2016 “LabGov-Laboratory for the Governance of the Commons. A discussion between Michel Bauwens and Christian Iaione” and “Bologna celebrates one year of a bold experiment in urban commoning, by Neal Gorenflo”
- Shareable “Interviewed: Professor Christian Iaione on the City as a Commons” – February 17th 2015
- Zavit (Israeli Environmental News Agency) – Interview with Professor Christian Iaione, 12 Aprile 2016. available here
- Commons Transition, “The City as Commons, with Professor Christian Iaione” – March 2nd 2015