Youth Plan 2021: the collective proposal for the relaunch of the country

Youth Plan 2021: the collective proposal for the relaunch of the country

On Thursday, December 3rd, from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM(Rome, GMT+01:00) Luiss will host the “Youth Plan 2021: the collective proposal of young people for the relaunch of the country”, a round table to stimulate debate on the future of young generations. 

You can participate to the event remotely  by online CISCO Webex Event platform in italian at the following link:

The Presentation of the “Youth Plan 2021”,  presented to the Government in view of the 2020 Budget Law, was developed by Italian youth organizations and associations that are part of the Youth 2021 Network. The Plan contains multiple proposals related to crucial issues for the future of young people. The topics contained respond to three macro-objectives: Environmental Sustainability, Inclusive Society, and Culture of Innovation.

The meeting will take place according to the following agenda:

17:00 – 17:05: Introductory greetings Director General of Luiss Guido Carli Giovanni Lo Storto (TBD).

17:05 – 17.15: Presentation of guests and speakers and introduction to the proceedings Vice President of APS Europe for Italy Roberta Ruggieri and President of APS Europe for Italy Riccardo Testa.

17:15 – 18:15:  PowerPoint presentation “Environmental Sustainability”; “Inclusive Company”; “Culture of Innovation” by the guest speakers:
environmental sustainability: Sofia Torlontano and Rosa Manzo, inclusive company: Andrea Natale and Leonardo Cappuccilli, culture of innovation: Gian Marco Federico and Caterina D’Onofrio

During the event, eminent experts will intervene: 

  • Christian Fernando Iaione: professor of urban law and policies, urban planning law, regulatory innovation at the Law Department of Luiss Guido Carli in Rome, co-director of LabGov.City; Deputy Director of the BILL-Blockchain research center, artificial Intelligence and digital innovation Law Lab.
  • Luciano Monti: Professor of European Union Policies at Luiss Guido Carli in Rome, Scientific Co-Director of the Bruno Visentini Foundation.
  • Elena De Nictolis: professor of Governance of Innovation and Sustainability in the master’s degree course in Law, Digital Innovation and Sustainability at Luiss Guido Carli in Rome.
  • Daniele Moscati: Luiss graduate, Chapter Leader of ALL Israel, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Jewish Economic Forum.
  • Andrea Battista: President of the Luiss Graduates Association.

 18:15 – 18:30: Closing of the round table.

Engage.EU Roundtables “Digital Innovation in the 21st Century”

Engage.EU Roundtables “Digital Innovation in the 21st Century”

Luiss Guido Carli is pleased to announce that Monday, November 23, 2020 at 6:00 pm marks the start of the Engage.EU Roundtables, a new series of digital events organized as part of the Engage.EU alliance of universities, in which Luiss joins with experts from partner universities in the discussion and understanding of modern societal challenges, including digitalization, artificial intelligence, climate change and sustainability.

The first roundtable, on the topic of Digital Innovation, features Barbara Stoettinger, Professor and Dean of the WU Executive Academy, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, and Tor W. Andreassen, Professor and Director of the research center Digital Innovations for sustainable Growth (DIG), NHH Norwegian School of Economics. Luiss Rector Andrea Prencipe will host.

The event will be held in English and participants are encouraged to join the discussion and ask their questions by participating in the dedicated Q&A Session.

Click here to register to the first roundtable “Digital Transformation in the 21st Century”.

Harvard University School of Design hosting the Sylvester Baxter Lecture on co-cities with Sheila Foster

Harvard University School of Design hosting the Sylvester Baxter Lecture on co-cities with Sheila Foster

On Thursday, November 19th from 7:30PM until 9:30PM EST (US and Canada), the Harvard University School of Design will host the Sylvester Baxter Lecture with Sheila Foster. The online workshop will deal with “Co-Cities: Reimagining the City as a Commons”

In the U.S., and around the world, vacant and abandoned urban land and structures are more ubiquitous than most people realize. In this lecture, Professor Foster will argue why we should think about this urban infrastructure as a “commons” capable of meeting the social and economic needs of the most vulnerable urban populations. Thinking of the city as a commons recognizes as legitimate, even innovative, the collective action of urban actors who utilize land and other infrastructure to construct informal settlements, community gardens and urban farms, mesh wireless networks,  and new limited equity housing and commercial spaces that are then collaboratively stewarded by an identified community or group of people.

