Oggi si è concluso il secondo incontro delle #pilloledisostenibilità organizzato dall’Università Luiss Guido Carli, che ha promosso, durante le festività pasquali, attività online riguardanti tematiche ambientali.
La Clinica Urbana Interdisciplinare di LabGov 2020 ha
aderito a questa bellissima iniziativa online organizzando due pillole di
sostenibilità per rendere green questo periodo di quarantena.
In particolare, giovedì insieme ai tutor della Clinica Urbana Interdisciplinare Alessio, Julianne e Francesco abbiamo visto come realizzare un Orto in Balcone utilizzando materiali riciclati, come bottiglie di plastica e tappi di sughero, insieme ad alcuni consigli su come essere più sostenibili: “lo sapevi che anche solo cancellando le vecchie mail puoi ridurre le emissioni di CO2 nell’ambiente?”; nell’incontro di oggi invece, insieme agli altri tutor Caterina, Lorenzo, Tommaso e Flaminia abbiamo visto come preparare del gel igienizzante per le mani, come disinfettare una mascherina e come riutilizzare rifiuti organici, che altrimenti, avrebbero un grande impatto sull’ambiente!
Per nuove iniziative, seguiteci sui nostri canali social e sulle nostre pagine.
Today ended the second meeting of #sustainabilitypills organized by Luiss Guido Carli University, which promoted, during the Easter holidays, online activities on environmental issues. The Urban Interdisciplinary Clinic of LabGov 2020 joined this beautiful online initiative by organizing two sustainability pills video tutorials to make this period of quarantine greener.
In particular, on Thursday together with the tutors of the Interdisciplinary Urban Clinic Alessio, Julianne and Francesco we saw how to create a Balcony Garden using recycled materials, such as plastic bottles and corks, together with some tips to be more sustainable: “did you know that even just by deleting spam emails you can reduce CO2 emissions into the environment? “.
In today’s meeting instead, together with other tutors, namely Caterina, Lorenzo, Tommaso and Flaminia we saw how to prepare hand sanitizing gel, how to disinfect a mask and how to transform an organic waste into beauty cosmetics. We encourage everybody to follow this sustainability pills to reduce the negative impact that some activities have on the environment!
For new initiatives follow us on our social channels and pages.
LabGov keeps going on digitally! On March 13th from 4 to 6pm, the third workshop of the Urban Clinic will take place in a surprising way. Indeed, all the students will meet in the virtual classroom 203. The Urban Clinic will host Azzurra Spirito, community-led project designer. She will introduce the concepts of service design, design process and storytelling for a process of Open and Collaborative innovation to the LabGovers, with the scope of improving their projects.
On Saturday 14th, we will move forward with the project, supported by Azzurra Spirito expert in project design, Elena de Nictolis Luiss Research Fellow and Alessandro Piperno, PhD student Management Luiss. The co-working will take place in the virtual classroom 305a from 10am to 5pm. Students will first work together to define the personas and the customer decision journey of their project while in the afternoon they will work in groups to create the investor pitch of their project idea.
If you are interested in finding out how our project keeps going in a digital way, follow us on our social channels Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!
The Luiss viale Romania Campus hosted the Luiss Debate “Civic Engagement, Heritage and Sustainability” organized by the Luiss School of Law and Luiss LabGov.City in collaboration with the Roma Tre University Architecture Department and Eutropian.Org. The Debate was organized in the framework of the Third Consortium Meeting of the Horizon 2020 project “Open Heritage” (https://openheritage.eu/ ), that aims at creating sustainable models of heritage asset management by putting the idea of inclusive governance of cultural heritage sites together with development of heritage communities at its center (it involves an open definition of heritage, not limited to listed assets but also involving those buildings, complexes, and spaces that have a symbolic or practical significance for local or trans-local heritage communities). This means empowering the community in the processes of adaptive reuse. LabGov – Luiss is part of the project, thanks to its engaged research conducted in Rome.
Luiss Rector, Andrea Prencipe, opened the meeting underlining the importance of the three key words: Sustainability, a crucial theme in these days; Heritage, as Rome is the homeland of cultural heritage; and Civicness, as Luiss students must be Engaged and good Citizens before being professionals.
The Vice Dean of the Department of Law Antonio Punzi continued exposing how relevant are civic engagement, heritage and sustainability in innovating and updating the academic curricula of the Luiss Law Department, through the creation of a master degree in Law, Digital innovation and Sustainability.
The debate, moderated by Raffaele Bifulco (Professor of Constitutional law – Department of Law Luiss University) continued following the keynote speeches from national and international scholars and members of European institutions, an interesting discussion on civil engagement and sustainability as cross-cutting principles for the governance of cultural heritage. Among the participants, Erminia Sciacchitano, Eu Commision DG Culture Policy Officier and Chief Scientific Advisor EYCH 2018, exposed the new EU cultural policy framework underlining the crucial role of an Open Governance through the Urban Innovative Actions, an initiative of the EU that englobes all the pilot projects for sustainable urban development, launching the 5th call for proposals that will expire on December the 12th.
Mark Thatcher, Luiss Professor of Political Science, has deal with the link between identity and markets within the Eu Cultural Heritage. What he stated is that the “EU can create a cultural identity through markets, but markets are too technical and therefore lack of political participation and support”. In addition, he highlighted that, even though Europe is a young Union, this does not mean that a cohesive identity cannot be created. It is thus necessary to create a link between political identity and markets so to create a parallel european citizenship that does not overcome the national one.
Luisella Pavan Woolfe, on behalf of the Council of Europe, exposed “the role of the Faro Convention for the promotion of equality, inclusion, and development of local communities and minorities trough heritage”. The focus was on the relevance of the role played by a community itself. As a consequence, it is essential to work together in order to preserve and protect the Cultural Heritage for the present and future generations.
Moreoever, as underlined by Sandra Gizdulich, member of the Urban Agenda Partnership for Culture and Cultural Heritage and Italy Territorial Cohesion Agency, one cannot left behind the importance of preserving the quality of landscape. To do so, it is necessary to build a stronger environmental heritage. This is not an objective itself, but the greatest aim necessary to achieve social and ecological cohesion. She in facts added that as Urban Partnership on heritage they will launch an action on better regulation to apply the legal approach used by Turin, Bologna and Naples on commons.
The debate continued with Esmeralda Valente (Contemporary creativity and Urban Regeneration Directorate – Italian Ministry of Culture) presenting “Cultura Futuro Urbano”, an innovative public policy based on promoting the adequate conditions for citizens to improve their creativity and human talent. This is, in her words, one of the most ambitious projects launched by MiBact and it has been created with the scientific support of LabGov.City and the Luiss Business School.
Not to leave behind the Cultural Heritage’s role when dealing with Archaeology, Peter G. Gould, from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology and Professor of Archaeology at the American University of Rome, explained the success factors associated with economic development projects within communities adjacent to archaeological and heritage sites. Under his view, the success of community projects is linked to the mechanism community members use to govern their projects activities. He also cited the work of Elinor Ostrom and her attention to the polycentricity principle.
The Luiss Debate was concluded with the intervention of Giovanni Caudo, from the Roma Tre University’s Architecture Department and Elena De Nictolis post doc of the Department of Political Science. The Open Heritage project and the whole debate has shown that there is possible room for improving, thought the commons approach, trough better regulations, institutions and communities’ inclusion. All these realities are fundamental in creating a new regulatory framework, new policies, and in general an higher awareness and knowledge in managing the Cultural Heritage. The Debated ended with the greetings of Professor Iaione.
Next to the coastline in Northeast Brazil, close to a mangrove area in the state of Sergipe, lies a beautiful community named Pedra Furada (which means “carved rock”). There, time seemed to have stopped; little houses built with rammed earth by the hands of the local community frame still unpaved streets that are also composed of earth. The houses that do not display the same colour with the streets have painted colourful walls, evidencing both the connection with nature as a source of survival and the care for beauty in details. Children run on the local streets as if nothing could be more captivating than playing. Homeowners sit by the front door watching life on the streets or, just simply observe the beauty of the surrounding natural scenario.
Some of the houses built with adobe (earth).
Aerial view of part of the local community of Pedra Furada.
A place filled with colours, natural beauty, amusing fauna and flora, amazing culinary and people and, a rich culture of folklore, local traditions and circular dances. This is the amusing context for a beautiful school project named Dream School, centred on its community desires.
The project was designed from collaboration between different stakeholders, including the following:
A local NGO who has been acting on the development of the village for over 20 years through a social innovation lens and focusing on technology, education and creative economies – IPTI , led by Saulo Barretto (1);
An architecture and facilitation team, acting through a collaborative and holistic design approach and having at the core Sofia Croso Mazzuco (2), Rodrigo Carvalho Lacerda, Guile Amadeu, Gustavo Fontes, Robernildo Araújo and Diego Regis (3), counting with the support of architecture students Annare Reis, Andresa Oliveira, and Matheus dos Santos;
Together with Martina Croso Mazzuco (4), leading the landscape design for sustainable solutions.
