image001During last Saturday the 6th and Sunday the 7th of June, Spero2020 has taken place in Siracusa. LabGov – LABoratory for the GOVernance of Commons joined the event. Professor Christian Iaione, coordinator of LabGov, participated at the event as a contributor of the two-days’ work tables.

Spero2020 was an event – organised by Tempi Nuovi Siracusa and AJS Connection – that takes its cue from Matteo Renzi’s Leopolda, convinced that dialogue and constructive part is the way to put the focus on political needs and desires of citizens, helping to reduce the gap between public administration and territory.

Focused on the province of Siracusa, Spero2020 was aimed to undertake the comparison and the production of ideas and solutions, involving stakeholders and provincial stakeholders to 12 thematic groups. The working groups have addressed two specific focus developed on the basis of needs expressed during the path towards Spero2020.

The twelves focusing areas have been the following:

  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Accountability
  • Culture and Tourism
  • Universities
  • Welfare
  • Mediterranean issues
  • Development
  • Social Innovation e Smart City
  • Agriculture
  • Governance of territory
  • Youth and future

At the conclusion of the event a policy document has been worked out, and it was a work of synthesis of the proposals submitted to the tables in the two days of work. A complex and challenging action of grassroots participation with the help and cooperation of all those who believe that our country deserve better.

It is to make a mark decisive for the generations to come, all together.

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Spero2020 – nuovi metodi di costruzione delle politiche pubbliche


Lo scorso weekend, nelle giornate di Sabato 6 e Domenica 7 giugno, si è tenuto nella provincia di Siracusa l’evento Spero2020. LabGov ha partecipato all’incontro durante le due sessioni di lavoro. Queste hanno prodotto un documento programmatico di sintesi, incrocio fra le esigenze del territorio e i bisogni dei cittadini.