by Diletta Di Marco | Apr 25, 2016 | The Urban Media Lab
Wednesday, April 27, 2016 from 17:00 PM, the event “Per una nuova cultura della città: la periferia come bene comune”organized by Giovani per Roma Association will be held at Sala Quaroni , placed in via Ciro il Grande in Rome EUR. Professor Christian Iaione from LabGov will partecipate to discuss the role of urban common as the engine for the regeneration of the suburbs. The main theme of the conference is urban innovation: how current urban dimensions could represent challenges fostering original future models of governance? In fact, the idea that lies behind this new critical way to organize the city is to build together a robust yet innovative system and to rethink the spaces and services putting at the centre stage the role of the citizenship. Other crucial issues will be addressed: the respect for the environment, the enhancement of the territory and the quality of life.
The event will be opened by Andrea Santoro, President of Municipio Roma IX. The conference will be attended by the following experts: Massimo Alvisi from Alvisikirimoto+Partners, Francesco Marsico from Caritas Italia, Davide Lottieri as President of Campus Bio-Medico Spa, Maurizio Gubbiotti as Special Commissioner for RomaNatura, Roberto Setola as Founder of the Italian Association for experts in Critical Infrastructures, Nicola Ferrigni for LinkLab and Francesco Limone as Director of ELIS Corporate School.
Here the full program of the event.
To participate please send a message to: INFO@GIOVANIXROMA.ORG.

Il 27 Aprile 2016 ore 17:00 LabGov prenderà parte grazie all’intervento del Professor Christian Iaione all’incontro “PER UNA NUOVA CULTURA DELLA CITTÀ: LA PERIFERIA COME BENE COMUNE”. L’evento avrà luogo presso la Sala Quaroni – Via Ciro il Grande, 16 – Sede EUR- Roma. Il tema principale dell’incontro sarà come le attuali dimensioni urbane pongono nuove sfide al futuro della città ed ai modelli di governo.A seguito del convegno verrà istituito un gruppo di lavoro multidisciplinare per la stesura di un documento programmatico per lo sviluppo e la valorizzazione del ruolo delle periferie nel contesto urbano e sociale di Roma Capitale. Per prendere parte al convegno scrivere a INFO@GIOVANIXROMA.ORG
by Diletta Di Marco | Mar 18, 2016 | The Urban Media Lab
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is Europe’s longest-running intergovernmental framework for cooperation in science and technology funding cooperative scientific projects called ‘COST Actions’. With a successful history of implementing scientific networking projects for over 40 years, COST offers scientists the opportunity to embark upon bottom-up, multidisciplinary and collaborative networks across all science and technology domains. They have also enabled the creation of entirely new types of ‘digital’ or ‘virtual’ labour, both paid and unpaid, shifting the borderline between ‘play’ and ‘work’ and creating new types of unpaid labour connected with the consumption and co-creation of goods and services. This affects private life as well as transforming the nature of work and people experience the impacts differently depending on their gender, their age, where they live and what work they do.
Aspects of these changes have been studied separately by many different academic experts including sociologists, economists, geographers, political scientists, psychologists, organisational theorists and people working in such diverse fields as gender studies, management, innovation, development studies and industrial relations.With funding from the European Science Foundation’s COST programme, this Action brings together researchers from all these fields to compare results, survey the evidence and develop an understanding of how these changes in work take place and what their impacts are. The 7th Meeting of Working Groups will take place in Pavia from 21 to 22 March 2016 and Professor Christian Iaione will discuss a panel with the topic “Sharing economy: towards shared rules?” with Ivana Pais (Università Cattolica, Milan) and others speakers as Guido Smorto, (University of Palermo),Ursula Huws and Simon Joyce(University of Hertfordshire Business School) and Cristina Tajani(Municipality of Milan).
Here you can find all the programme:

by Diletta Di Marco | Feb 8, 2016 | The Urban Media Lab
An Ecomuseum is a dynamic way in which communities preserve, interpret, and manage their heritage for a sustainable development. An Ecomuseum is based on a community agreement. Introduced by the French museologist Hugues de Varine in 1971, the word ecomuseum has often been misused and the definition of an ecomuseum is still a controversial matter for contemporary museology.Many museologists sought to define the distinctive features of ecomuseums, listing their characteristics.Following a complexity approach, in recent definitions, ecomuseums are more properly defined by what they do rather than by what they are.[1]
The ecomuseum phenomenon has grown dramatically over the years, with no one ecomuseum model but rather an entire philosophy that has been adapted and molded for use in a variety of situations. As many more ecomuseums are established across the world the idea has been growing and the changes in the approach towards the philosophy are reflected in the reactions of the communities involved. In recent time particular significance is the rise in ecomuseology in India, China, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia, with significant increase in Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic and Turkey.Ecomuseums are an important medium through which a community can take control of its heritage and enable new approaches to make meaning out of conserving its local distinctiveness.
The Urban Ecomuseum Casilino “Ad duas Lauros” is located inside the Centocelle park, on via Casilina. In this urban reality, in the east of Rome and within G.R.A., there are various types of landscapes:
- The archaeological landscape that goes from the Mausoleo di Sant’Elena to the Catacombe di SS. Marcellino e Pietro, from Villa Imperiale di Centocelle inside the Parco Archeologico, to Villa Gordiani, through the Acquedotto Alessandrino and the Terme di Largo Irpinia.
- The landscape of spirituality ,this heritage is in fact part of the historic path of the Via Francigena that crossed Europe to reach the main cultural centers of Christianity
- The agricultural landscape of the Roman countryside with houses, towers, fields and pastoral areas.
- The natural landscape created by the presence of green areas
The Ecomuseum is an intangible infrastructure that brings together these landscapes, bridging them through extraordinary walking and cycling paths, which link together realities anciently connected by these modern views, in order to attract tourists to that area from all over the world.
For decades, urban planning in Rome does not take into account the needs of residents, but only those of profit and speculation, the Ecomuseum is now a new model of “development”. A new way to see the city.It promotes urban planning that incorporates the particularities with territorial wealth to use them to the fullest way, an urbanism that has as its main topic of community health. An easy and effective city, a citizen-friendly neighborhood where livabilityis the central theme.

by Diletta Di Marco | Dec 22, 2015 | EducationLabs, Luiss LabGov 2015-2016
On 13 November at the LUISS Campus of Viale Romania, LabGovers met several experts who carried out in Rome experiences of digital, institutional and scientific mapping.

With them they discussed on the importance of mapping as a tool of knowledge and reaserch on the territories, as well as an opportunity to adopt a different view and a chance to experiment alternative ways to transform the city. Mapping means to find places, structures, realities and, consequently, activators of innovation. Namely those people who “lit the spark” transforming the urban assets (tangible and intangible) in commons. The first speaker was Ilaria Vitellio, urban planner and founder of Mappina, a platform of collaborative mapping that gives a different view on cultural cities through critical contributions of its inhabitants. Her project was born in Naples, including 430 mappers, the core idea is to enable anyone to geotag photos, videos, sounds and texts to redefine the image of the city by its own subjects. Here mapping the city goes through a collective narrative experience. Mappina uses online activities, they organize several workshops on “mapping and re-imagining” the abandoned spaces to reclaim these places according to their actual needs and according to desires of the citizens. The collaborative mapping allows not only to read a map, but it can be rewritten based on the experiences and knowledge of the community on which it is tailored and to which it is addressed.
The evening continued with Liliana Grasso, Mattia Diletti, Silvia Lucciarini, researchers and coordinators of MappailPD, a project born with the aim of assessing the path of the Democratic Party in Rome.
This kind of method try to find the strengths and weaknesses, the good aspects as well as the negativities of the city, starting with the construction of a base-quantitative data analysis relative to the circles of the Democratic Party and economic and social areas of the city.
The main use of this PD maps is to identify for each area the ability to understand and represent the needs, especially the ones of the most vulnerable neighborhoods, they try to attract young people and their skills to adopt new participation methods.
The meeting then continued with Stefano Simoncini, speaker for the project RETER Mutazioni Urbane, an experiment of critical and collaborative mapping through an extensive network of local associations, committees, local authorities and university departments.
The labgovers had the opportunity to reflect on the complexity of the space that daily determines our lives conditioning our lifestyles and wellbeing. This “geosocial sphere” is a third space, where you can create a new dimension and protype a functional map for the territory in favor of collective intelligence. The discussion continued with Giulia Pietroletti, deputy in charge for the Public Administration in Rome. She told of this part of the city, the Municipio V, with the highest rate of immigrants for residents, characterized by a very active and proactive citizenship as a perfect field for experimentation. She showed us the “Charter of Regeneration” in which it were collected all the different realities of the City of Rome, divided into areas (natural, archaeological, historic) to preserve the need for care and attention of our heritage.
