On June 3rd 2019, at 10.00am, Luiss Guido Carli University will host a presentation of Luiss Green Mobility, as part of the 3rd edition of the Sustainable Development Festival. The event will take place in room Toti, Viale Romania 32, Rome.

Luiss Green Mobility is the first university service in Europe to provide the academic community with smart, connected and shared mobility. Thanks to a platform and an app, students and academics are able to commute from one campus to another and move through the streets of the capital. The respect for the environment is an essential element to structure and guide students’ self-development.
Daniele Del Pesce CEO Electric Drive Italia
Christian Iaione Professor of Urban Law and Policy at Luiss University and Manager of LabGov- Laboratory for the Governance of the city as a Commons-
Andrea Buonomini CEO Ratp Dev Italy
Federico Testa E-Mobility ACEA Meeting coordinator
Benito De Filippis CEO Mercedes Benz Rome
Antonio Galdo Manager of the website Non Sprecare

More information on Luiss Green Mobility here: