“Designing in Dark Times: An Arendtian Lexicon” by Virginia Tassinari & Eduardo Staszowski

“Designing in Dark Times: An Arendtian Lexicon” by Virginia Tassinari & Eduardo Staszowski

On the 12th of November the book “Designing in Dark Times: An Arendtian Lexicon” will be released online! Congratulations to the editors Virginia Tassinari and Eduardo Staszowski and to the many world-wide scholars and designers who contributed to the writing of the book. This unique book uses insights and quotations drawn from Arendt’s major writings (The Human Condition; The Origins of Totalitarianism, Men in Dark Times) to assemble a new kind of lexicon for politics, designing and acting today. It offers up an extraordinary range of short essays that use moments and quotations from Arendt’s thought as the starting points for reflection on how these terms can be conceived for contemporary design and political praxis. Neither simply dictionary nor glossary, the lexicon brings together designing and political philosophy to begin to create a new language for acting and designing against dark times.

You can find a chapter written by prof. Christian Iaione, co-director of LabGov.City, and Elena De Nictolis, fellow researcher at LabGov.City. Some of the key points stressed out in the chapter include the gender imbalance and ethics aspects of innovation and sustainability and how it’s necessary not to just limit our view to homo economicus but to expand it towards a definition of homo collaborans. This is particularly coherent with the theory of the commons where the traditional economic approach is questioned. As a matter of fact, a new model of economic agent is proposed: the mulier activa which is rooted in the concept of individuals entailed by Hannah Arendt’s conception of vita active.

You can pre-order the book here

A reflection on urban vulnerability and housing during COVID19

A reflection on urban vulnerability and housing during COVID19

I believe that Covid-19 has created a new space for talking about our cities, forcing us to reflect on our lives and re-evaluate our priorities. “Should I move to a greener neighborhood? Should I start saving up some money for the future? Maybe I can re-decorate my terrace. Oh, I miss sitting on a bench and watch people go by.” These might be some of the thoughts that have crossed your mind lately.

During these peculiar times, we are looking for security and comfort and our homes have become more than ever a symbol for safety. Many are staying home voluntarily as a way of protection and the governments in most countries introduced measures requiring people to leave the house only for limited purposes. The message ‘stay at home’ is being spread by the voice of the majority– or, better said, by the voice of the most visible part of society. As the digital space has become our way to connect with others, many of us have found a form of solidarity in sharing the same reaction to the current situation and encouraging others to take part in this collective action: #stayathome, #restiamoacasa, #quedateencasa, #stamacasa and so on, these hashtags have flooded the social media channels. But how is this applying to the ones that do not have a place to call home, to the ones that do not feel safe at home? What happens to the less visible members of society, to the most vulnerable? Does solidarity extend only to those that have a voice?

The above questions made me reflect on how communities are capable of positive transformations and how they exercise this right. As David Harvey said, “there are occasions when the ideal of human rights takes a collective turn”[1]. This time, people are trying to reclaim their access to basic health and personal security in the city. The strategy that most of us have adopted during this period is that of changing our daily practices and behaviour by avoiding social contact in the hope of reducing the transmission of the disease, which will allow us to regain our freedom of movement, our access to public space and our right to the city. Especially in these circumstances, the process of re-creating the urban space, even temporarily, depends on all members of society, also on the ones that cannot #stayathome. This means that we should renegotiate the space of the city, create solutions for everyone and not discriminate against the most vulnerable, that “must be not only protected but also engaged”[2].

Urban vulnerability

If the current crisis has reminded us that we all are vulnerable, then I believe it is the right moment to ponder collective vulnerability and responsibility in creating safer cities. Urban living is put to the test during this period and there has been a great variety of responses to the insecurity and risks that the world is experiencing. While some reactions are driven only by fear, there are also some resilient communities that learned to reinvent themselves, and that became models of urban laboratories. Perugia, a small city in the heart of Italy, is one good example of exercising collective power during the crisis.

Community resilience?

