XXIII National Congress A.I.D.U “Rethink the city and its right”

XXIII National Congress A.I.D.U “Rethink the city and its right”

“Urban Experimentalism and the relationship between Science, Innovation and Cities”

Tomorrow on October 2nd, there will be the 23rd national congress of A.I.D.U. “Ripensare la città e il suo diritto” (Rethink the city and its right). The congress will forsee the participation of Christian Iaione, Professor of Regulatory Innovation, Land Use, Urban Law & Policy and
Director of the MSc in Law, Digital Innovation and Sustainability and Elena De Nictolis, research fellow of LabGov.City.

The object of discussion will be the new approach of the relationship between the city and its territory and community in light of the Covid-19 outbreak⁣.

You can download tomorrow’s program in Italian by the following link: http://www.dirittourbanistico.it/2020/09/09/xxiii-convegno-nazionale-aidu-online-programma/

#LabGovNonSiFerma #LuissNonSiFerma: La seconda attività di Sustainability online

#LabGovNonSiFerma #LuissNonSiFerma: La seconda attività di Sustainability online

Oggi si è concluso il secondo incontro delle #pilloledisostenibilità organizzato dall’Università Luiss Guido Carli, che ha promosso, durante le festività pasquali, attività online riguardanti tematiche ambientali.

La Clinica Urbana Interdisciplinare di LabGov 2020 ha aderito a questa bellissima iniziativa online organizzando due pillole di sostenibilità per rendere green questo periodo di quarantena.

In particolare, giovedì insieme ai tutor della Clinica Urbana Interdisciplinare Alessio, Julianne e Francesco abbiamo visto come realizzare un Orto in Balcone utilizzando materiali riciclati, come bottiglie di plastica e tappi di sughero, insieme ad alcuni consigli su come essere più sostenibili: “lo sapevi che anche solo cancellando le vecchie mail puoi ridurre le emissioni di CO2 nell’ambiente?”; nell’incontro di oggi invece, insieme agli altri tutor  Caterina, Lorenzo, Tommaso e Flaminia abbiamo visto come preparare del gel igienizzante per le mani, come disinfettare una mascherina e come riutilizzare rifiuti organici, che altrimenti, avrebbero un grande impatto sull’ambiente!

Per nuove iniziative, seguiteci sui nostri canali social e sulle nostre pagine.

Today ended the second meeting of #sustainabilitypills organized by Luiss Guido Carli University, which promoted, during the Easter holidays, online activities on environmental issues. The Urban Interdisciplinary Clinic of LabGov 2020 joined this beautiful online initiative by organizing two sustainability pills video tutorials to make this period of quarantine greener.

In particular, on Thursday together with the tutors of the Interdisciplinary Urban Clinic Alessio, Julianne and Francesco we saw how to create a Balcony Garden using recycled materials, such as plastic bottles and corks, together with some tips to be more sustainable: “did you know that even just by deleting spam emails you can reduce CO2 emissions into the environment? “.

In today’s meeting instead, together with other tutors, namely Caterina, Lorenzo, Tommaso and Flaminia we saw how to prepare hand sanitizing gel, how to disinfect a mask and how to transform an organic waste into beauty cosmetics.
We encourage everybody to follow this sustainability pills to reduce the negative impact that some activities have on the environment!

For new initiatives follow us on our social channels and pages.

Building a narrative for Open and Collaborative Innovation

Building a narrative for Open and Collaborative Innovation

LabGov keeps going on digitally! On March 13th from 4 to 6pm, the third workshop of the Urban Clinic will take place in a surprising way. Indeed, all the students will meet in the virtual classroom 203. The Urban Clinic will host Azzurra Spirito, community-led project designer. She will introduce the concepts of service design, design process and storytelling for a process of Open and Collaborative innovation to the LabGovers, with the scope of improving their projects. 

On Saturday 14th, we will move forward with the project, supported by Azzurra Spirito expert in project design, Elena de Nictolis Luiss Research Fellow and Alessandro Piperno, PhD student Management Luiss. The co-working will take place in the virtual classroom 305a from 10am to 5pm. Students will first work together to define the personas and the customer decision journey of their project while in the afternoon they will work in groups to create the investor pitch of their project idea.

