To remain competitive, cities must find a way to ensure efficiency in management, while delivering high quality services to citizens.

However, innovation is more about becoming ecosystem manager rather than service provider; for this reason, the dimensional change of the smart-city scenario requires a profound transformation of networks, with the objective of promoting the inclusion of private sector and civil society.

It is essential to understand that smart innovation requires openness, as a way to enable participation and revitalize the lifecycle processes of the cities.

The cultural and creative industries are part of such smart content, as they can bring digital resources, heritage and eventually engage the general public, citizens, industries and public administration.

In this field, Europeana Food and Drink is an example of how to promote the wider re-use of digital cultural resources by the creative industries.

The objective of this project, funded by the European Commission under the CIP ICT Policy support programme (PSP), is boosting creativity and business development across Europe through the theme of food and drink, bringing together organizations, creative industries and civic society.

The main focus is on the social and community aspects of food and drink, since they can produce business development and promote knowledge sharing through high quality digital assets and associated metadata.

There are plenty of ways to support creative processes and Europeana Food and Drink promises that it will be able to demonstrate that technological partners and creative industries can work together at the development of commercially viable applications and services.

Through its wide network of partners and alliances, such as the collaboration with DigiLab Sapienza, which empowers cultural production and scientific research, Europeana Food and Drink is a good opportunity to discover the field of “open innovation”.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that this project is in line with the principles of the “Charter of Milan“, a sort of Kyoto protocol dedicated to food.


Further info at => Link


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Europeana Food and Drink è un progetto finanziato dalla Commissione Europea nell’ambito del programma ICT PSP, con l’obiettivo di integrare i diversi partner tecnologici e l’industria creativa in un processo di arricchimento del patrimonio e della cultura del cibo.

Il progetto s’inserisce in un quadro più ampio d’innovazione digitale e intende impegnare le istituzioni pubbliche, le aziende e le organizzazioni che si occupano di beni culturali in un piano di sviluppo dei contenuti digitali relativi a prodotti eno-gastronomici.

Grazie al supporto dei suoi partner, tra cui il DigiLab Sapienza, il progetto intende valorizzare l’eredità della cultura e delle tradizioni legate al cibo.

In linea anche con quanto espresso nella “Carta di Milano“, una sorta di protocollo di Kyoto dedicato al cibo, il progetto si posiziona nel campo dell'”open innovation”.


Per ulteriori informazioni => Link