On Thursday, December 3rd, from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM(Rome, GMT+01:00) Luiss will host the “Youth Plan 2021: the collective proposal of young people for the relaunch of the country”, a round table to stimulate debate on the future of young generations.
The Presentation of the “Youth Plan 2021”, presented to the Government in view of the 2020 Budget Law, was developed by Italian youth organizations and associations that are part of the Youth 2021 Network. The Plan contains multiple proposals related to crucial issues for the future of young people. The topics contained respond to three macro-objectives: Environmental Sustainability, Inclusive Society, and Culture of Innovation.
The meeting will take place according to the following agenda:
17:00 – 17:05: Introductory greetings Director General of Luiss Guido Carli Giovanni Lo Storto (TBD).
17:05 – 17.15: Presentation of guests and speakers and introduction to the proceedings Vice President of APS Europe for Italy Roberta Ruggieri and President of APS Europe for Italy Riccardo Testa.
17:15 – 18:15: PowerPoint presentation “Environmental Sustainability”; “Inclusive Company”; “Culture of Innovation” by the guest speakers: environmental sustainability: Sofia Torlontano and Rosa Manzo, inclusive company: Andrea Natale and Leonardo Cappuccilli, culture of innovation: Gian Marco Federico and Caterina D’Onofrio
During the event, eminent experts will intervene:
Christian Fernando Iaione: professor of urban law and policies, urban planning law, regulatory innovation at the Law Department of Luiss Guido Carli in Rome, co-director of LabGov.City; Deputy Director of the BILL-Blockchain research center, artificial Intelligence and digital innovation Law Lab.
Luciano Monti: Professor of European Union Policies at Luiss Guido Carli in Rome, Scientific Co-Director of the Bruno Visentini Foundation.
Elena De Nictolis: professor of Governance of Innovation and Sustainability in the master’s degree course in Law, Digital Innovation and Sustainability at Luiss Guido Carli in Rome.
Daniele Moscati: Luiss graduate, Chapter Leader of ALL Israel, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Jewish Economic Forum.
Andrea Battista: President of the Luiss Graduates Association.
The Department of Law of Luiss University invites outstanding scholars to express their interest for one Associate/Full professorship of Law and Governance of Innovation. Ideal candidates will show a passionate drive to engage in Luiss University’s dynamic and stimulating academic environment and contribute to its further development. Candidates must hold a PhD from a leading university and have teaching experience.
They will have research experience on, and intend to pursue research projects in, the field of Law and Governance of Innovation. A focus on public law and policy, urban law and policy, sustainable development, digital innovation and equality, governance of the commons, environmental, climate and social justice, social innovation and emerging technologies is required.
This course will be offered within the Master program Law, Digital Innovation and Sustainability. One of the main objectives of the program is to make students confront themselves with concrete projects. The idea is that the original training on the job concept is overturned and replaced by a new one: job on the training. Students, from the beginning, must engage in job-like activities for them to achieve practical skills that will be crucial for their professional career. The aim of the master program is to give birth to managers of complexity who, with their skills, can face the upcoming global challenges. Therefore, ideal candidates must show particular attention to applied research in the above-mentioned fields and the ability to think out of the box. To face such challenges professors and students can count on the partnership with LabGov.City – the LABoratory for the GOVernance of the City as a Commons – an international network of theoretical, empirical and applied research platforms engaged in exploring and developing methods, policies, and projects focused on the shared and collaborative management of urban spaces and resources. LabGov is co-directed by Professor Sheila Foster and Christian Iaione and is mainly active within Georgetown University and Luiss Guido Carli University. The master program conceives multidisciplinarity as a key driver for innovation and sustainability so, for this reason, candidates are welcome to consider the possible intersections among different fields in order to exploit them to deliver ground-breaking knowledge.
Luiss University is specialised in Social Sciences and educates over 9,500 students, providing a diverse and international learning environment that weaves academic rigour with practical relevance. Among various projects in line with this methodology it is worth to mention the Blockchain and Innovation Law Lab (BILL). This lab focuses on promoting and developing prominent research on an international level, concerning the relationship between law and technological innovations, with a major focus on DLT and blockchain-related technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Infrastructures applying a multi- and inter- disciplinary approach. With over 200 international institutional partnerships, the University has developed strong connections with the business community, government institutions and civil society. Moreover, Luiss University engages in the university’s third mission meaning that the knowledge produced must benefit society as a whole and foster social, cultural and economic development.
Interested candidates are invited to submit their application by November 18th, 2:00PM (CET, UTC +1).
We live in an era of great and rapid changes. Many of these changes are positive, many others are not. We live in an era in which climate change is not an incoming threat, but rather a critical issue that is showing its full negative impact in these days. The effects are all there to see and probably, as some scientist are arguing, the Coronavirus outbreak is somehow connected to the disruption of local ecosystems. Climate change will have (and is actually having) irreversible effects on behalf of the world economy and structure. Moreover, it is estimated that global warming will reduce real GDP per capita by 7.22% by 2100.
Source: Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel (2015); authors’ calculations.
Note: Country-level estimates for GCP per capita in 2100. Figure assumes RCP 8.5, which corresponds to roughly 3.2°C to 5.4°C of warming. GCP loss is associated with the warming from a baseline of 1980-2010 average temperatures. As explained in Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel (2015), estimates include growth-rate effects over the period through 2100.