Perugia has been my home for 10 months, but since I left the city I stayed up to date with the news and recently came across a social media post about something called paniere solidale (solidarity basket). The solidarity and engagement that I observed here reminded me of Bauman’s belief that city life is based on the hope of finding ways to easily and successfuly cohabitate and interact “with an enormous, perhaps infinite variety of strangers”[3]. Perugia decided to create a support network for these “strangers” and for all inhabitants of the city through the simple practice of lowering a food basket from the balcony, so that anyone can take something if they are in need or help others by leaving packages.

Perugia, Via Enrico dal Pozzo. Source: Facebook page Associazione Culturale Fiorivano le Viole

PThis practice originates from Naples: it is thought that the phrase from the above image was used one hundred years ago by an Italian doctor, Giuseppe Moscati, in order to help the most vulnerable citizens get access to food and to promote the creation of support networks throughout the city[4]. His habit was later adopted in other cities across the country. Solidarity initiatives have a long tradition in Naples and generally in Italy, among which we can mention caffè sospeso, spesa sospesa, farmaco sospeso, etc. (more here).

This collective action of sharing goods represents a mechanism of cultivating solidarity and can be further interpreted as a gift to other members of society – and as Mary Douglas points out, a gift “supplies each individual with personal incentives for collaborating in the pattern of exchanges”[5]. I believe that such networks of exchange constitute the base of a community and, as the current situation has revealed, this type of community interventions, like paniere solidale, are increasing in number during a crisis. But does the local community have the capacity to respond to vulnerability and, in the most extreme cases, homelessness? Is it correct to leave this response in the hands of the community alone? Whose responsibility should it be?

Collective responsibility

The italian example represents a small-scale intervention at community level and it advocates for active citizenship and empowerment. It is not the definitive solution to homelessness and vulnerability, but I believe this example can be used as a representation of the urgent need of social security for the “invisible” members of the society, the need of healthy environments and the need of building a culture of collaboration. Community-based actions in a time of crisis represent an opportunity to review urban living conditions and to reevaluate the concept of having a right to the city. I believe the local community to be a key actor in the process of claiming this right for all its members and a key actor in the process of alleviating homelessness. But this issue cannot be completely solved without a stronger government response, the production of urban space is a process of sharing responsibilities and multilevel collaboration. For example, during this crisis, public authorities should respond quickly and address the immediate needs of the citizens: e.g., England’s Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government[6] is working with the local authorities to urgently accommodate rough sleepers in hotel rooms (more here).

The street “is the river of life of the city”[7], as William H. Whyte remarks.

Going back to where it all started, the street – home to a large part of the world population (it is difficult to measure, but OECD is estimating that homelessness concerns more than 1.9 million people around the globe[8]) –  it is time to reconsider its role in the process of exercising the right to the city. Streets represent spaces of exchange and connection and they should be planned as safe, hospitable, inclusive environments that invite people to interact.

Some communities have already started offering different types of support, providing a safe space during this crisis, as in the cases of street outreach services, fundraising and converting unused/underused spaces into shelters, creating local housing associations and coalitions, and developing several ad hoc initiatives.

This issue should become a collective concern in the future and I believe a first step in this process should be to re-explore the meaning of the right to the city. What can we add to Lefebvre’s definition: “right to freedom, to individualization in socialization, to habitat and to inhabit”[9]?

[1] David Harvey, Rebel cities: from the right to the city to the urban revolution (London: Verso, 2012), p. 3.

[2]International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The Great East Japan Earthquake. Learning from Megadisasters (Washington DC: The World Bank, 2012), p. 4.

[3] Zygmunt Bauman, Liquid Times: Living in an Age of Uncertainty (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2007), p. 92.

[4] Riccardo Siano, << Napoli Ecco il cestino solidale “Chi ha bisogno prenda”>>. La Repubblica, March, 2020.

https://ricerca.repubblica.it/repubblica/archivio/repubblica/2020/03/30/napoli-ecco-il-cestino-solidale- chi-ha-bisogno-prenda25.html?ref=search

[5] Mary Douglas, “Foreword”, in The gift, Marcel Mauss (London: Routledge, 1990), p. xviii.

[6] Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, Luke Hall MP, Correspondence: Coronavirus (COVID-19): letter from Minister Hall to local authorities on plans to protect rough sleepers. Gov.uk, March, 2020, accessible here.

[7] William H. Whyte, City: Rediscovering the Center (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009), p. 7.

