by Marina Bassi | Nov 25, 2014 | Governance labs, The Urban Media Lab
Mantua – November 26th/27th. The local Chamber of Commerce, the City of Mantua, the Province, local ONGs, SMEs and knowledge institutions, such as the Mantua University Foundation and some local schools are glad to support the two days event that will take place in Mantua.
The main objective of the Festival will concerns the conception of a prototype of an institutionalizing process to run the city as a collaborative commons and therefore as a “co-city”. A co-city should be based on international collaborative governance of the commons whereby urban, environmental, cultural, knowledge and digital commons are co-managed by the five actors of the collaborative governance – social innovators, public authorities, businesses, civil society organizations, knowledge institutions through an institutionalized public-private-people/community partnership. This partnership will give birth to a local p2p physical, digital and institutional platform with three main aims: living together , growing together, making together. The cooperative model endorsed by “Tavolo della Cooperazione e dell’Economia Civile” is based on the innovative features of open dialogue, cooperative system design and mutual sharing. Thanks to the effort of Labsus – Laboratory for subsidiarity the city of Mantua was able to produce a concrete institutional experiment based on the principle of co-working. The call for ideas “Culture as a Commons (La Cultura come bene Comune), launched by the initiative of the city of Mantua, Fondazione Cariplo and Chamber of Commerce of Mantua, gathered a series of brilliant ideas and prospects for the cultivation of a long lasting project: install a permanent structure for a model of collaborative governance. The underlying conviction is that such renewed institutional framework could activate and liberate the positive energies of the urban circuit, including the talents and resources of citizens, associations, administrations and social innovators. The new model for collaborative governance is the technological content that the current society needs for promoting growth and sustainability, both in economic terms and as social determinants.
Among the participants during the two-days event, there will be Sheila Foster, Michel Bauwens and Neal Gorenflo, which represent all together the legitimized source for the ignition of an international debate.
Professor Christian Iaione will moderate the debate during the second day.
Further info at: Brochure festival
by Marina Bassi | Nov 19, 2014 | The Urban Media Lab
Responsibility ahead: this is the aim of the meeting organized by Action Aid the next 22th – 23th November in Naples, which will take place in Piazza del Gesù Nuovo, Sala Campanella, starting at 12 AM. Action Aid is an independent international organization committed to fighting the causes of world hunger, poverty and social exclusion. It has long been involved in the development of projects taking into account the needs and priorities of local communities and promoting sustainable and long lasting development. The two-day event, organized within the Universal Forum of Cultures of Naples and Campania, aims at promoting the culture of accountability through two days of meetings, workshops and discussions between institutions, businesses, citizens and national and international experts. The two days will challenge in a participatory manner representatives of all stakeholders of the Neapolitan society, through the presence of experts and professionals that will stimulate the discourse upon accountability. Furthermore there will be a specific focus on modern methods of democratic participation, that will be debated in a round table.Local institutions will be involved in the meeting, as well as representatives of the business community and workers’ associations; in addition the attention will be focused on national and international best practices. The meetings will also aim to improve the relationship between institutions and citizens, by providing an opportunity for discussion and by presenting concrete proposals. The hope is that such debate can plant the first seed for aiming at a future collaboration among citizens and institutions, in the sense of allowing a more participatory inclusiveness of stakeholders in the decision making processes.
Among the participants the Mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris will attend the event, folowed by the vice president of the Chamber of Deputies, Luigi Di Maio, Professor Christian Iaione, director of Labsus – Laboratory for subsidiarity and coordinator of LabGov.
Vittorio Alvino, President of Openpolis will moderate the panel.
The associations that are willing to step in and bring their contributions should send an email to , indicating name and affiliation to any organization.
by Edoardo De Stefani | Oct 18, 2014 | The Urban Media Lab

Luiss Guido Carli, LabGov and LabSus are pleased to launch the activities for the academic year 2014-2015 at the presence of renewed experts, academic specialists and brilliant professionals of the Commons.
The Director General of Luiss Guido Carli Dott. Lo Storto Giovanni will introduce the panel and lead the introductory presentation, followed by the intervention of Professor Morlino L., Prof. Arena G., Dott.ssa Gardoni M.L., Dr. Verri P. and Prof. Iaione C.
