Opening Day of the LabGov 2020 Interdisciplinary Urban Clinic

Opening Day of the LabGov 2020 Interdisciplinary Urban Clinic

The eighth edition of the interdisciplinary Urban Clinic 2020 will take place on February 14th 2020 from 4pm to 6pm at the Luiss LOFT in Viale Romania. The theme of the meeting will be “Open and Collaborative Innovation for Sustainable Fashion”.

Credits to: Luiss website – LOFT Luiss

The 2020 edition which is about to begin will focus on Sustainable Innovation in the field of fashion. The theme of sustainable fashion was born in continuity with the path taken in the past years that has seen protagonists of issues such as healthy and sustainable food and agriculture, circular economy and innovation with the involvement of actors coming from the public, private and social sector but above all, the inhabitants of the city. The collaboration of the various players showed positive results, in both the methodological process and the outputs from the idea itself. In fact, social cooperation didactic urban gardens and the platform have been created in collaboration with Confagricoltura.

Based on these pillars, the 2020 Interdisciplinary Urban Clinic will propose the implementation of a project that can involve the private sector and communities, aiming to improve the impact of the private sector on society by applying the testing ofOpen Innovation methodology. The methodology that is to be implemented involves the inclusion of different players ranging from the most marginal and fragile categories to tech start-ups that can innovate the production processes of larger companies with greater impact on the outside.

The opening day will begin with a welcome speech by Giovanni LoStorto, General Manager of Luiss.  It will then continue with a discussion on the topic of Open Innovation applied to the theme of sustainable fashion among Professor Maria Isabella Leone professor Luiss in Management of Innovation and expert of Open Innovation, who will address the theme of the challenges of Innovation and Dr. Luciana Delle Donne, founder and CEO of Made in Carcere, a company that involves inmates in the production process, which will shed light on collaborative innovation. This will be followed by an interchange between Dr Elena De Nictolis, post doc researcher at Luiss, Dr Alessandro Piperno PhD student Management Luiss, and the founder of the fabric regeneration start-up Lofoio Giuseppe Allocca. Students from the Young Ethos group at Luiss Business School and associates of Viving will also speak, two associations with which the start-up LabGov.City started to cooperate.

Giornata di apertura della Clinica Urbana Interdisciplinare LabGov 2020

L’ottava edizione della Clinica Urbana Interdisciplinare 2020 prenderà il via il 14 febbraio 2020 dalle ore 16:00 alle ore 18:00 presso il Luiss LOFT di Viale Romania. Il tema dell’incontro sarà “Open and Collaborative Innovation for Sustainable Fashion”.

Credits to Luiss LOFT Linkedin Page

Sta per iniziare l’edizione 2020 della Clinica Urbana Interdisciplinare LabGov, che quest’anno si occuperà di Innovazione sostenibile nel campo della moda. Il tema della moda sostenibile nasce in continuità con il percorso intrapreso negli anni passati che ha visto protagonisti tematiche come alimentazione e agricoltura sana e sostenibile, economia circolare e innovazione con il coinvolgimento di attori provenienti dal settore pubblico, privato, cognitivo, sociale e soprattutto gli abitanti delle città. I risultati sono risultati in progetti ad alto impatto positivo che servono da ponte tra i vari attori tanto nel processo metodologico quanto negli output derivanti dall’idea stessa. Sono state realizzate infatti cooperative sociali, orti urbani didattici e la piattaforma nel percorso svolto in collaborazione con Confagricoltura.

Credits to LabGov

Basandosi su questi pilastri, la Clinica Urbana Interdisciplinare 2020 proporrà la realizzazione di un progetto che sappia coinvolgere il settore privato e le comunità, mirando a migliorare l’impatto del settore privato sulla società applicando la sperimentazione di una metodologia di Open Innovation. La metodologia che si intende implementare prevede l’inclusione di differenti attori che vanno dalle categorie più marginali e fragili fino ad arrivare a start-up tech che possano innovare i processi produttivi di aziende più grandi e con impatto maggiore all’esterno.

