Saturday, April 27th 2019, the third community gardening session of the Urban Clinic EDU LabGov has taken place in Luiss community garden #OrtoLuiss. This last appointment was dedicated to completing the construction of the material prototypes designed during this A.A. of the Urban Clinic by the students.
This appointment was dedicated to completing the construction of their material prototype that is an entry point in cities, and it is also equipped with technological elements. This entry point will link to the immaterial protoype, that want to raise awareness on issues such as sustainable agriculture, nutrition, diet, sport, tech justice and many more.
Labgovers split into groups to perfect their prototype and demonstrated great organizational and collaborative skills. But they still have some things to do and for this reason we will meet again on Saturday 4th May in Luiss!
The LabGovers just don’t want to leave us!
Stay Tuned!