[8] OECD, Better data and policies to fight homelessness in the OECD. Policy Brief on Affordable Housing (Paris: OECD, 2020), available here. The current situation is pushing urban planners to redesign public space in order to meet the new needs of citizens and it is also an occasion to urge authorities and civil society to guarantee protection to those whose home is the street and to make these people visible in the city.

[9] Henri Lefebvre, Writings on Cities (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 1996), p. 173.Perugia, Via Enrico dal Pozzo. Source: Facebook page Associazione Culturale Fiorivano le Viole.

As COVID-19 Proliferates Mayors Take Response Lead, Sometimes in Conflicts with Their Governors

As COVID-19 Proliferates Mayors Take Response Lead, Sometimes in Conflicts with Their Governors

As cities around the world are looking for the best strategy to safely reopen after the lockdown, it is important to take a moment to reflect on what the global pandemic already taught us in terms of local governance. In this article, Professor Sheila Foster offers a thought-provoking analysis of the complex relationship between local and state administration in the US and stresses the indispensable role that Mayors should play in addressing global challenges.

Professor Sheila R. Foster is one of LabGov’s co-founders. She is SALPAL’s Faculty Advisor and is the Scott K. Ginsburg Professor of Urban Law and Public Policy at Georgetown University (joint appointment with the Law School and the McCourt School of Public Policy). Professor Foster teaches and writes in the areas of property, state and local government law, and urban law and policy.

This article originally appeared on the Georgetown Law website on April 12, as part of the Project on State and Local Government Policy and Law.

The COVID-19 crisis has shown dramatically why local government, where mayors and health officials are on the frontlines of responding to global health threats like pandemics, is increasingly where effective governance happens in America.  But as the nation’s mayors flex their muscles, they sometimes run into conflict with governors, who have primary authority in a public health emergency under most state laws. We’ve seen that this week, but also have seen how a proactive response by mayors can drive policy change at the state level. After all, viruses don’t respect city limits. 

South Carolina’s governor issued a stay at home order this week but only after the state’s two largest cities had done so. The cities of Charleston and Columbia, South Carolina issued stay at home orders in late March in an attempt to slow the spread of infections from the coronavirus and out of  frustration that state officials were refusing to put in place such orders. The Governor indicated that he did not believe a statewide order was necessary.  Next, the Attorney General of South Carolina issued a written opinion questioning the legality of the city orders, and arguing that only the Governor can use such emergency powers to issue a shelter-in-place order anywhere in the state.  The Mayor of Columbia pushed back, standing by his City Council’s vote to impose the order. The Mayor argued that the order was within the city’s authority and did not conflict with state law since the state had not taken any action anywhere in the state. In other words, cities like his were simply stepping into the breach created by state inaction when faced with a public health crisis.

This was not the only tension between mayors and governors over the last few weeks as officials at every level of government decide how best to respond to the pandemic unfolding across 50 states. Most states have now put in place some form of stay at home order and many have done so only after their most populous cities and counties have done so.   When these states issue orders, they often are written to “preempt” or supersede existing, stricter local orders. In Georgia, for example, the governor recently signed an Executive Order superseding any previous local “shelter-in-place” order, effectively reopening beaches that had been closed under those previous orders. Similarly, Florida’s governor recently amended his state-wide “safer-at-home” order to supersede “any conflicting official action or order issued by local officials in response to COVID-19.” Mississippi’s governor also signed an Executive Order that supersedes all local restrictions previously put into place. Most recently, the governor of Arkansas barred cities from putting in place any quarantine orders and denied a request by the mayor of Little Rock to impose a stay at home order in his city.

Tensions between governors and mayors, like tensions between governors and the federal government,  are a feature of our federalist system in which power is divided and shared by the federal government with states and localities. The problem for mayors, is that under the US Constitution, they have far less power than governors. The Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reserves “to the States respectively, or to the people” all powers not specifically delegated by the Constitution to the federal government. In turn, states have the option to delegate powers to their localities–and many have– often reserving their rights to supersede or “preempt” local laws. Notably, there is no mention of local governments in the federal constitution.   

