4th Civic Collaboration Day, Save the Date!
On May 4th will take place the civic collaboration day.
This year, as the co-planning sessions for the Local Action Plan of the Rome Collaboratory, (Open Heritage Horizon 2020 project) just ended [1], CooperACTiva will propose an event to valorize cultural heritage and promote civic collaboration whilst involving local actors. CooperACTiva, first community cooperative born within a complex area in Roma along with LUISS/ LabGov support, will indeed organize the “Heritage Walk”, a bike tour through Alessandrino, Centocelle and Torrespaccata neighborhoods. The participants of the #collab_bici will have the opportunity to discover beautiful places, left aside by mainstream touristic tours.
The first part will indeed be dedicated to the visit of the Centocelle archeological Park through which the participants will have the chance explore many little-known places including the Villa della Piscina, Villa ad Duas Lauros and the Runway airport. The tour will then continue and the participants will ride alongside the Tunnel and Osteria located in Centocelle.
This event, aiming to promote cultural heritage through sustainability, will also be part of a series of sustainable initiatives set up during the “Sustainability Festival”, a macro-event organized by the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASVIS) to raise awareness of environmental sustainability. In this context, CooperACTiva is planning another bike tour on May 26.

Follow the #CooperACTion, and stay tuned!
Event organized in collaboration with the Fusolab and Settimo Biciclettari
[1] Latest articles on the Local Action Plan Co-planning process by the Rome Collaboratory:
- Launch of the incubation process of the Rome Collaboratory :
https://bit.ly/2UDQOT4 - Second Local Action Plan co-planning session of the Rome Collaboratory:
https://bit.ly/2Cxd6iy - Third Local Action Plan co-planning session of the Rome Collaboratory: