After a sunny Easter break, the Urban clinic is back to hold its fifth and last module on Friday, April 17th and Saturday 18th. The LabGovers will be supported by a team of experts: Lina Krawietz and Joaquín Santuber co-founders of the think tank “This is Legal Design Thinking”…but do you actually know what really is Legal Design? Under our perspective, law should be a tool accessible and comprehensible to everybody. This is why Legal Design arose. Firstly, it is based on three principles: communication, transparency and engagement. Its goals are to simplify the legal jargon in order to make it accessible and comprehensive to non-initiated persons, and secondly to build a communication to make legal procedures more efficient. “Designers” skills will be very useful for the last adjustments of the project. How will students implement and acquire such tools?

During the workshop of Friday afternoon, the Team of “This is Legal Design Thinking” will present a case study and examples of different way to design and create solution in order to make privacy policy accessible and comprehensible to everyone. After that, they will give some advice about how to protect ideas from competitors, and finally a discussion will materialize between the team of experts and the students. 

The LabGovers will be divided in two groups for the co-working of Saturday, under the supervision of Lina Krawietz and Joaquín Santuber and a reunion will take place all together at the end of the day to hear about what the other group did and discuss it. 

Don’t hesitate to keep up with us and discover more about Legal Design following us on our social media: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!