Therefore, there is an increasingly evidence that we need a new development model, which allows these places to become the cultural centers for active citizenship and to see realized the desires of the citizens living in these degrading situations. Finally took the floor, Maurizio Moretti, creator of a mapping work on the Municipio V, based on subsidiarity ,which showed this city as an example of active citizenship.
The problem is the fact that there is a tangible desire to reuse the abandoned spaces, but their problematic nature result by the fragmentation of responsibilities obstacle this idea of innovation. It is necessary, therefore, to intervene in these realities to implement democratic experimentalism and collaborative citizenship to create a real impact.
Workshop 13 novembre: La mappatura e lettura del territorio
Nella giornata del 13 Novembre, nella sede di Viale Romania della LUISS Guido Carli, i ragazzi di LabGov hanno incontrato diversi esperti, che hanno portato avanti a Roma esperienze di mappatura digitale, istituzionale e scientifica. Con loro hanno discusso e riflettuto sull’ importanza Della mappatura come strumento di conoscenza e ascolto dei territori che apre ad un diverso sguardo, una occasione per sperimentare modi alternativi di attraversare e di trasformare la città.
Con questo termine si indica l’ individuazione di luoghi, strutture, realtà, e, di conseguenza, dei vari attivatori, ossia quelle persone che “accendono la scintilla” trasformando tali assets ( materiali e immateriali ) in beni comuni. Ed è importante per capire come si può e si deve intervenire al meglio.
La prima a prendere la parola è stata Ilaria Vitellio, urban planner e fondatrice di MappINA, una piattaforma di collaborative mapping che dà un’immagine culturale diversa delle città attraverso il contributo, critico ed operativo, dei suoi abitanti. Un progetto nato a Napoli, che prevede la partecipazione di 430 mappers, e che consente a chiunque di georeferenziare foto, video, suono e testi e che contribuisce a ridisegnare l’immagine della città ad opera dei suoi stessi abitanti. La mappatura intesa quindi come narrazione collettiva. Alle attività on line vengono organizzati diversi laboratori di mappatura e di reimmaginazione degli spazi abbandonati con l’ obbiettivo di riappropriarsi di questi spazi ripensandoli secondo gli effettivi bisogni e desideri dei suoi abitanti. Si è discusso, poi, dei vari progetti di cui si è occupata e, più in generale, della collaborative mapping, una nuova attività che permette non soltanto di leggere una mappa, ma di poterla riscrivere in base alle esperienze e ai saperi della comunità su cui poggia e a cui si rivolge.
La riflessione è continuata con Liliana Grasso, Mattia Diletti, Silvia Lucciarini, ricercatori e coordinatori di MappailPD, progetto nato con l’ obiettivo di valutare l’operato del partito democratico a Roma una “mappatura” dei punti forza e di debolezza, del buono e del cattivo, dei singoli circoli della città. La mappatura è partita dalla costruzione di una base-dati quantitativa relativa ai circoli del PD e allo stato economico-sociale dei territori della città per poi individuare per ogni circolo la capacità di comprendere e rappresentare i fabbisogni, specie della parte più vulnerabile della città; di attrarre giovani e competenze; di adottare metodi nuovi di partecipazione. Per fare ciò è stato necessaria la diffusione di un questionario, per poter capire come intervenire e risolvere i punti deboli del partito.
È intervenuto, poi, Stefano Simoncini, che si occupa del progetto RETER Mutazione Urbane, un esperimento di cartografia critica e collaborativa in fase di realizzazione attraverso un’ampia rete territoriale di associazioni, comitati, enti locali, dipartimenti universitari già attivi in questo ambito o dotati di strumenti e banche dati utili. I ragazzi hanno avuto l’occasione di riflettere sulla complessità dello spazio, aumentata in seguito alla nascita -del web che contrapponendosi a quello concreto, della vita quotidiana determina condizionamenti non indifferenti.Il geosocial è una terza spazialità, dove è possibile creare una nuova dimensione e mappe funzionali al territorio in favore dell’intelligenza collettiva.
