What is the main component of sharing economy? For sure, it is collaboration.

However collaboration can come in many ways, under several circumstances, for different reasons and can be achieved with various methods. And this is enough to explain why sharing economy is mostly a conceptual taboo rather than an established practice. Sometimes it goes hand in hand with new economic trends, while on several occasions it can be accompanied by more essentials social trans-formations.

So, if no vocabulary definition is specified and no manual is provided, how do we find out if there is an Italian way to the sharing economy?

On the 11th june 2015 at the Cattolica University in Milan, the most prominent experts on the sharing economy in Italy will exactly talk about this.

There will be the chance to bring the discussion upon the captivating themes of cultural production, sharing cities, crowd funding, networks and pacts of collaboration between the public administration and citizens for the regulation of the commons.

But there is also space for an interesting discussion on the rural co-working, complementary money, digital artisans and much more.

It is very important to talk about the Italian specificities, especially because the sharing economy is simply the mainstream argument in all policy and academic discourses.

For this reason it is a great occasion also to host prestigious international guests, like the sociologist Juliet Schor, one of the most attentive researcher on the sharing economy at international level.

Among the other panellists, Ivana Pais, Cristina Tajani, Christian Iaione, Mariella Stella and many others.


For the full list and for registration, please refer to the following link


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Giovedì 11 giugno, all’ università Cattolica di Milano si parlerà di Sharing economy. Numerosi esperti del panorama italiano si confronteranno sul tema della sharing economy e cercheranno di definirne i nuovi trend e le nuove sfide. L’evento è un importante spazio di condivisione, che mette in luce la crescente attenzione che il fenomeno della sharing economy attrae.

Tuttavia non dobbiamo immaginarla come una pratica unica e ben definita; esistono molti modi di proporla e obiettivi diversi da raggiungere. E’ per questo che l’evento parlerà di sharing economy all’italiana, con i suoi vizi e le sue virtù.


Per ulteriori informazioni e registrarsi all’evento, cliccare sul seguente link