The “Entrepreneurship Lab” gave the opportunity to the students to present their ideas and be advised by a panel jury composed by practitioners and professors of different academic backgrounds. The final objective of the whole module, which was successfully achieved, was to highlight the strengths and opportunities of each project idea of the students, so to merge it into a single macro idea and continue developing the project in the course of incoming sessions.
During the workshop on Friday 28th, the Urban Clinic hosted Professor Cavallo, consultant expert in national and international online business development, marketing and digital strategy, as well as teacher and mentor at the Luiss Business School. Following a general introduction to the tools needed to execute an appealing pitch that can attract investors and partners, students had the opportunity to perfect their skills of public speaking and if necessary, edit the form and content before the official presentation. Professor Cavallo’s advices has proved to be valuable and fundamental to achieve the consciousness needed. Moreover, professor Cavallo was able yo facilitate the task by highlighting the points needed to develop a functional business model and make it simple but effective. Students understood how important is to highlight the problem creating an empathic feeling with the interlocutor and than expose the solution supported by analysis of target personas, studies on market validation and market size and business model.
In the first part of the co-working on Saturday 29th, the jury was composed by Alessia Simeone Social Media strategist, Arianna Centofanti from the law firm Giplex; Chistian Iaione co-founder and co-director of LabGov and Professor of Regulatory Innovation, Land use, Urban Law & Policy, and Director of the Master in Law, Digital innovation and Sustainability; Luca Tricarico Phd post-doctoral research in Business and Management Luiss; Alessandro Piperno Phd student in Management Luiss; Giorgio Insom, expert and consultant in Business modeling. Moreover there was Giuseppe Allocca former Luiss student and founder of “Lofoio” enterprise of handicrafts and regeneration fabrics from textile waste in Prato; Francesco Malitesta and Lorenzo Pizzo founders of the Artlab Xnovo and Flavia Romei eco-friendly stylist owner of the atelier Cheap Lobster. The participation of each juror was of fundamental importance since that each juror’s comment focalized on their operational field, creating a 360º scenario that has ensured a more detailed and in-depth evaluation.
In the second part of the co-working students collaborated to synthesize the three ideas so to elaborate a macro idea analyzing the strengths and opportunities that have been highlighted by the jury. For instance, it has emerged that data analysis was a cross-cutting element. Once the brainstroming process was completed, it was necessary to analyse the feasibility and the market trend behind the idea. The students were therefore divided into groups to analyse the various elements mapping the costs and revenues of each project area and creating a survey so to define the target and the degree of interest and commitment from potential consumers.
Next appointment Saturday, March 7th, with the first session of Community Gardening where students will have an open air Lab in the Luiss Community Garden. The aim of the meeting will be to study natural dyes and go forward with the design of the project idea.