La giornata di apertura inizierà con un welcome speech di Giovanni Lo Storto, Direttore Generale della Luiss.  Proseguirà poi con una discussione sul tema dell’Open Innovation applicato al tema della moda sostenibile tra la professoressa Maria Isabella Leone, direttrice del master executive Open Innovation e Intellectual Property alla Luiss Business School, che affronterà il tema delle sfide di innovazione affrontate dalle aziende e la Dott.ssa Luciana Delle Donne, fondatrice e CEO di Made in Carcere, impresa che coinvolge nel processo produttivo le detenute, che farà luce sul tema dell’innovazione collaborativa. Seguirà l’intervento della dottoressa Elena De Nictolis, ricercatrice post doc alla Luiss e del dottor Alessandro Piperno PhD student Management Luiss. Interverranno inoltre studenti del gruppo Young Ethos della Luiss Business School e associati di Viving, due realtà con le quali la start-up

Credits to Facebook: LabGov – LABoratory for the GOVernace of the city as a commons
CReIAMO PA: A Top-Down Process Towards the Sustainability of the Territory

CReIAMO PA: A Top-Down Process Towards the Sustainability of the Territory

The change that United Nation 2030 Agenda aims to create involves, among the others, Public Administrations. In this framework, the project CReIAMO PA operates to overcome the critical issues in the governance of environmental policies by accompanying the subjects involved in the changes and by combining the principles of protection and safeguard with those of development and competitiveness.

United Nation 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an action program, signed by the 193 UN members, which includes 17 common objectives. They are set to be reached by 2030, aiming to solve crucial issues flowed from historical heritage and modern development. All these objectives, among which “sustainable cities and communities”, “gender equality” and “clean and accessible energy”, involve closely Regions and Metropolitan cities in Italy that so often are not able to cooperate in order to solve territorial problems. For this reason, Ministry of the Environment has developed a strategy that aims to address the issues related to strengthening administrative capacity, development of e-government and improving multilevel governance in order to overcome the fragmentation that exists today.

The CReIAMO PA Project is a part of this synergic action, that involves Italian Metropolitan Cities and Regions, with a view to increase technical skills in the following fields: project initiatives on environmental issues considered mandatory for Agenda, actions aimed at integrating specific assessment procedures, actions promoting Green Public Procurement (GPP). The GPP is an approach, promoted by European Commission, according to which Public Administrations integrate environmental criteria at all stages of purchasing processes, encouraging the diffusion of environmental technologies and the development of environmentally valid products. In this way, starting from Public Administration, the project seeks to create sustainable administrative bodies that are capable of making sustainable decisions for the benefit of territories.

Indeed, in the context of sustainability, a special care for coherence is necessary. An operator responsible for taking decision for a sustainable development of an area have to be conformed to the ideals on which it leads. The Ministry project aims to create a network of Regions and Cities, which the process of cooperating is able to speed up by conforming their territories to UN Agenda. CReIAMO PA offers to the involved parties, among which Public Administrations and other actors with environmental expertise, an opportunity to strengthen administrative and institutional capabilities as well as technical skills, aimed at improving PA management, multilevel governance and the ability to relate with stakeholders. The action plan provides training sessions alternated with on-the-job coaching. Moreover, more “systemic” actions are planned, with the purpose of enhancing the comparison between the territorial actors, that results in strengthening the planning and implementation of environmental policies. Consequently, Regions and Metropolitan Cities are expected to produce a sustainable strategy that looks forward, in the direction of circular economy and, which has a low impact on the territory and is made with education and all the other objectives of 2030 Agenda in mind.

The project is developed on 9 action lines that cover different objectives. In particular, Line 2 is finalized to support the integration of environmental sustainability objectives in administrative actions. The main purpose is to help the inclusion and the implementation of strategic system of 2030 Agenda at local and regional levels through a networking action that involves different levels of governance and non-institutional stakeholders that operate in the territory. Line 3 is about the expected results of the intervention. First, the integration of the agenda’s objectives needs to happen in national, regional and territorial policies, to give binding effect for the Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals. Second, greater active involvement of central administrations in the process of implementing and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda is required for the sake of not restricting sustainable initiatives solely to the local level where they remain and stay simply as local best practices. Governmental and Ministerial levels must be reached. Finally, the objectives of the National Agenda 2030 implementation and national monitoring path should be shared with the Regions. Subsequently, it follows that in order to achieve the objectives set out, three areas of activity are addressed. – Involvement of central and regional institutions together with metropolitan areas and monitoring and reporting functions.

The National forum for Sustainable Development has been created by CReIAMO PA as a tool, to bring together and reunite, in the same space of confrontation, institutions and representatives of civil society. The purpose is to have a place where it is possible to bring out subjects and practices related with sustainability and to facilitate the meeting of public policies and social energies to be implemented in National Strategies for Sustainable Development (NSSD). The NSSD draws a blueprint focused on sustainability and it is a strategic framework for national and territorial policies. It involves the territory concerned and represents a road that each policymaker has to follow in the process of drafting the laws of future.

