On 21st and 22nd of February LabGov will participate at the Science for the City roundtable at the CDMA in Brussels.

The initiative was presented by Caroline Nevejan, Chief Science Officer of the City of Amsterdam, Charlina Vitcheva, Deputy Director-General of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission and Patrick Child, Deputy Director-General of DG Research and Innovation (RTD) of the European Commission.

The topics that will be discussed during these two days refer to the main challenges cities are facing all over the world and the best ways to tackle them: climate change, energy transition, social cohesion, employment, quality of the air and water, circular economy, security, reduction of inequalities, and many others.

The solutions to these challenges will mostly come from cities’ innovative strengths. Many cities are indeed pioneering in responding to these challenges by designing and implementing evidence-based policies.

In order to continue to respond flexibly to developments in society and to find adequate solutions to many of these challenges a strategic knowledge and research function within the municipality is essential. In a number of cities, a special function or position has been created to ensure the connection between science and policy. In the case of Amsterdam, for example, the strategic position of a Chief Science Officer (CSO) was created. In other cities similar functions have been established, although often with a different title. 

The roundtable therefore aims at furthering the collaboration among cities, scientists and urban experts on these innovative institutional frameworks that allow for the development of innovative policies.

Over the course of two days, the event will focus on discussing the existing and developing challenges faced by cities and the possible scientific responses.

It will also serve to exchange views on trends and developments in science and knowledge (for instance the ‘Open Science’ discussion) that are relevant to scientists and urban policymakers.

Representing LabGov, Cosima Malndrino will bring forward the experience of Reggio Emilia, one of the pioneer cities in Italy and Europe who are reforming the role of urban authorities in order to foster sustainable and participatory innovation.