“Verso Savio 2030” (Towards Savio 2030) is a project launched by “Unione dei Comuni della Valle del Savio” (union of six municipalities: Bagno di Romagna, Cesena, Mercato Saraceno, Montiano, Sarsina, Verghereto) in Emilia-Romagna in 2019 and supported by LabGov.City. The project aims at building a strategic path to encourage collaboration and community synergies between institutions, academics, companies, social and civic actors, through the development of a kit of policies and legal instruments.
This process follows and applies the Co-City Protocol that will lead to experiment concrete projects to valorize the territory of the Valley, pushing for social, digital, technological innovation and empowerment.
“Verso Savio 2030” recognizes as representative of the context two key infrastructural and territorial values, one natural and one artificial: the Savio River and the E45 road. These linear elements connect people and opportunities. At the same time, they are crucial to provide answers and test solutions for the challenges posed by the current climate, environmental and sanitary emergencies (the spread of the Covid-19) and crisis.
For these reasons, LabGov.City is strengthening its multidisciplinary vision to animate a culture of change and cooperation in the area that can begin to show its effects by re-thinking mobility and tourism as strategic sectors to reach sustainability goals.
On the 14th of February 2020 LabGov will participate in the final conference of the CO-CITY Turin project. The event will wrap up the project and prepare for the activities of To-Nite, the new initiative financed by the Urban Innovative Actions programme.
Following the interventions of egregious speakers like Chiara Appendino, Veronica Nicotra and Marianna Mazzucato, Christian Iaione, LabGov’s co-founder and UIA Expert for Co-City Turin, will moderate a roundtable on the urban challenges and the collaboration paradigm in Europe.
The conference will be held in Italian – please find further details below
“Il 14 febbraio 2020 avrà luogo il convegno che conclude le attività del progetto Co-City e avvia quelle di To-Nite, il nuovo progetto torinese finanziato dal programma Urban Innovative Actions.
Nel corso degli ultimi tre anni il progetto Co-City ha favorito la collaborazione di centinaia di cittadine e cittadini che hanno presentato proposte di collaborazione per la cura condivisa dello spazio e del verde pubblico, molti di loro hanno anche partecipato alla campagna di comunicazione Mi prendo cura della città.
I Patti di Collaborazione e le attività al centro del progetto Co-City saranno presentati il 14 febbraio presso la Casa del Quartiere Cecchi Point.
Nel corso dell’incontro saranno presentati anche il Manuale di diritto dei beni comuni urbanidi Rocco Albanese ed Elisa Michelazzo del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Torino, che si rivolge a funzionari/e e cittadini/e attivi con proposte interpretative e soluzioni pratiche, e le sperimentazioni in materia di blockchain emerse dal lavoro del Dipartimento di Informatica dell’Università di Torino.”
Marialessandra Sabarino, Presidente Fondazione Cascina Roccafranca
Veronica Nicotra, Segretario Generale ANCI
Introduce e modera: Simone d’Antonio – ANCI
10.00: Pier Paolo Saraceno, Segretariato Permanente UIA, L’innovazione urbana in Europa
10.15: Mariana Mazzucato, UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (Video): L’innovazione nella pubblica amministrazione
10.30: Anna Tornoni, Valter Cavallaro, Giovanni Ferrero, Emanuela Casula (Città di Torino): Il progetto CO-CITY
Intervengono tecnici e operatori della Città, delle Circoscrizioni, delle Case del quartiere, che hanno partecipato alla realizzazione del progetto
11.15 Coffee break
11.30 Tavola rotonda 1/ Complessità urbane e paradigma collaborativo in Europa.
Introduce e modera: Christian Iaione, UIA Expert Torino
Intervengono: Laura Colini (Barcellona), Levente Polyak (Atene), Nils Scheffler (Birmingham)
13.00 Marco Giusta, Assessore alle Periferie e ai Beni Comuni di Torino Nuove prospettive e opportunità per le politiche urbane dei beni comuni
13.15 Light lunch
14.15 Tavola rotonda 2/ La cassetta degli attrezzi di Co-city
Introduce e modera: Alessandra Quarta, Università di Torino
Intervengono: Rocco Albanese (Università di Torino), Elisa Michelazzo (Università di Torino), Alex Cordero (Università di Torino), Federica Giuliani (Città di Torino)
15.45 Coffee break
16.00 Tavola rotonda 3/ Le prospettive del governo dei beni comuni in Italia
Introduce e modera: Paolo Testa, ANCI
Intervengono: Marco Giusta (Assessore alle Periferie e ai Beni Comuni di Torino), Valeria Montanari (Assessore alla Partecipazione di Reggio Emilia), Ilaria Segala (Assessore alla Pianificazione Urbanistica di Verona), Lorenzo Lipparini (Assessore alla Partecipazione di Milano), Matteo Lepore (Assessore all’Immaginazione civica di Bologna), Cristina Leggio (Assessore alla Partecipazione di Latina)
The change that United Nation 2030 Agenda aims to create involves, among the others, Public Administrations. In this framework, the project CReIAMO PA operates to overcome the critical issues in the governance of environmental policies by accompanying the subjects involved in the changes and by combining the principles of protection and safeguard with those of development and competitiveness.