If you are interested in finding out how our project keeps going in a digital way, follow us on our social channels Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!

The last meeting of the Urban Clinic EDU@LabGov 2019

The last meeting of the Urban Clinic EDU@LabGov 2019

Save the date: next Saturday, 4th May 2019, Luiss University will host the last meeting of EDU@LabGov in Luiss Community Garden from 10 am to 12am.

In this occasion the LabGovers (students of the Urban Clinic of LabGov) will work to make the last adjustments to the prototype of the project that they have designed during these months. In particular, they will work on inserting the technological elements that respond to the challenges related to sustainable agriculture, energy, tech justice and many more. Furthermore, they will co-design the event in which they will present their ideas to the public!

This appointment will represent the last moment to put into practice definitively the topics they have discuss during this Urban Clinic of LabGov A.A 2018/2019.

As always, if you are interested in following their work, follow our official social networks!

This is a very last moment before the final event.

Urban Clinic LabGov EDU 2019 – Module III

Urban Clinic LabGov EDU 2019 – Module III


The third workshop of the Urban Clinic EDU@LabGov 2019 took place on Friday the 15th of March into the Viale Romania Campus of LUISS University. The workshop has inaugurated the start of the third module of the course. The module was dedicated to “Urban Law and Policy”.  Indeed, the Laboratory hosted three important experts on these themes: prof. Christian Fernando Iaione, lawyer Nico Moravia, and dr. Paola Marzi.

Prof. Iaione, the scientific co-director of LabGov, teaches Urban Law and Policy and Urbanistic Law at LUISS University.

Lawyer Moravia is partner of the law firm Pavia-Ansaldo (administrative law department).

Dr. Paola Marzi is an official of the municipality of Rome as Head of the office for the Urban Gardens, and has a long experience on these themes since she has participated in the drafting of the Regulation of Urban Gardens of Rome.

The workshop was introduced by the speech of Prof. Iaione, who talked about his experiences in the urban regeneration field. He exposed the project of Co-Bologna (http://co-bologna.it/): the program started 7 years ago and its effects were such as to spread his principles in Italian cities like Turin, Rome and Reggio-Emilia, but also in others parts of the world like New York, Amsterdam and Sao Paulo.

All these experiences demonstrated how important is to rewrite administrative and urbanistic legislation in order to face all the problems brought in the cities by the changes of the third millennium. What is fundamental in this process is the participative paradigm, that means involving as much as possible all the different urban stakeholder in order to re-define the way of living the urban centers.

Indeed, lawyer Moravia showed how it worked in the roman context, by showing the case of the Ex-Dogana: an un-used space, owned by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, brought back to life by the efforts of four young entrepreneurs. The cohesion of legal, human and economics competences, made possible to find a new and simple solution, like a temporary leasing contract, and create what now is one of the most important experiences of this kind in Rome.

One of the sectors where the participative paradigm is more successful and better applied is the urban garden’s one. Dr. Marzi explained how gardens are the place where it is possible to focus all the energies and differences of a neighborhood, not only as a place where plants grow, but as an instrument of social inclusion, that generates wellness and new solutions to co-live the city by building up new forms of community.


The 3rd Module of the Urban Clinic LabGov EDU 2019 continued with the Co-Working session, held on March 16th. The co-working session is facilitated by Chiara De Angelis, Friends of LabGov’s ex-president.

The Co-Working session took place in the LUISS Campus of Viale Romania and it started at 10 am with Pasquale Tedesco’s testimony, expert of Confagricoltura (http://www.confagricoltura.it/ita/).

He talked about the importance of the relationship between Earth and Nature and the fortune to enjoy some products that Earth offers.

After this inspirational session, Chiara De Angelis explained the Labgovers service design, an important passage to complete and improve the idea that they’re developing during this A.A. of LabGov EDU. For this reason, the LabGovers were divided into groups in order to select the “personas” (consumer type) of their product/service, basing on their previous research.

In the afternoon, the LabGovers developed the user journey map to describe the possible experience consumers might have through the platform that they are developing.

Stay Tuned!