On Saturday, November 18th, the Workshop “Agenda 2030. Economia e sostenibilità” will be held at Luiss University, Viale Romania 32.
The workshop, created by the collaboration between LUISS Finance Club and Collalto University Center, with the patronage of LUISS ERS Hub, aims to raise awareness among participants about the importance of United Nations Agenda 2030 (Innovation, Infrastructure, Responsible Productions, Consumption, Sustainability) bearing the testimony of some of the major companies operating in our country.
Thanks to the work of the leading experts in the matter, it will be highlighted the importance and the at the same time the complexity of the implementation of the operational program to comply with UN directives.
Professor Christian Iaione will be one of the keynote speaker.
The workshop, which resumes some of the topics of the recent Global Mindset Program 17, is also an opportunity for participating students to test theri skills: after the first theorical session, indeed, students will be divided in groups in order solve some business cases proposed by business companies.
Selected students will have the chance to participate to an insight day at the company for which he has been victorious.
With this initiative, LUISS Finance Club and Collalto University Center propose to the participating students interesting ideas for personal growth and at the same time the possibility of to measure in a positively competitive and challenging context.
The programme is available here
Domani, sabato 18 Novembre, si terrà presso la Luiss Guido Carli, Viale Romania 32, il Workshop “Agenda 2030. Economia e sostenibilità”. L’incontro, che porterà anche la testimonianza di alcune tra le principali imprese operanti nel nostro Paese, è finalizzato a sensibilizzare i partecipanti sull’importanza dell’Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite.