On October 2nd, Professor Sheila R. Foster, the co-founder of LabGov, was installed as the Scott K. Ginsburg Professor of Urban Law and Policy. At her installation ceremony she spoke about the challenges coming along urbanisation. Foster began by addressing the question ‘Who Owns the City?,’ referring to the growth patterns of cities and urbanisation. More precisely, she noted that “the most prosperous and economically productive U.S. cities and metropolitan regions have become exclusionary […] the exclusionary nature of our cities is aggravated by the temptation of local governments to commodify and sell land to the highest bidders‘.

In general, she summed up the cause and the solution for the problem with the following: “Simply put, cities and their metropolitan areas have become the economic engines of our country and are at the heart of problems of economic and spatial inequality — and arguably, solutions to this inequality,

Read more here.

Foster, a co-founder of LabGov, has a joint appointment with Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy, writes in the area of Property, Land Use, Environmental Justice and Local Government Law. Her most recent work explores questions of urban law and governance through the lens of the “commons,” exemplified by her article “The City as a Commons,” in Yale Law and Policy Review (2016) and her forthcoming MIT Press Book, The Co-City.

Find the original article here.

The source of the featured picture: https://www.law.georgetown.edu/news/professor-sheila-r-foster-installed-as-the-scott-k-ginsburg-professor-of-urban-law-and-policy/