The City as a commons: the first international conference on urban commons

The City as a commons: the first international conference on urban commons

FB_copertinaDEFNEWWe are honored to announce you that  the 1st IASC (International Association for the Study of the Commons) Thematic Conference on urban commons is coming. The IASC Conference, named “ The City as a Commons: Reconceiving Urban Space, Common Goods And City Governance” is organized by LabGov in collaboration with Fordham University of New York and the International Center on Democracy and Democratization (ICEDD) of the LUISS University of Rome. It will take place in Bologna on 6-7 November 2015.

The conference will be co-chared by the LabGov’s coordinator Prof. Christian Iaione (UniMarconi University and LUISS Guido Carli) and by Prof. Sheila Foster (Fordham University) pioneer scholar in conceiving the urban commons.

Many scholars, researchers, policymakers, practitioners and social innovators will take stock of the developments in the interdisciplinary study of the urban commons. The International Scientific Review Committee is composed by leading scholar in the field of urban commons such as Tine De Moor (Utrecht University), Insa Theesfeld (Martin-Luther-Universität), Richard Burdett (London School of Economics), Paola Cannavò (Università della Calabria), Christian Borch (Copenhagen Business School), Leonardo Morlino (LUISS Guido Carli) and  Ivana Pais (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore).

Keynotes speech will be Tine De Moor (Utrecht University), Richard Sennett (London School of Economics, New York University), Silke Helfrich and Michel Bauwens both from Commons Strategies Group.

The conference will intend to equip participants with inspirational examples of urban development, as well as provide an understanding of the conditions for implementation and the context, measurement and assessment of that impact for the commons. The conference will introduce you into the ongoing study of the commons, stressing the importance of an “urban commons narrative” for urban infrastructure, urban welfare and urban development. Our goal is to bridge together bright minds that are city-focused to foster learning, inspiration and wonder – and provoke innovation.

The conference will seek to better understand the idea of urban commons at different scales, under what circumstances and contexts urban commons emerge, what contributes to their durability and effectiveness, and what undermines them. The conference will highlight six thematic questions, to which a paper submission is required, they are:

  1. Conceinving the urban commons
  2. Mapping the urban commons
  3. The urban commons and democratic innovation
  4. The collaborative/sharing economy as the basis as a commons-based urban economy
  5. Social innovation as the basis for a commons-based urban welfare
  6. Designing and governing the city as a commons

In order to participate abstracts may be submitted to or through the dedicated application form on the website. The deadline for submission is August 10th, 2015 at 12:00 AM CET.

Follow the LabGov’s Facebook and Twitter account that will be constantly updated on the news about the Conference. The official hashtag of the conference is #commonscities.

Download the program HERE


La città come bene comune: la prima IASC Conference organizzata da LabGov

La prima IASC (International Association for the Study of the Commons) Thematic Conference sui beni comuni urbani sta arrivando. La IASC Conference, dal nome “ The City as a Commons: Reconceiving Urban Space, Common Goods And City Governance” sarà organizzata da LabGov, in collaborazione con Fordham University di New York e ICEDD International Center on Democracy and Democratization dell’Università LUISS di Roma, e avrà luogo i prossimi 6-7 novembre 2015 a Bologna.

Scarica il programma  QUI.


Innovation and Territory, the CSR exhibition at LUISS

Innovation and Territory, the CSR exhibition at LUISS

SALONE-2014-LOGO-SFONDO-TRASPARENTEOn May the 6th, LUISS will host the second edition of the CSR and Social Innovation Exhibition in Rome, named “Passion and Inspiration: get ready for the future”.

It is the most important event in Italy dedicated to the development of the Corporate Social Responsibility, towards more and more innovative and sustainable scenarios.

This edition will promote a CSR dedicated to the needs of the territory, and some of the most important best practices regarding environmental and social innovation will be presented and analysed by companies, local authorities, social businesses and cooperatives.

Anima, Koinetica, LUISS and Next propose a program full of debates and meetings in which students and their ideas will be the leading actors.

