festival-del-cambiamento_banner_v3-27On Saturday June 14th 2014, from 10 am to 10 pm, the city of Bologna will host the first RENA Festival of the Communities for Change, at Palazzo Re Enzo.
RENA is an independent and plural association centred on young people who want to make Italy an Open, Responsible, Transparent and Balanced country. For the first time, RENA has organized a Festival, which will provide all willing organizations, public administrations, associations and enterprises a place to build new forms of collaboration.
Thanks to the 2013 RENA project “A caccia di Pionieri”, RENA has seen that in Italy, there are many innovative communities, which represent the future of the country. Thus, the Festival of the Communities for Change will be a workshop day, where all best energies of the country will have the opportunity to meet and to exchange their success stories. The topics of discussion will range from crowdfunding to sharing economy, from social innovation to governance of the commons.
Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to leave an indelible mark!