IMG-20140516-WA0002MEETING MINUTES 23rd APRIL 2014

LabGov hosted Federica Fotino, coordinator of Planning and Valorisation of the State Property. The meeting was divided into two main parts: the first one was a general introduction to project management and to those instruments and methods to realize it; the second one was a real workshop to put into practice the new-acquired knowledge.

In the first part of the meeting Fotino explained what is a project, defining it as “a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service or result”. The activity of Project Management consists in having the nautical charts (knowing the social, juridical and economic environment in which we come to act), defining the route (defining the objectives), organizing the galley (defining competences, roles, in-depth analysis, activities).In every kind of Project Management, it is fundamental to respect the relation between time and resources, in particular human resources. It is necessary to work bearing in mind the significant difference between objectives and goals; the first ones are different for each part of the project, whereas the second ones are long term intentions. It has been explained what are the methods through which create the Activities/Resources matrix in order to individuate the budget for the project. After the introduction Fotino organized the class in groups for the practical exercise consisting in writing a piece of a project following the instruction received during the meeting.