Cattura1Entrepreneurs for the Commons co-design Laboratory next’s leg on 21st and 22nd of October

The Entrepreneurs for the Commons co-design Laboratory” – promoted by the “Cooperative and Civic Economy Enterprises Group” established within the Chamber of Commerce of Mantua and realized in collaboration with Labsus – Laboratory for the subsidiariarity, continues its activities in Mantua for the definition of the governance proposal in the so-called Governance Camp, third and last phase of the project, after the Call for Ideas “Culture as a commons” and the Ideas Camp which was held from June to September.


The last meeting on October 11, the Lab, led by prof. Christian Iaione, presented to the public the idea emerged from the Lab: to create a new institutional prototype called CO-Mantova. This new subject will be based on the care and shared regeneration of cultural commons and will aims to make collaborative local governance for the community. CO-Mantova aspire to be the insistutional mechanism that enable the collaboration among Public authorities, Businesses, Civil society organizations, Schools and Universities and Social innovators. This new subject will be a community business for innovation, collaboration and cultural commons and will have three policy areas: Making, Growing, Living.

The next meeting will be organized as follows: on Tuesday 21st from 11 am to 6 pm at Santagnese10 the Lab’s participants will continue the co-working session. On Wednesday 22nd from 10 am to 1 pm the Lab will participate into the conference organized by the Province of Mantua and entitled “Numbers serving Territories – equo-sustainable welfare for the governance of the Wide area” in palazzo della Cervetta, Piazza delle Erbe.

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