On 28th of March LabGov hosted the expert in European project management, Silvia Petrosino (Zètema Progetto Cultura srl), who explained the essential instruments to elaborate European cultural projects.
First of all, she specified projects are elaborated in order to respond to tender notices which derive from European policies that are actuated through programs. These projects produce effects on citizens, stakeholders and public institutions. Only legal entities are admitted to respond to calls for proposal.
The current EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation is called Horizon 2020, and it is the successor of the 7th Framework Programme. Horizon 2020 is divided into three categories: Excellent Science, Industrial Leadership and Societal Challenges. Regarding culture, the most important program is “Erasmus+: changing lives, opening minds”, composed by three key actions: mobility, cooperation for innovation and good practices, support for policies reform. This program is financed for 20% by the Communitarian Agency EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) and for 80% by national agencies (for Italy they are ISFOL, INDIRE and Agenzia Nazionale Giovani). Another program is “ Creative Europe” which responds to four challenges : overcome fragmentation, digital shift and lack of data and access to finance. This program is financed with 1.46 billion of Euros shared between culture ( 31%), media (56%) and cross sectors (13%). The objects of “Creative Europe” is to support the capacity of the Cultural and Creative Sector (CCS) to operate transnationally, promote the transnational circulation of cultural and creative operators, reach new audiences and enforce the cultural sector. The instruments for realizing these objects are cooperation, literary translations, networks and platforms.
Secondly, we analyzed a cooperation project realized by Zètema in cooperation with Estonia, Greece and Norway called “FolkMus-Folk music in MusEUMS, young musicians and old instruments” (2010-2012). In two years were organized meetings, 12 concerts, educational activities, workshops in museums involving young musicians coming from Italy, Estonia, Norway and Greece. As Petrosino said, an effective communication program was necessary to promote the event (newspapers, internet, posters ). Moreover, they collected the opinions of musicians and users through questionnaires which revealed the strong audience’s satisfaction. The success of this project was determined by a clear and effective idea, a balanced partnership, richness and cultural diversity, a rational working plan and finally personal commitment.
After this brief overview, the Labgovers were invited to put this knowledge into practice responding to a European call for proposal regarding the relationship between administration and young people.