The power of local governments—including cities, counties, and towns— is therefore dependent on the authority given to them by their respective states. In legal terminology, this power is either restricted under “Dillon’s Rule” (named after Judge John Dillon) or more expansive according to “Home Rule” authority.  According to Dillon’s Rule, a local government can exercise only those powers explicitly granted to them by the state government. If there is any doubt as to which powers are given to local governments, the presumption is that they lack the power to act. Home Rule, on the other hand, is a constitutional or statutory delegation of local autonomy and limits the degree of state interference in local affairs. The scope of home rule authority varies from state to state, but localities that have it tend to exercise it and test its powers in areas ranging from local gun control measures to minimum wage laws to bans on trans fat in retail food sales.  

There are very few “pure” Home Rule or Dillon’s Rule states, meaning that few apply one rule to every local government. Most states are hybrid states in which both Dillon’s Rule and Home Rule apply to different local governments or to different functions of local governments. Local governments eligible for home rule in these hybrid states tend to be populous cities and counties, and often must either be legislatively granted home rule or must enact a self-executing local home rule charter. 

It is no surprise, then, that some mayors that have stepped out in front of their states in imposing stay-at-home order are operating under Home Rule authority.  This authority gives them the power to adopt and enforce local policies that promote the safety, health, and welfare of their residents. Yet, Home Rule authority is subject to a simple limiting principle—the power that states give to their localities can be taken away.  Preemption is the mechanism through which states take back power in a particular field of regulation, or over a specific subject matter that has statewide implications or effects. 

Preemption has gained a new valence during this time of heightened political polarization. Tensions between governors and mayors have escalated in past few years with the tendency of republican-leaning state legislatures to preempt and even punish democratic-leaning local governments for enacting policies such as designating themselves as a “sanctuary city” to shield their undocumented immigrant population from the harsh deportation practices of the federal government. Mayors pushing progressive agendas are increasingly running into a wall of conservative state resistance through what some view as aggressive, and even “nuclear”, state preemption.  There are hints of resistance that runs the other way as well, with more conservative cities and counties enacting “second amendment sanctuary” resolutions in response to the adoption of stricter gun controls by more progressive state legislatures. 

This tension is manifesting itself in the COVID-19 context as well.  In most cases, it is republican controlled states pushing back against, and preempting, blue localities stay-at-home orders, as in South Carolina.  But partisanship is not the only issue. Take New York, for example. Although Governor Cuomo has been widely hailed for his leadership during this crisis, It was the Mayor of New York City, Bill DeBlasio, who first called for “shelter-in-place” order similar to what had already been implemented in San Francisco.  Governor Cuomo resisted the Mayor’s suggestion, noting that fear and panic was as dangerous as the virus and suggesting instead for a more gradual shutdown. It wasn’t until California Governor Gavin Newsom ordered a state shutdown, following on the heels of San Francisco Mayor London Breed’s local order, that Governor Cuomo finally relented and ordered the state of New York to shelter in place. The New York and California leaders all are Democrats.

While it is easy to look at partisan tensions to explain the actions of the governors, there are structural issues as well related to the extraordinary nature of this particular public health emergency.  Most, if not all, states give governors broad emergency powers. These include the power to declare a statewide emergency and to trigger waivers of existing rules and regulations, as well as to deploy resources and exercise other powers to be able to respond to the specific emergency. The South Carolina Attorney General argued that a patchwork of local laws that conflict with a statewide order would create confusion and anxiety. But until there was a statewide order, there was no pre-emption, and  the mayors were free to set their own course. The Mayor of Columbia’s position that localities can act in the absence of state action does not cut against the Attorney General’s preemption argument. In the final analysis, both the Mayor and the Attorney General are correct. 

In the absence of state action, local governments that have Home Rule authority can exercise that authority to put in place orders that protect the health, safety and welfare of their residents. In other words, cities can step into the breach before state authorities exercise their authority in an emergency. However, once the state has acted and set the terms of a statewide response, local governments must essentially step aside. The state’s action, and the scope of its action, effectively preempts local action by occupying the emergency field during the crisis at hand. This strikes the right balance by giving power to localities, particularly those densely populated urban centers likely to contribute to the risk of disease spread, to institute measures to protect their residents. At the same time, it preserves the right of states to occupy the field of responding to a particular emergency, especially when the emergency traverses local government boundaries and poses a risk to the entire state as the COVID-19 crisis does. 

