“L’intelligenza della città partecipata: competenze, risorse e regole per l’innovazione urbana” is the title of an event on collaborative governance and urban innovation that will take place in Rome on the 24th May 2016. This event was organized in the framework of the ForumPA 2016, that will also foster other events on the subjects of sustainability and sharing economy.
Digital skills and services, Resources and sustainability, Collaborative administration: these are the three subjects that will be discussed in the working groups, with the aim to move from single experiences and experiments to national proposals, to be addressed to the Government or to the Italian municipalities network.
Assessors, directors and experts will join the working groups.
The events will take place at Palazzo dei Congressi, Roma EUR, in Favignana Hall – CREATIVITY CCIAA ROMA- I° floor. Read the related ForumPA article here.
Martedì 24 Maggio al Palazzo dei Congressi di Roma si terrà l’evento “L’intelligenza della città partecipata: competenze, risorse e regole per l’innovazione urbana”, nel quadro del ForumPA 2016. I Tavoli di Lavoro vedranno coinvolti assessori, dirigenti ed esperti, per discutere di amministrazione collaborativa delle città.