On Sunday May 26th, the Heritour, an event dedicated
to the rediscovery of the beauty of the co-district including -Alessandrino,
Centocelle, Torre Spaccata neighborhoods- took place.
Organized by CooperACTiva in collaboration with Luiss
LabGov, the first event which was initally envisioned to be a bike tour, shifted
into a walking tour due to bad weather conditions. At 10am, the group, equipped
with torches and helmets, was guided by several speleologists from Roma
Sotterranea through the tunnel and its caves which was made accessible thanks
to the cleaning operations carried out by volunteers, on the day preceeding the
Departure of the Tour
At lunch time, in the “In Venadi Vino” wine
bar, the participants enjoyed a pleasant convivial moment, rediscovering the
flavors of the typical local cuisine. In the early afternoon, they could take
part in a treasure hunt, aimed at supporting the fundraising in favor of the
reconstruction of the Cafeteria Library “La Pecora Elettrica”, victim
last April 25th of an incendiary act, was set up by Centocellule.
At the InVenadiVino restaurant
The activities then continued at Fusolab 2.0 with a
social aperitif, in collaboration with Legambiente. During the aperitif, and thanks
to the presence of “La Scienza Coatta”, Andrea Satta and Paolo Pesce
Nanna, the participants took joy in attending art and music performances. Besides, a charity auction, organized in
collaboration with Africa Sottosopra was put up.
At the Fusolab 2.0
The participants were eventually invited to participate
in the “Quartiere in Movimento” (Moving District) contest, which was
created with the aim of unfolding the patrimonial area of Centocelle,
Alessandrino and Torre Spaccata. It is thought as a means to generate a
narrative that brings out the richness of the tangible and intangible heritage,
and highlights the shared values, beliefs, knowledge and traditions.
On Sunday 26th of May, at 9:30 am will take place the second appointment of the #heri_tour #collab_bici guided by LabGov as part of the H2020 Open Heritage Project and organized by the main actor of the Rome Collaboratory namely, CooperACTiva, first community cooperative born in a complex urban area (Alessandrino, Centocelle and Torre Spaccata districts).
The initiative, in collaboration with Legambiente and the 100Cicli association, includes an bike itinerary to discover the heritage area of Centocelle, in the Rome South-Eastern District, and is part of the third edition of the Sustainable Development Festival promoted by ASviS, the major Italian exhibition for the intergenerational promotion of economic, social and environmental sustainability. It is inspired by the UN 2030 Agenda, and aims to spark cultural and political change that allow the full realization of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The first part of the event will consist in a bike circuit, starting at 9.30 at the Centocelle park car park, led by speleologists from Roma Sotterranea who will show the hidden corners of the heritage area of Centocelle (Park, Osteria and Tunnel). It will be followed by a guided tour of Villa Gordiani, in the presence of Legambiente volunteers. The event will then continue with a lunch at “In Venadivino” wine bar, for a discovery of the tastes and culinary speciality of Roman cuisine. Also, those who are interested will have the possibility to participate at the “Centocellule” initiative, a treasure hunt in the neighborhood, organized by the 100Cicli association, which will start from the Don Cadmo Biavati Park.
In the afternoon, the activities will move to the Alessandrino district, where from 17:00 at Fusolab 2.0 will take place the presentation of a book as well as an auction fair organized by the Africa Sottosopra association.
We remind you that during the whole day you can make donations to “La Pecora Elettrica” Coffee Library victim, on the 25th of April, of an incendiary act, and that the amount collected will be doubled by Fusolab 2.0.
All the tour participants can also take part in the contest “Il Quartiere in Movimento” launched by CooperACTiva in the Alessandrino, Centocelle and Torre Spaccata districts, in collaboration with the National Geographic photographer Cristina Cosmano. Fantastic prizes are rewarded !
So what are you waiting for? On May 26, come and enjoy a sustainable sunday with #collab_bici!
On May 4th will take place the civic collaboration day.
This year, as the co-planning sessions for the Local Action Plan of the Rome Collaboratory, (Open Heritage Horizon 2020 project) just ended [1], CooperACTiva will propose an event to valorize cultural heritage and promote civic collaboration whilst involving local actors. CooperACTiva, first community cooperative born within a complex area in Roma along with LUISS/ LabGov support, will indeed organize the “Heritage Walk”, a bike tour through Alessandrino, Centocelle and Torrespaccata neighborhoods. The participants of the #collab_bici will have the opportunity to discover beautiful places, left aside by mainstream touristic tours.
The first part will indeed be dedicated to the visit of the Centocelle archeological Park through which the participants will have the chance explore many little-known places including the Villa della Piscina, Villa ad Duas Lauros and the Runway airport. The tour will then continue and the participants will ride alongside the Tunnel and Osteria located in Centocelle.