As fellows of the leading wave of the Commons, we are very pleased to open the Lab and to present the activities of the new project cycle, as well as welcoming all our special guests and contributors.
The input for the creation of LabGov was given by the founding fathers in 2012, as a means for managing the emerging expectation of corporations and public institutions, which are more and more concerned about the issue of resources’ shortages and governance methods to fill the gap among social needs and scarce management of supplies and assets.
The Lab, which was born as collaboration between LabSus and LUISS, managed to fulfill great expectations and to deliver concrete results: indeed, through a dynamic and non-conventional educational scheme (clinic house) it was possible to mold the character and build relevant skills for a new category of professionals of the governance of the commons.
Stay Tuned !
by Alessandra Feola | Oct 16, 2014 | The Urban Media Lab
Entrepreneurs for the Commons co-design Laboratory next’s leg on 21st and 22nd of October
The Entrepreneurs for the Commons co-design Laboratory” – promoted by the “Cooperative and Civic Economy Enterprises Group” established within the Chamber of Commerce of Mantua and realized in collaboration with Labsus – Laboratory for the subsidiariarity, continues its activities in Mantua for the definition of the governance proposal in the so-called Governance Camp, third and last phase of the project, after the Call for Ideas “Culture as a commons” and the Ideas Camp which was held from June to September.
The last meeting on October 11, the Lab, led by prof. Christian Iaione, presented to the public the idea emerged from the Lab: to create a new institutional prototype called CO-Mantova. This new subject will be based on the care and shared regeneration of cultural commons and will aims to make collaborative local governance for the community. CO-Mantova aspire to be the insistutional mechanism that enable the collaboration among Public authorities, Businesses, Civil society organizations, Schools and Universities and Social innovators. This new subject will be a community business for innovation, collaboration and cultural commons and will have three policy areas: Making, Growing, Living.
The next meeting will be organized as follows: on Tuesday 21st from 11 am to 6 pm at Santagnese10 the Lab’s participants will continue the co-working session. On Wednesday 22nd from 10 am to 1 pm the Lab will participate into the conference organized by the Province of Mantua and entitled “Numbers serving Territories – equo-sustainable welfare for the governance of the Wide area” in palazzo della Cervetta, Piazza delle Erbe.
Download the playbill
by Nicolo Traina | Sep 26, 2014 | The Urban Media Lab
Is difficult to say what will be the future, and when it will comes, especially in a fast field such as transportation. Some Years ago we imagined flying cars, teleportation and advertising everywhere, a kind of “blade runner” reality. Today we already have prototypes of cars that drive themselves or streets that incorporate solar panels to light them self and, for example, alert you where the parking is free.
Definitely one of the major problems for us Italians in general, but also for anyone living in a metropolis, is the traffic is blocked and the roads impassable. Getting in the center of Rome or Milan often takes hours, and even on the highway is always difficult to calculate travel times with precision because the traffic is huge and always a great unknown.
Many cities are developing the car-sharing to reduce the number of cars in the parking and streets, or forms of economic-help for those who commute to work or university with a car full rather than single-car. Certainly this are good ideas but where will the future of transport?
In US was born in the last few months a new mini-series in episodes to talk about these problems and their possible solution that will drastically reduce one of the major problems of work: to get there. “The future of transportation” will examine the full extent of America’s transportation challenges and explore how US cities are reinventing the way we navigate them, focus on the Initiatives and technologies being developed right now That will change the way we move around cities in the next 5, 10, and 25 years.
The series will be split into three parts. We’ll begin with the elusive search for “The Perfect Commute,” exploring new and better ways to Enhance what can be the most infuriating part of the day, the journey to and from work. Next we’ll examine “The Smartest Trip,” focusing on the crucial connections between transportation and progress and achieving sustainability. Finally we’ll document the current state of “Design in Motion,” sneaking a peak at the Technological and planning innovations That will fundamentally alter America’s transportation landscape.
Now let’s see what will be and let’s play our role, starting to fill up our car !!