The Collaborative Week in Milan is coming and all eyes are on the city. An eight-day event from November 7 to 14 the week is divided into five specific sub-events[1] that embody the willingness of Milan, its citizens and other actors to support and spread the voice of the sharing and collaborative economy. The week promises to offer a great debate with national and international experts and is hosted at BASE MILANO. The place itself is an incredible example of public space reuse and provides a new real stage to express the city’s voice and reflects the vibrant and dynamic atmosphere that is marking Milan in the last years: social innovation, creativity, sustainability, collaboration, cooperation, co-housing, co-working…
One of the main and highly anticipated events, among others, is Sharitaly, held on November 9-10, in its third edition. Sharitaly is the first Italian convention entirely dedicated to the sharing economy, born in 2013 thanks to the intuition of Collaboriamo and Cattolica University of Milan, together with Eni Enrico Mattei Foundation. The first edition was held in Milan with the aim of mapping and connecting all the actors of the emerging Italian sharing panorama, involving startups, social businesses, companies, public administration and ordinary citizens. The second edition, Sharitaly Reloaded, was in Rome, at Montecitorio, and represented a first evolution of the event, in reflection of the progression of the phenomenon itself. The aim, indeed, was to bring the Italian policymakers’ attention to the potential of the sharing economy in order to open a discussion about finding a normative frame suitable for the Italian context, without slowing down the phenomenon.
The 2015 edition is part of a broader scope of reflection and, as with every year, it wants to take stoke of the Italian situation and contribute to the larger debate on the collaborative economy and to its implementation. A novelty is the determination to bring the collaborative economy to an enforcement plan, comparing experiences and tools coming from public, private and third sectors, merging their considerations and trying to answer to the main concerns and doubts that such disruptive innovation is generating. The final aim is to understand the pioneering scenarios that the new sharing paradigm is opening. For this reason, the 2015 slogan, “Not only Apps”, is even more significant, since it refers to the importance of re-thinking the sharing economy in the broader context of public institutions, businesses and third sector. The two-day event will be enriched by the presence of experts; creatives; innovators; social entrepreneurs; public administrators; advisors; and researchers from each fields who that will present case studies and best practices, new experimentations and researches, and launch practical seminars and round tables. The following events are also noteworthy: the First Business Forum, the Social Enterprise Mega Workshop and the Collaborative Governance Camp. The first is an active and participative training day to analyze the position of big businesses and new startups in the current collaborative and digital transformation. The second is devoted to social business and will show how to use co-design tools to innovate collaboration. The third, the Collaborative Governance Camp, takes inspiration from the governance of the commons, which LUISS LabGov – LABoratory for the GOVernance of the Commons, is experimenting in many Italian cities and seeks to be a practical training day to build efficient collaborative governance models. Bologna is going to host the First IASC Conference on this topic, from November 6-7, showing the Italian commitment to collaboration.
As with every edition, Sharitaly is an opportunity to launch new formulas and innovations, and after Sharexpo and the Sharing School, now it is time for the Start Up Award, a call to reward the best collaborative initiatives in the Italian scene and give them visibility and support. The wealth of news and many inspiring events made Sharitaly a significant event to attend, particularly given the depth of discussion with regards to the sharing and collaborative economy and education on how to take the best from this new paradigm in the economic, social and institutional field. Check out the program and see you at Sharitaly.
[1] The events inside the Collaborative Week are: Experiment Days, Sharitaly, The European Coworking Conference, Espresso Coworking and Milano Sharing City: la Città in Condivisione, directly organized and proposed by the Municipality of Milan.
Al via la terza edizione di Sharitaly, Non solo App. L’economia collaborativa nelle imprese, nelle amministrazioni e nel terzo settore. Il 9 e 10 Novembre all’interno della più ampia manifestazione “Collaborative Week”, Base Milano (ex Ansaldo rigenerato), ospiterà una rivoluzionaria versione di Sharitaly. Se nel 2013 l’obiettivo era mappare e connettere le realtà di sharing economy in Italia, coinvolgendo imprese, cittadini, innovatori, ecc… e nel 2014 è stata la volta di Sharitaly Reloaded, un’occasione per portare il tema all’attenzione dei decisori pubblici invitandoli a ragionare sulle implicazioni normative, il 2015 è all’insegna delle sperimentazioni e delle forme pratiche in cui la sharing economy si sta sviluppando, e vuole essere un momento di incontro, scambio e confronto non solo per le imprese, ma anche per terzo settore e pubblica amministrazione.