In the afternoon, from 2.30 p.m. until 4 p.m., a seminar entitled “Territory, Sharing and Innovation: collaborative projects are increasing” will take place.
According to the program of the exhibition,
professor Christian Iaione, LabGov’s coordinator, Fabrizio Torella from Ferrovie dello Stato, Alessandro Radicchi from ONDS, and Maurizio Gubbiotti from Legambiente, after having talked about the project “Help Center” in the train stations and the various examples about public-private-civic partnerships which LabGov is carrying on in Italy, will also examine the co-design and the participation projects for the environmental sustainability of the territory. Certainly, the participant will have the opportunity to understand what has been made during this academic year at the LUISS Community Garden.

Rossella Sobrero, Koinetica’s president, will moderate the debate.

To obtain further informations and to consult the full and detailed program, please visit the following links:




Mercoledì 6 maggio la LUISS ospiterà la seconda edizione romana del Salone della CSR e dell’innovazione sociale, “Passione e ispirazione, prepararsi al futuro”.

L’edizione 2015 promuoverà una responsabilità sociale attenta alle esigenze e ai bisogni del territorio; verranno presentate alcune delle più importanti buone pratiche sul tema dell’innovazione ambientale e sociale.

Il programma (visionabile a questo link) prevede un seminario intitolato “Territorio, Condivisione, Innovazione: crescono i progetti collaborativi” cui parteciparanno, oltre al professor Christian Iaione – coordinatore di LabGov – anche Fabrizio Torella, Responsabile attività sociali Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, Alessandro Radicchi di ONDS, Osservatorio Nazionale sul Disagio e la Solidarietà nelle Stazioni Italiane e Maurizio Gubbiotti, Coordinatore Segreteria Nazionale, Responsabile Dipartimento Internazionale di Legambiente. Coordinerà il dibattito Rossella Sobrero, presidente di Koinetica.

L’appuntamento è fissato in aula 203, dalle 14.30 alle 16.


The city as a commons. The city as an institution for collective action

The city as a commons. The city as an institution for collective action

On 14th May 2015, , Prof. Sheila Foster and Prof. Christian Iaione will present their co-authored paper “The city as a commons”.

The presentation will take place in Rome, at La Sapienza University, at the School of Economics and Law in Via Del Castro Laurenziano 9, 2nd Floor, at 4:00 pm.


The paper will be presented by the authors. Prof. Sheila Foster is Albert A. Walsh Professor of Real Estate, Land Use & Property Law and Co-Faculty Director of the Fordham Urban Law Center. Prof. Foster is the author of numerous publications on land use, environmental law, and antidiscrimination law. Prof. Christian Iaione is associate professor of Public law at Guglielmo Marconi University and visiting professor of governance of the commons at LUISS Guido Carli where he coordinates the LabGov – LABoratory for the GOVernance of Commons ( He has published several articles in the field of public and administrative law and, in particular, land use, public goods and the commons, public services and public contracts, urban law and local government. The paper will be commented by three distinguished discussants: Prof. Raffaele Bifulco (full professor of Constitutional law at LUISS Guido Carli,; David Bollier leading thinkers and activist of the commons (and Giovanni Vetritto (Department for Regional Affairs). The coordinator of the workshop, Prof. Paola Chirulli, full Prof. of Administrative law at La Sapienza University of Rome, will draw the conclusions.


Giovedì 14 maggio, presso la Facoltà di Economia della Sapienza di Roma si svolgerà la presentazione del paper di cui sono co-autori il Prof. Christian Iaione e la Prof. Sheila Foster.

La presentazione si svolgerà presso la facoltà di Economia dell’Università La Sapienza, in Via del Castro Laurenziano 9 nell’Aula del Dipartimento di Economia e diritto, secondo piano, alle ore 16:00.

