Next Wednesday the 17th of June it will be held in Brussels (Rue Ravenstein, 23) the meeting Is there a need for a ‘new pact for Europe’?. The event, partnered by King Baudouin Foundation, Allianz Kulturstiftung, European Cultural Foundation, Open Society Foundations, European Policy Centre, among the others, will host several debates held by great participants from all around Europe. Professor Christian Iaione, coordinator of LabGov, will participate to the debate during the work session previewed.
Is there a need for a ‘new pact for Europe’? is an event involved in the largest edge of the New pact of Europe. The debate was opened in April during the meeting organized by the European Cultural Foundation in Leeuwarden, and entitled “Towards a European ‘Mienskip’: A Public Debate about the Future of Citizens in Europe” with the participation of prof. Christian Iaione and others stekeholders at European level, such as Matthew Fox from Engage Liverpool, Carmen Lozano Bright from the spanish Peer to Peer Movement and Wim Hiemstra from the local Kening fan de Greide.
The euro-zone crisis has provided a strong new impetus for European integration, but that now risks being undermined amid increasing tension over how best to meet the many complex financial, economic, political, social and global challenges we face. Efforts to overcome the current malaise are being hampered by profound disagreements over the future course of reforms; mounting socio-economic problems and political instability in many EU countries; different interpretations of the causes and consequences of the crisis; growing Euroscepticism and an increasing reluctance among both citizens and elites to further pool sovereignty at European level. And while the EU is preoccupied with itself, Europe keeps on losing ground as the global shift continues.
The New Pact for Europe project was launched by the King Baudouin Foundation (Belgium) and the Bertelsmann Stiftung (Germany) and is supported by a large transnational consortium. This project aims to promote a Europe-wide debate on reform proposals addressing three fundamental questions which need to be answered to develop an effective response to the multi-dimensional crisis Europeans are facing:
- What is at stake if ‘Europe’ cannot tackle the various challenges we face? (‘What do we need the EU for?’)
- What kind of collaboration is needed at European level to respond to the crisis? (‘What needs to be done?’)
- How can the answers to these two questions be translated into action to make the EU more effective and to command broader-based public support? (‘How should it be done?’)
Here is the program of the event: Draft Agenda. New Pact for Europe. Brussels. 17 June
Promuovere il dibattito per creare nuove prospettive: La filosofia del New pact of Europe!
Il prossimo 17 giugno si terrà a Bruxelles (Rue Ravenstein, 23) l’incontro Is there a need of ‘New pact for Europe’?. L’evento, in partnership con Fondazione Re Baldovino, Allianz Kulturstiftung, European Cultural Foundation, Open Society Foundations, European Policy Centre, tra gli altri, ospiterà diversi dibattiti tenuti da grandi partecipanti provenienti da tutta Europa. Il professor Christian Iaione, coordinatore di LabGov, parteciperà al dibattito durante la sessione di lavoro.
Is there a need of ‘New pact for Europe’? è un evento inserito nella più grande cornice del New pact for Europe. Il dibattito è stato aperto nel mese di aprile durante l’incontro organizzato dalla Fondazione Culturale Europea a Leeuwarden, e dal titolo “Towards a European ‘Mienskip’: A Public Debate about the Future of Citizens in Europe”, con la partecipazione del prof. Christian Iaione e altri stekeholders a livello europeo, come Matthew Fox da Engage Liverpool, Carmen Lozano brillante dal Peer to Peer spagnolo Movimento e Wim Hiemstra dal ventilatore locale Kening de Greide.