Sheila R. Foster, is the Scott K. Ginsburg Professor of Urban Law and Policy at Georgetown University. She holds a joint appointment with the Law School and the McCourt School of Public Policy. She is also the faculty advisor of the Georgetown Project on State and Local Government Policy and Law(SALPAL) and lead researcher for the Georgetown Global Cities Initiative’s City Diplomacy Project. Together with prof. Christian Iaione, Sheila R. Foster is co-director of LabGov.City in GeorgeTown University.

The lecture will be followed by a Q&A session. You may ask questions during this time using the Q&A feature on Zoom, or you may submit questions for the speaker beforehand using this link:

Click here to read more

Click here to directly register for this event.

Luiss University invites outstanding scholars to express their interest for one Associate/Full professorship of Law and Governance of Innovation.

Luiss University invites outstanding scholars to express their interest for one Associate/Full professorship of Law and Governance of Innovation.

The Department of Law of Luiss University invites outstanding scholars to express their interest for one Associate/Full professorship of Law and Governance of Innovation. Ideal candidates will show a passionate drive to engage in Luiss University’s dynamic and stimulating academic environment and contribute to its further development. Candidates must hold a PhD from a leading university and have teaching experience.

They will have research experience on, and intend to pursue research projects in, the field of Law and Governance of Innovation. A focus on public law and policy, urban law and policy, sustainable development, digital innovation and equality, governance of the commons, environmental, climate and social justice, social innovation and emerging technologies is required. 

This course will be offered within the Master program Law, Digital Innovation and Sustainability. One of the main objectives of the program is to make students confront themselves with concrete projects. The idea is that the original training on the job concept is overturned and replaced by a new one: job on the training. Students, from the beginning, must engage in job-like activities for them to achieve practical skills that will be crucial for their professional career. The aim of the master program is to give birth to managers of complexity who, with their skills, can face the upcoming global challenges. Therefore, ideal candidates must show particular attention to applied research in the above-mentioned fields and the ability to think out of the box. To face such challenges professors and students can count on the partnership with LabGov.City – the LABoratory for the GOVernance of the City as a Commons – an international network of theoretical, empirical and applied research platforms engaged in exploring and developing methods, policies, and projects focused on the shared and collaborative management of urban spaces and resources. LabGov is co-directed by Professor Sheila Foster and Christian Iaione and is mainly active within Georgetown University and Luiss Guido Carli University. The master program conceives multidisciplinarity as a key driver for innovation and sustainability so, for this reason, candidates are welcome to consider the possible intersections among different fields in order to exploit them to deliver ground-breaking knowledge.

Luiss University is specialised in Social Sciences and educates over 9,500 students, providing a diverse and international learning environment that weaves academic rigour with practical relevance. Among various projects in line with this methodology it is worth to mention the Blockchain and Innovation Law Lab (BILL). This lab focuses on promoting and developing prominent research on an international level, concerning the relationship between law and technological innovations, with a major focus on DLT and blockchain-related technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Infrastructures applying a multi- and inter- disciplinary approach. With over 200 international institutional partnerships, the University has developed strong connections with the business community, government institutions and civil society. Moreover, Luiss University engages in the university’s third mission meaning that the knowledge produced must benefit society as a whole and foster social, cultural and economic development.   

Interested candidates are invited to submit their application by November 18th, 2:00PM (CET, UTC +1).

For further information and to know all requirements please visit:

For further information about the MSc Law Digital Innovation and Sustainability please visit:

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Convenzione Quadro del Consiglio d’Europa

Convenzione Quadro del Consiglio d’Europa

In data 24 ottobre 2020 è entrata in vigore la legge di ratifica ed esecuzione della Convenzione quadro del Consiglio d’Europa sul valore del patrimonio culturale per la società, pubblicata nella Gazzetta Ufficiale del 23 ottobre 2020. Gli Stati membri del Consiglio d’Europa, firmatari della presente Convenzione riconoscono che il diritto al patrimonio culturale è inerente al diritto di partecipare alla vita culturale, così come definito nella Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell’Uomo e si impegnano a prendere le misure necessarie per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi concordati nella Convenzione, riconoscendo che ogni persona ha il diritto, nel rispetto dei diritti e delle libertà altrui, ad interessarsi al patrimonio culturale di propria scelta, in quanto parte del diritto di partecipare liberamente alla vita culturale, diritto custodito nella Dichiarazione universale delle Nazioni Unite dei diritti dell’uomo (1948) e garantito dal Patto Internazionale sui Diritti Economici, Sociali e Culturali (1966).