Moreover, the school is being sponsored by private institutions and will be built on an area donated by the local municipality.
Part of the group designing the Dream School.
The idealisation and design of the Dream School was developed through a collaborative approach mindful on community desires – having the architecture team applying a methodology different from that what is currently mostly practiced by architects in Brazil. By this collaborative approach the architect assumes that skills can be summoned between designers’ knowledge and the integrated knowledge brought forward by locals, thus optimizing the result and positive impact of the architectural project, aimed at accelerating holistic development.
The school was idealized through three different community workshops, led by the architecture team that also acts as the facilitation team (facilitators are responsible for facilitating the development of given communities, helping them identify local resources for development). The workshops were structured in a timeframe of 3 months, as follows:
– Workshops 1 (17 May 2018): School curriculum. This first workshop aimed at investigating the real learning needs of the local community, asking what type of knowledge and pedagogical structure would help them thrive socially, economically and ecologically. It was collectively decided that the school will follow a Waldorf pedagogy (with an anthroposophy approach based on Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy), combining social innovation and technical courses.
First introductions and setting personal and collective intentions.
– Workshop 2 (18 May 2018): School architectural design.The second workshop focused on the synergies between the school curriculum and its architectural design, looking at ways to maximise community building, integrated learning (mind, body and soul), and sustainability. The community emphasised the need for a big area where they could cultivate their own food, besides a space for cultural activities such as theatre and dancing, and a technology lab where the agenda run by the local NGO could be taken forward.
The architect Sofia Croso Mazzuco facilitating the collaborative design process.
– Workshop 3 (15 August 2018): Presentation of the school architectural project. This was an occasion to present to the community the school design developed thoroughly during 3 months by the architecture team, based on the conversations and material originating from workshops 1 and 2. Workshop 3 invited the community to either approve or make changes to the overall project, made visible through architectural drawings and physical models. The community was very happy with the result and did not ask to change a single thing; they felt very represented by the project.
Aligning project design and curriculum.
During the whole conception process, it can be said that the community acted both as the client and as the architect. As set by the multidisciplinary team, the Dream School project values local resources and talents, and thus invites the local community not only to conceptualise the project itself, but also to join hands and bring its walls up. Part of the school will be constructed through a hands-on collaborative approach, called “mutirão” in Brazil, and much used as part of the popular culture in Sergipe – where people gather to build their own houses and, at the end of the day, celebrate together through a barbecue feast.
Hands-on community workshops will be guided sometimes by expert community members and sometimes by external experts who have technical knowledge on construction works, allowing the wider community to join efforts for building the new school. A community centre for assembling construction elements such as cement tiles and earth bricks will be settled to manufacture locally part of the school’s construction materials, and will keep being run by the community for commercialization to accelerate local economic development.
As part of the holistic sustainability agenda, the school will count with grey and black water treatment through septic tanks – that make use of specific plants to clean water originating from the kitchen and the bathrooms. It will also host food production, having allotments, orchards and unconventional food plants (UFP) that will be cultivated on a nursery to be set locally during the school construction. That being said, the learning possibilities of the Escola dos Sonhos, or the Dream School go beyond what can be learned in the classroom, and permeates its conception, construction and collective management processes.
View of the school main entrance.
View of the school courtyard.
View of the theatre and gardens.
The Dream School will become a real one very soon since its building process is about to start in November 2019. Interested in helping to build it? If so, please get in touch(5).
School students excited with the new Dream School.
Save the date: next Saturday, 4th May 2019, Luiss University will host the last meeting of EDU@LabGov in Luiss Community Garden from 10 am to 12am.
In this occasion the LabGovers (students of the Urban Clinic of LabGov) will work to make the last adjustments to the prototype of the project that they have designed during these months. In particular, they will work on inserting the technological elements that respond to the challenges related to sustainable agriculture, energy, tech justice and many more. Furthermore, they will co-design the event in which they will present their ideas to the public!
This appointment will represent the last moment to put into practice definitively the topics they have discuss during this Urban Clinic of LabGov A.A 2018/2019.
As always, if you are interested in following their work, follow our official
social networks!
This is a very last moment before the final event.