Il paper sarà presentato dagli autori e saranno presenti in qualità di Discussants: il prof. Raffaele Bifulco, ordinario di Diritto costituzionale all’Università LUISS Guido Carli, David Bollier, esperto di commons a livello internazionale ( e Giovanni Vetritto, del Dipartimento per gli Affari Regionali della Presidenza del Consiglio. Le conclusioni saranno affidate alla prof. Paola Chirulli, ordinario di Diritto amministrativo pressoLa Sapienza di Roma, che coordinerà l’incontro.

The city as a commons

Battipaglia is designing the first collaborative urban strategic plan

Battipaglia is designing the first collaborative urban strategic plan

logo_aggiornatoBefore going to the first civic Collaboration Fest in Bologna, we will travel down south to Campania.

In Battipaglia – a fifty-thousands inhabitants town in the province of Salerno – on the 7th of May at 10.30 a.m. and at 2.30 p.m at the De Amicis school, two co-working sessions on “Regenerate Battipaglia” and “Green Battipaglia” will take place.
The names of the two debates are not fortuitous. On the contrary, they are the two names of two of the four pieces in which CO-Battipaglia is being built (the website is already online).

What is worth to underline is the delicate context in which CO-Battipaglia is coming into being.
Actually, in April 2014, Battipaglia’s city council was dismissed over “mafia infiltratation” allegations. After few weeks, the prefect designated the architect Massimo Alvisi for designing an unprecendented urban strategic plan which, thanks to the participation of LabGov, will be imagined in a collaborative way.

Let’s go back for a moment.
On the 21st of April 2015, the team who is working on CO-Battipaglia, together with the citizens of Battipaglia, imagined the operations to carry on in order to assemble a “Creative Battipaglia” and a “Public Battipaglia”.
During those debates, the participants talked about the way in which the city will build its future, that is on education and knowledge, using the former school De Amicis, the Castelluccio and the Tabacchificio as strategic places for the cognitive development of the city. Through this, Battipaglia will turn into a meeting point for learning, knowledge, culture, and research.
Secondly, since there is a serious lack of public spaces in the whole town, it is necessary to recover and regenerate them wherever they are available, as soon as possible.

Thanks to next week’s debates, it will be possible to propose ideas and projects for regenerate dismissed or abandoned spaces and to convert the whole city into a CO-city. In particular, issues concerning the health of the territory (making the citizens aware of the hydro-geological instability, the contamination of the aquifers and sustainable mobility) will be faced.

All these precious events, organised by Battipaglia Municipality together with LabGov, Alvisi Kirimoto and partners, LUISS and INSITI, will lead to the draft of the strategic guidelines of the new Battipaglia’s urban management plan, that will have the collaboration at his core.

The last event will take place in June, when it will be possible to put into effect what has been talked about from February 2015 on, following the three axis through which CO-Mantova (the prototype of the co-cities) was designed, that is to say living together (collaborative services), growing together (co-ventures) and making together (co-production).

Further information can be retrieved following these links, stay tuned!

PIANTAGONO – Cleaning our flowerbed to regenerate our neighbourhood!

PIANTAGONO – Cleaning our flowerbed to regenerate our neighbourhood!

Next Friday, April the 17th, LabGov – LABoratory for the GOVernance of commons and AMUSE – Amici Municipio Secondo will collaborate to regenerate the central flowerbed of Piazza Ungheria, Rome.

The goal of the project is to raise awareness of sustainable development, the care and regeneration of urban green spaces and governance of the commons. The specific objective of the project is the rehabilitation, care and maintenance of the flowerbed of Piazza Ungheria and the creation of a network of collaboration among active citizens in urban green spaces.

Among all partners that will enjoy the event, there will be Zappata Romana; Interazioni urbane; Rebike ALTERmobility; Radio Luiss; Greenchallenge; Luiss TV; Luiss LEP; Retake Roma.

The event – that will begin at 2.30 PM in Piazza Ungheria, Rome – will be divided in two parts:

2.30 PM – 5.00 PM: regenerating action

5.00 PM – 6.00 PM: Tea Time in LUISS Community Garden

For more details, please refer to the flyers below:

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