United Nation 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an action program, signed by the 193 UN members, which includes 17 common objectives. They are set to be reached by 2030, aiming to solve crucial issues flowed from historical heritage and modern development. All these objectives, among which “sustainable cities and communities”, “gender equality” and “clean and accessible energy”, involve closely Regions and Metropolitan cities in Italy that so often are not able to cooperate in order to solve territorial problems. For this reason, Ministry of the Environment has developed a strategy that aims to address the issues related to strengthening administrative capacity, development of e-government and improving multilevel governance in order to overcome the fragmentation that exists today.
The CReIAMO PA Project is a part of this synergic action, that involves Italian Metropolitan Cities and Regions, with a view to increase technical skills in the following fields: project initiatives on environmental issues considered mandatory for Agenda, actions aimed at integrating specific assessment procedures, actions promoting Green Public Procurement (GPP). The GPP is an approach, promoted by European Commission, according to which Public Administrations integrate environmental criteria at all stages of purchasing processes, encouraging the diffusion of environmental technologies and the development of environmentally valid products. In this way, starting from Public Administration, the project seeks to create sustainable administrative bodies that are capable of making sustainable decisions for the benefit of territories.
Indeed, in the context of sustainability, a special care for coherence is necessary. An operator responsible for taking decision for a sustainable development of an area have to be conformed to the ideals on which it leads. The Ministry project aims to create a network of Regions and Cities, which the process of cooperating is able to speed up by conforming their territories to UN Agenda. CReIAMO PA offers to the involved parties, among which Public Administrations and other actors with environmental expertise, an opportunity to strengthen administrative and institutional capabilities as well as technical skills, aimed at improving PA management, multilevel governance and the ability to relate with stakeholders. The action plan provides training sessions alternated with on-the-job coaching. Moreover, more “systemic” actions are planned, with the purpose of enhancing the comparison between the territorial actors, that results in strengthening the planning and implementation of environmental policies. Consequently, Regions and Metropolitan Cities are expected to produce a sustainable strategy that looks forward, in the direction of circular economy and, which has a low impact on the territory and is made with education and all the other objectives of 2030 Agenda in mind.
The project is developed on 9 action lines that cover different objectives. In particular, Line 2 is finalized to support the integration of environmental sustainability objectives in administrative actions. The main purpose is to help the inclusion and the implementation of strategic system of 2030 Agenda at local and regional levels through a networking action that involves different levels of governance and non-institutional stakeholders that operate in the territory. Line 3 is about the expected results of the intervention. First, the integration of the agenda’s objectives needs to happen in national, regional and territorial policies, to give binding effect for the Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals. Second, greater active involvement of central administrations in the process of implementing and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda is required for the sake of not restricting sustainable initiatives solely to the local level where they remain and stay simply as local best practices. Governmental and Ministerial levels must be reached. Finally, the objectives of the National Agenda 2030 implementation and national monitoring path should be shared with the Regions. Subsequently, it follows that in order to achieve the objectives set out, three areas of activity are addressed. – Involvement of central and regional institutions together with metropolitan areas and monitoring and reporting functions.
The National forum for Sustainable Development has been created by CReIAMO PA as a tool, to bring together and reunite, in the same space of confrontation, institutions and representatives of civil society. The purpose is to have a place where it is possible to bring out subjects and practices related with sustainability and to facilitate the meeting of public policies and social energies to be implemented in National Strategies for Sustainable Development (NSSD). The NSSD draws a blueprint focused on sustainability and it is a strategic framework for national and territorial policies. It involves the territory concerned and represents a road that each policymaker has to follow in the process of drafting the laws of future.