This event, aiming to promote cultural heritage through sustainability, will also be part of a series of sustainable initiatives set up during the “Sustainability Festival”, a macro-event organized by the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASVIS) to raise awareness of environmental sustainability. In this context, CooperACTiva is planning another bike tour on May 26.
Saturday 06 March at the Dopotutto Beer&Food Experience the third session of the co-design lab of the Local Action Plan of the Rome Collaboratory took place.
After a brief presentation of the activities defined during the weekly teamwork meetings, the session started. The participants, divided in groups according to the activities that they are developing, finalized the business plan and identified the stakeholders to be engaged in the sustainable tourism platform.
The Bike Tours group analyzed the documents needed to carry out the operation and discussed the possibility of including in the project an NGO that would provide technical assistance and support for the guides of the bike tours.
The Local Campaign group focused on defining an online and offline communication strategy aimed at promoting a narrative on the Heritage Site. The group also finalized the planning of the Living Memory Exhibition. The Living Memory Exhibition will include a contest of street art, photography, poetry and writing to involve the local creatives active in the district.
The Living Memory Exhibition & Heritage Site group proposed to set up a photographic exhibition in the Tunnel with musical entertainment involving local music networks such us the Popular Initiative Center of Alessandrino (CIP).
The session ended with the planning of the teamworks’ activities for the incoming week
The fourth module of the Urban Clinic EDU@LabGov took place on Friday the 29th and Saturday the 30th of March into the Viale Romania Campus of LUISS University. The workshop has inaugurated the fourth module of the course. The module was dedicated to “Urban experimentalism and service design” and foresaw a focus on the Mediterranean Diet and Nutraceutics. Indeed, the workshop hosted two important experts on these themes: Dr. Daniela Patti and prof. Lorenzo Maria Donini, while the co-working session was introduced by mr. Vincenzo Maria Capelli, urban agriculture entrepreneur and former World Champion of boating, and it was facilitated by Dr. Alessandro Piperno, PhD in Economics – Luiss and by dr. Arianna Centofanti expert in GDPR from the Law Firm Giplex. The experts have been invited on the basis of the ideas elaborated by the Labgovers that, as we know, are working on cooperative and digital gardens and platforms, in order to promote and raise awareness about sustainable agriculture and nutrition in the cities, through the urban common gardens.
Dr. Daniela Patti is an expert in the urban regeneration and in the collaborative and cooperative planning and co-founder and manager of Eutropian.org Research & Action (http://eutropian.org/). He has collaborated with LabGov in many EU funded projects.
Prof. Lorenzo Maria Donini is an expert in nutritional principles and food science from La Sapienza University where he also teaches in the Medical School.
The workshop was introduced by Dr. Daniela Patti that has explained to the Labgovers many experiences of cooperation in the cities and the new phenomena of Platform Cooperativism. He has talked also about EU projects dedicated to urban context and urban experimentalism, such as URBACT.
Prof. Lorenzo Maria Donini has talked about the uniqueness of the Mediterranean Diet and of its extraordinary benefits. He has also talked about Nutraceutics. These are two relevant themes for the platform that Labgovers are developing because they are themes that are not always known in the cities, especially in the peri-urban areas.
The 4th Module of the Urban Clinic LabGov EDU 2019 continued with the Co-Working session, held on March 30th. The co-working session was facilitated by Alessandro Piperno, Phd in Luiss Guido Carli, by dr. Arianna Centofanti from the law firm Giplex and by the Team of EDU@LabGov.
The Co-Working session took place in the LUISS Campus of Viale Romania and it started at 10 am with mr. Vincenzo Maria Capelli testimony, expert of Confagricoltura (http://www.confagricoltura.it/ita/) and he is an agricultural entrepreneur of the urban gardens and italian boating world champion. He talked to the Labgovers about his professional experience with the “Orti del Canottiere” and the connection between urban agriculture, sport, nutrition, entrepreneurship. In particular, he has turned his passion into a job by creating a garden where sports can be practiced, the most fragile people can be assisted and you can play with animals. This testimony has greatly inspired the LabGovers for the project they are designing.
After this inspirational session, Alessandro Piperno explained the Labgovers of fundings for their idea and the different way to obtain them: elevator pitch, investor pitch, crowdfunding, business plan. Indeed, the LabGovers during the morning developed the business plan of their project. It’s an important passage to complete and improve the idea that they’re developing during this A.A. of the Urban Clinic LabGov EDU. For this reason, the LabGovers were divided into groups in order to produce the business plan.
In the afternoon, the LabGovers talked to dr. Arianna Centofanti, an expert of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and member of the GIPLEX law firm, about processing of data and respect for privacy.