La discussione è proseguita con Giulia Pietroletti, Assessore all’ambiente, decoro, intercultura e innovazione nella Pubblica Amministrazione nel Municipio Roma V. Municipio con il più alto tasso di immigrati e residenti, caratterizzato da una cittadinanza molto attiva e propositiva. L’Assessore ci ha mostrato la Carta della Rigenerazione in cui sono state raccolte tutte le diverse realtà presenti nel Municipio, suddivise in aree da preservare ( aree naturalistiche, archeologiche, casali storici ) che necessitano di cura e attenzione, così da poter essere giustamente valorizzati, e di politiche attive così da poterne continuare a godere, noi e le generazioni future; e poi aree da rigenerare come per indicare zone caratterizzate da parcheggi sotterranei ormai in stato di abbandono e da edifici municipali abbandonati e difficili da gestire. Vi sono poi anche altre zone del Municipio in gravi situazioni di degrado o abuso, basti pensare al Parco di Centocelle. È sempre più evidente, quindi, che c’è bisogno di un modello di sviluppo nuovo, che permetta, ad esempio, a questi luoghi di divenire dei poli culturali e di formazione e alla cittadinanza di vedere realizzato il proprio desiderio di non vivere più in situazioni degradanti che da molto, forse troppo tempo, caratterizzano quelle zone. Ha preso la parola, in seguito, Maurizio Moretti che ha proprio realizzato un lavoro di mappatura sul Municipio V, basato sulla sussidiarietà e dal quale è emerso un Municipio che si dovrebbe prendere come esempio di cittadinanza attiva.
Infatti il problema non è tanto il fatto che non ci sia la volontà di riutilizzare gli spazi in stati di abbandono, quanto, invece, le problematicità dell’ uso degli stessi e la frammentazione delle competenze. È necessario, quindi, intervenire proprio in queste realtà già esistenti e bisognose cercando di attuare lo sperimentalismo democratico e collaborativo.
by Diletta Di Marco | Dec 2, 2015 | The Urban Media Lab
“Collaborare è Bologna” is a project of the City of Bologna, managed with the Bologna Urban Center and various partners to promote a “culture of collaboration” with continuous and consistent community involvement,and to make technologies, resources, spaces, knowledge, skills and information more accessible. In this framework, on 19 May 2014, the Municipality of Bologna approved the “Regulations on the collaboration between citizens and the Administration”, for the treatment and regeneration of the commons. This is an instruction manual for a collaborative dialogue between the public, private and community spheres, a tool that seeks to simplify and promote forms of collaboration in the management of the commons, implementing the principle of subsidiarity provided for by the Constitution in its 118 article.
The project is divided into three sub-projects, designed by listening the citizens and letting them cooperate with associations, institutions, firms and interest groups:
> Fare_insieme: projects for the treatment of public spaces (i.e islands for underground waste collection, new lighting and upgrading of the main public spaces of the center, projects for cleaning the urban spaces, contrasting graphic vandalism, teaching citizens the shared care of open spaces).
> Vivere_insieme: projects with an innovative approach on many issues. Starting from mobility, for a city in which citizens are moving on foot, by bike and on public transport until the creation of projects in areas with specific problems (Pilastro and Bolognina are the interested zones).
> Crescere_insieme: projects in which public places become collaborative spaces and engines of economic development. The project provides a digital network infrastructure in step with Europe, to promote Bologna as a City of Food and renew the relationship between the university and the city.
From October 22 to December 3, 2015 a series of meetings will take place in different neighborhoods and with an online consultation for the citizens to define the priorities of the city.
The path was created in order to strengthen the collaborative ties and develop priorities, to implement the energy of the city and the ability of citizens to collaborate.
The Municipality is organizing six meetings, one for each district to activate a digital platform where citizens, schools, businesses and associations of Bologna will contribute to the emergence of the urban commons and draw a map of the urban regeneration projects and future actions. The aim is to design together a view of the commons to implement the available European funds, with the support of the regional and municipal authorities.
The round tables are organized with the direct participation of the citizens; the focus is on discovering the priorities of citizens and neighborhoods. Which are the places that need special attention?
Each meeting tries to answer to practical questions, and the participation of Neighborhood Presidents and the Mayor is an unique opportunity to present the measures already implemented and funded (relative to the district headquarters of the meeting) with a strong focus on the regeneration projects in progress and current demographic changes.
Each meeting is built on working groups, and for two hours all present citizens can intervene and bring out, area by area, problems and potential solutions.
The project “collaborare è Bologna” is organized by the city of Bologna with the collaboration of the Neighborhoods, Urban Center Bologna, ASP – Company Public Services for the person, IES – School Education Institution and the Institution for Social Inclusion and Community. The official hashtag is #collaborarebologna— search it on Social Media. For more information, write an email to The next meeting’s programme of December 3rd is already online on the website: Change begins with participation, and participation begins with you!