On 17th October, a meeting between Ministry of Environment and Metropolitan Cities took place in Rome. The meeting resulted in the development of a Strategy for Sustainable Development, for each Metropolitan City, which has to be compatible with the NSSD. The importance of creating a network was remarked in the meeting – the purpose of the network is to create a shared language, which reaches all the different levels in order to crate effective solutions. The method provided for both round tables open discussions and cooperation agreements. These agreements are fundamental because they mark an assumption of responsibility on stakeholders. An element of innovation is the characteristic that Ministry emphasised in the process of duplicating activities already in place. Indeed, the next step is to systematise these actions in the decision-making processes. Ultimately, all the pilot actions implemented by Metropolitan Cities have to respect the 13 URBACT criteria for an integrated pilot action in order to produce concrete sustainable results for an integrated society where all the actors work in harmony.
All in all, thanks to United Nations 2030 Agenda, the process of change is now involving several actors, starting from the highest levels of government, following the guidelines of senior experts such as URBACT. In this top-down process, where Institutions are working for putting us in condition to carry on the process they started, it is our responsibility to accept the invitation and suit their policies.
On Sunday May 26th, the Heritour, an event dedicated
to the rediscovery of the beauty of the co-district including -Alessandrino,
Centocelle, Torre Spaccata neighborhoods- took place.
Organized by CooperACTiva in collaboration with Luiss
LabGov, the first event which was initally envisioned to be a bike tour, shifted
into a walking tour due to bad weather conditions. At 10am, the group, equipped
with torches and helmets, was guided by several speleologists from Roma
Sotterranea through the tunnel and its caves which was made accessible thanks
to the cleaning operations carried out by volunteers, on the day preceeding the
Departure of the Tour
At lunch time, in the “In Venadi Vino” wine
bar, the participants enjoyed a pleasant convivial moment, rediscovering the
flavors of the typical local cuisine. In the early afternoon, they could take
part in a treasure hunt, aimed at supporting the fundraising in favor of the
reconstruction of the Cafeteria Library “La Pecora Elettrica”, victim
last April 25th of an incendiary act, was set up by Centocellule.
At the InVenadiVino restaurant
The activities then continued at Fusolab 2.0 with a
social aperitif, in collaboration with Legambiente. During the aperitif, and thanks
to the presence of “La Scienza Coatta”, Andrea Satta and Paolo Pesce
Nanna, the participants took joy in attending art and music performances. Besides, a charity auction, organized in
collaboration with Africa Sottosopra was put up.
At the Fusolab 2.0
The participants were eventually invited to participate
in the “Quartiere in Movimento” (Moving District) contest, which was
created with the aim of unfolding the patrimonial area of Centocelle,
Alessandrino and Torre Spaccata. It is thought as a means to generate a
narrative that brings out the richness of the tangible and intangible heritage,
and highlights the shared values, beliefs, knowledge and traditions.
On Sunday 26th of May, at 9:30 am will take place the second appointment of the #heri_tour #collab_bici guided by LabGov as part of the H2020 Open Heritage Project and organized by the main actor of the Rome Collaboratory namely, CooperACTiva, first community cooperative born in a complex urban area (Alessandrino, Centocelle and Torre Spaccata districts).
The initiative, in collaboration with Legambiente and the 100Cicli association, includes an bike itinerary to discover the heritage area of Centocelle, in the Rome South-Eastern District, and is part of the third edition of the Sustainable Development Festival promoted by ASviS, the major Italian exhibition for the intergenerational promotion of economic, social and environmental sustainability. It is inspired by the UN 2030 Agenda, and aims to spark cultural and political change that allow the full realization of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The first part of the event will consist in a bike circuit, starting at 9.30 at the Centocelle park car park, led by speleologists from Roma Sotterranea who will show the hidden corners of the heritage area of Centocelle (Park, Osteria and Tunnel). It will be followed by a guided tour of Villa Gordiani, in the presence of Legambiente volunteers. The event will then continue with a lunch at “In Venadivino” wine bar, for a discovery of the tastes and culinary speciality of Roman cuisine. Also, those who are interested will have the possibility to participate at the “Centocellule” initiative, a treasure hunt in the neighborhood, organized by the 100Cicli association, which will start from the Don Cadmo Biavati Park.
In the afternoon, the activities will move to the Alessandrino district, where from 17:00 at Fusolab 2.0 will take place the presentation of a book as well as an auction fair organized by the Africa Sottosopra association.
We remind you that during the whole day you can make donations to “La Pecora Elettrica” Coffee Library victim, on the 25th of April, of an incendiary act, and that the amount collected will be doubled by Fusolab 2.0.
All the tour participants can also take part in the contest “Il Quartiere in Movimento” launched by CooperACTiva in the Alessandrino, Centocelle and Torre Spaccata districts, in collaboration with the National Geographic photographer Cristina Cosmano. Fantastic prizes are rewarded !
So what are you waiting for? On May 26, come and enjoy a sustainable sunday with #collab_bici!