CO-Battipaglia is the result of Co-design/co-planning Laboratory, open and collaborative, called Organized legality. A nursery of civic energy for growing the future of the territory. The Prefect, appointed in Battipaglia in 2014, after the dissolution of the Municipal Council due to Mafia infiltrations, commissioned a study to both ALVISI-KIRIMOTO and LUISS LabGov – LABoratory for the GOVernance of commons, in order to develop the strategic guidelines for the Municipal City Plan (PUC).
The team has the objective to produce the guidelines for the realization of a collaborative territorial/local Pact for the care and regeneration of the local commons. The Pact will create a stable public, private, community partnership, that will be technically validated and shared between citizens and local institutions. The Pact will be the base for the establishment of a collaborative implementation method of the future PUC. Moreover, the Pact will be the first step of a new paradigm of local development for the care and regeneration of Battipaglia’s commons.
From February to March 2015 the team encountered associations, active citizens, social innovators, enterprises, public administrations and schools of the city. The meetings have been held in the ex-Scuola De Amicis of Battipaglia. From the participatory process emerged four main themes, that will be the base for the definition of a urban collaborative strategy for the regeneration and redevelopment of the city:
- PUBLIC BATTIPAGLIA: Battipaglia lacks public spaces (green areas, meeting places, ect.). It is important to recover and regenerate the public spaces all around the city. Indeed, to transform abandoned spaces in public spaces could be a possibility. It should be used a collaborative method through public, private, civic, community partnerships.
- REGENERATED BATTIPAGLIA: The landscape of Battipaglia is marked by abandoned spaces: industrial areas, masserie and cascine (typical farmhouses), real estate seized to the Mafia, unlawful houses and buildings. These are potential sources of economic development. For this reasons it is important to re-activate these places for the urban renaissance.
- ECOLOGICAL BATTIPAGLIA: To invest on the collaborative care of the “wealth of the territory” should become a priority. It is important to solve both infrastructural and behavioral problems, that impact on the geological risk and provoke groundwater pollution. Regulations is needed for the use of the land, both in case of quarries and greenhouses. The costline should be protected for the high ecological value (pinet forest, dunes, beaches). Moreover, the wealth of the territory pass through the redesign of the urban mobility.
- CREATIVE BATTIPAGLIA: The future of Battipaglia have to be based on education and knowledge. The schools and the cultural institutions have a key role. Sites such as the ex-Scuola De Amicis, the Castelluccio and the Tabacchificio should become the strategic nodes of the knowledge development of the city. Battipaglia will become a crossroad of culture, research and scientific experimentation.
The 21 and 22 June 2015 the Municipality of Battipaglia in collaboration with Alvisi-Kirimoto and LUISS LabGov – LABoratory for the GOVernance of commons organizes the first global day of the organized legality. The event, called “Battipaglia Collabora” (Battipaglia collaborates), put together citizens and virtuous economic and social groups, for the collective and collaborative regeneration of the city.
The activities that will take place during the two-day event Battipaglia Collabora will be a sample of the possible ways in which citizens can collaborate with the public institutions for the future of the Battipaglia’s territory.
Facebook: cobattipaglia