On 17th October, a meeting between Ministry of Environment and Metropolitan Cities took place in Rome. The meeting resulted in the development of a Strategy for Sustainable Development, for each Metropolitan City, which has to be compatible with the NSSD. The importance of creating a network was remarked in the meeting – the purpose of the network is to create a shared language, which reaches all the different levels in order to crate effective solutions. The method provided for both round tables open discussions and cooperation agreements. These agreements are fundamental because they mark an assumption of responsibility on stakeholders. An element of innovation is the characteristic that Ministry emphasised in the process of duplicating activities already in place. Indeed, the next step is to systematise these actions in the decision-making processes. Ultimately, all the pilot actions implemented by Metropolitan Cities have to respect the 13 URBACT criteria for an integrated pilot action in order to produce concrete sustainable results for an integrated society where all the actors work in harmony.

All in all, thanks to United Nations 2030 Agenda, the process of change is now involving several actors, starting from the highest levels of government, following the guidelines of senior experts such as URBACT. In this top-down process, where Institutions are working for putting us in condition to carry on the process they started, it is our responsibility to accept the invitation and suit their policies.

Picture retrieved via

Hostello delle Idee – Commons Lab

Hostello delle Idee – Commons Lab

Transforming a common space in Terni (Umbria) into a common good is one of LabGov’s new project. In collaboration with Indisciplinarte and many others, LabGov is leading the project “hostello delle idee” aimed at regenerating an ex-guesthouse. In September, it will set up a laboratory -Commons Lab- for the constitution of “communities of practice” working towards urban commons regeneration.


Commons Lab will take place in Terni from the 5th to 8th of September 2019. LabGov’ team will lead the scientific direction. The Lab will be attended by a group of 15 people with different backgrounds (students, community’ representatives, architects, artists and artisans), in order to create a rich ecosystem, a plurality of proposals and a wide integration. Hostello delle idee will be the result of this three-days Lab aiming to the study of tools and knowledge necessary to outline collaborative governance’s strategies, by adapting Nobel Prize Elinor Ostrom’s studies and methodology to the urban context. The class will develop a concrete project of social innovation and collaborative economy to transform an ex-guesthouse (which is the last unregenerated part part of an ex-chemical factory), and this, relying on local creative intelligence.


The further objective is to apprehend how to work in cooperation with local communities to promote and encourage initiatives of urban regeneration, to build community cooperatives and to generate public collaborative policies.

The Commons Lab is divided in training modules: 1) “Architecture of the territory”, to familiarize with local resources, infrastructures and socio-cultural components, they are necessary elements to create concrete results. 2) “Social business modeling”, aiming at estimating social impact and at evaluating sustainable aspects. 3) “Urban governance, policy and law”, legal means will be analyzed in view of urban law.

During co-working sessions, the class will have the possibility to practically experience training modules notions.

LabGov team’s work will cover five training environments; acquisitions of territorial analytical skills and knowledge, usage of tools to facilitate commons’ collaborative governance, experimentation of collaboration as test bench functional for territory transformation, capability to adapt tools and knowledge to the context, experimentation of innovative solutions for commons management.

Co-City protocol will be applied as teaching aid for collaborative communities’ building, six steps of Co-City Cycle dealing with knowing, mapping, experimenting, prototyping, modeling and evaluating, in order to adapt the whole process to the context and to create the most effective form of urban cooperativism.

This initiative is a natural continuation of the several transformations that have been taking place in the city of Terni.

Italian summary

Hostello delle idee è il nuovo progetto che LabGov sta portando avanti nella città di Terni (Umbria) in collaborazione con Indisciplinarte e altri partner. Tra il 5 e l’8 settembre il team sarà impegnato nell’attività di formazione di un gruppo di volontari eterogeneo per età e background. L’obiettivo è la riqualificazione di una ex-foresteria che verrà convertita in un Hostello a disposizione di artisti ed architetti che vorranno condividere le loro idee per aggiungere valore alla città. Verrà seguita  la metodologia proposta dal premio Nobel E. Ostrom adattandola al contesto urbano.

Partecipazione gratuita. Spese di viaggio e alloggio a carico dei partecipanti. Iscrizioni entro il 19 Agosto. 

Per info e iscrizioni contattare: 

CAOS CENTRO ARTI OPIFICIO SIRI Viale Campofregoso n.98, 05100 – Terni telefono 0744 285946