The governance of infectious diseases has a long history going back to the quarantine measures put in place by Venetians centuries ago.  Today, networks of Mayors around the world are sharing information and evidence-based strategies for responding to public health threats in urban environments.  U.S. Mayors should be able to bring those best practices home and have the authority to implement them as part of a system of federalism in which subnational governments are the “laboratories of democracy,” as Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said of state governments almost a century ago.  Instead of preempting mayors, state leaders should view the actions put in place by mayors as opportunities to coordinate responses and for collaborative policymaking. Whether acting independently or collaboratively, mayors play an indispensable role in responding to global threats like pandemics and in improving our collective ability to withstand these threats.

Cover Photo: New York City by Mark Frey Photography, available under CC license.

#LabGovNonSiFerma #LuissNonSiFerma: La seconda attività di Sustainability online

#LabGovNonSiFerma #LuissNonSiFerma: La seconda attività di Sustainability online

Oggi si è concluso il secondo incontro delle #pilloledisostenibilità organizzato dall’Università Luiss Guido Carli, che ha promosso, durante le festività pasquali, attività online riguardanti tematiche ambientali.

La Clinica Urbana Interdisciplinare di LabGov 2020 ha aderito a questa bellissima iniziativa online organizzando due pillole di sostenibilità per rendere green questo periodo di quarantena.

In particolare, giovedì insieme ai tutor della Clinica Urbana Interdisciplinare Alessio, Julianne e Francesco abbiamo visto come realizzare un Orto in Balcone utilizzando materiali riciclati, come bottiglie di plastica e tappi di sughero, insieme ad alcuni consigli su come essere più sostenibili: “lo sapevi che anche solo cancellando le vecchie mail puoi ridurre le emissioni di CO2 nell’ambiente?”; nell’incontro di oggi invece, insieme agli altri tutor  Caterina, Lorenzo, Tommaso e Flaminia abbiamo visto come preparare del gel igienizzante per le mani, come disinfettare una mascherina e come riutilizzare rifiuti organici, che altrimenti, avrebbero un grande impatto sull’ambiente!

Per nuove iniziative, seguiteci sui nostri canali social e sulle nostre pagine.

Today ended the second meeting of #sustainabilitypills organized by Luiss Guido Carli University, which promoted, during the Easter holidays, online activities on environmental issues. The Urban Interdisciplinary Clinic of LabGov 2020 joined this beautiful online initiative by organizing two sustainability pills video tutorials to make this period of quarantine greener.

In particular, on Thursday together with the tutors of the Interdisciplinary Urban Clinic Alessio, Julianne and Francesco we saw how to create a Balcony Garden using recycled materials, such as plastic bottles and corks, together with some tips to be more sustainable: “did you know that even just by deleting spam emails you can reduce CO2 emissions into the environment? “.

In today’s meeting instead, together with other tutors, namely Caterina, Lorenzo, Tommaso and Flaminia we saw how to prepare hand sanitizing gel, how to disinfect a mask and how to transform an organic waste into beauty cosmetics.
We encourage everybody to follow this sustainability pills to reduce the negative impact that some activities have on the environment!

For new initiatives follow us on our social channels and pages.

Building a narrative for Open and Collaborative Innovation

Building a narrative for Open and Collaborative Innovation

LabGov keeps going on digitally! On March 13th from 4 to 6pm, the third workshop of the Urban Clinic will take place in a surprising way. Indeed, all the students will meet in the virtual classroom 203. The Urban Clinic will host Azzurra Spirito, community-led project designer. She will introduce the concepts of service design, design process and storytelling for a process of Open and Collaborative innovation to the LabGovers, with the scope of improving their projects. 

On Saturday 14th, we will move forward with the project, supported by Azzurra Spirito expert in project design, Elena de Nictolis Luiss Research Fellow and Alessandro Piperno, PhD student Management Luiss. The co-working will take place in the virtual classroom 305a from 10am to 5pm. Students will first work together to define the personas and the customer decision journey of their project while in the afternoon they will work in groups to create the investor pitch of their project idea.

If you are interested in finding out how our project keeps going in a digital way, follow us on our social channels Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!