Saturday, March 23 2019, the second community gardening session of the Urban Clinic EDU LabGov has taken place in Luiss community garden #ortoLuiss. This appointment, as the first one, was dedicated to the “self-construction” Lab. Labgovers used this appointment in Luiss University to keep on developing and building their prototypes. This is how they are declining Sustainable innovation in the urban context.
Labgovers have improved and developed their initial ideas. They are designing and creating three prototypes of the next generation of digital urban and commons gardens. Through the structure that they are building they will put big data in the hands of the urban farmers and the urban gardeners.
Their work has been facilitated by two experts: arch. Silvia Berardinelli and Marco Falasca, architecture student part of two groups developing innovative structures in the cities. They gave the students the basis and their know-how to build these three prototypes and to make them stable and safe.
Labgovers have almost finished to build those three prototypes: one is for studying, the other is dedicated to chill and have a break and the third is made for work. They are all dedicated to the strengthening of a community, and to raise awareness about themes that are relevant for the individual and collective wellness such as sustainable agriculture, nutrition, diet, sport, tech justice, and many more.
Labgovers have still something to do: they will have to finish their work and to apply tech tools to the prototypes. At the same time they are designing and developing the digital platform that will be linked to the structures.
Stay tuned!