But luckily there are not only negative effects. It is expected that the society and the economic system will change, and so it will the job market. It is estimated that 75 million jobs may be lost as companies shift to more automation. But where is the positive aspect of this shift? A change in the job market not only means loss of some employees, but also around 133 million new jobs that may emerge by 2022 (World Economic Forum’s “The Future of Jobs Report”). As far as climate change and global warming are concerned, it is estimated that green economy will create 24 million new jobs (ILO-UN, World Employment and Social Outlook 2018).
The question now is: are we ready to face all these challenges and changes?
Luiss university, responds to these shift launching a Master’s Degree in Law, Digital Innovation and Sustainability (LDIS), an English-language graduate course in the social sciences (law, management, finance and policy) of digitalization and sustainability, created to prepare students to incoming changes and to train the next generation to face the above mentioned challenges.
The LDIS Master’s Degree program creates job opportunities by forging professional figures equipped with the right tools to address digital transformation and ecological transition, promoting employment opportunities and traineeship as Innovation Managers or Sustainability Managers with strong risk management and legal analysis skills. Here you can find an article on how lawyer CEOs might influence firm decision making more broadly — and whether they differ from CEOs without a law degree. The study shows that Firms run by CEOs with legal expertise were associated with much less corporate litigation. Compared with the average company, lawyer-run firms experienced 16% to 74% less litigation, depending on the litigation type.
These are professionals who work for large organizations in the coordination of integrated business units who manage digital or social innovation processes with transdisciplinary abilities in system thinking, lateral thinking and risk management. However, the course content not only drives attention to the management background, but also to the legal skills promoting the role of legal innovation designers and risk managers, in other words, experts in the legal design and coding of new rules/norms of human coexistence in a phase of digital, technological, ecological and social transition who contribute to define risk management strategies and risk analysis using legal design thinking and lateral thinking.
The Master’s Degree is designed to properly fit and adapt to student’s interests and career aspirations by granting the opportunity to select two possible Majors: one in Sustainability, through core courses in Management of Circular Economy, Green and Sustainable Finance, Regulatory innovation, and one in Digitalization with core courses in Management of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Fintech, and Data Protection Law. In addition, the Master’s course foresees some Electives & Activities for all majors, more precisely three elective courses, a final project work (e.g. thesis, proof of concept, start-up creation and acceleration, new business unit, new financial investment, ets.), an internship at a large private or public organization and three Labs & Skills.
During the second year, the Lab&Skills will be centered on 4 different areas of interest: Science & Technology, Economics & Business, Society & Policy, Legal, and promote soft skills activities in computer programming, legal coding, legal clinics, negotiation, legal public speaking and legal writing, due diligence automation, fundraising Lab (Eu Projects & Project Management) legal entrepreneurship, legal design thinking, and data lab (Database & Empirical Research). Additionally, in order to train both theory and practice, the course aims to promote “engagement activities” with the support of corporate and institutional partners, internship agreements and international cooperation agreements (i.e. student exchanges, double & dual degrees). As it can be evident, the course not only aims to lay down theoretical basis, but above all, combines theoretical insights with practical activities so to acquire the synthesis of the “practical theory” and create jobs during the training.
Here you can find the international Faculty members of the LDIS Master’s Degree: Shelia Foster (Georgetown University), Séverine Dussolier (SciencesPo University), Helen Eenmaa (the University of Tartu), Sofia Ranchordas (University of Groningen), Daniel Armanios (Carnegie Mellon University), Giorgio Ventre (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II).
Here you can find the list of the Steering Committee of the LDIS Master’s Degree: Helèna Ravasini (Huawei), Benedetta Gillio (Arpinge e LabGov.city), Caterina Strippoli (ENEL Group), Andrea Buonomini (Ratp DEv), Enrico Salvatori (Qualcomm); Marco Tulliani (Cybertech).
If you wish to learn more you can visit this webpage and join us on Friday, April 3rd at 3:30 PM for the online presentation of the Master’s Degree in Law, Digital Innovation and Sustainability through a Webex meeting available at this link. You will be able to pose questions to Caterina Strippoli, Head of Intellectual Property of ENEL Group, and Christian Iaione, Director of the MSc in Law, Digital Innovation and Sustainability.
Una nuova laurea magistrale Luiss nelle scienze sociali dell’Innovazione Digitale e Sostenibilità
Viviamo in un’era di grandi e veloci cambiamenti, molti dei quali sono positivi, molti altri no. Il cambiamento climatico non è più una questione di futuro, è il presente. E i suoi effetti sono sotto gli occhi di tutti. L’ultimo in ordine cronologico, come sta affermando parte della comunità scientifica, sarebbe la sempre più frequente diffusione di epidemie o pandemie come quella del Covid-19 a cui stiamo assistendo in questi giorni e che risulta essere in qualche modo collegata alla distruzione degli ecosistemi locali. Il climate change avrà (e in parte sta già avendo) effetti sulla struttura della società e dell’economia globale. Si stima che il riscaldamento globale produrrà una riduzione generale del PIL di 7,22 punti percentuali entro il 2100.
Source: Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel (2015); authors’ calculations.
Note: Country-level estimates for GCP per capita in 2100. Figure assumes RCP 8.5, which corresponds to roughly 3.2°C to 5.4°C of warming. GCP loss is associated with the warming from a baseline of 1980-2010 average temperatures. As explained in Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel (2015), estimates include growth-rate effects over the period through 2100.
Ma fortunatamente i cambiamenti non saranno esclusivamente negativi. L’economia e la società in cui viviamo cambieranno, e così di pari passo anche il mercato del lavoro muterà. Si stima che all’incirca 75 milioni di professioni andranno perse con il passaggio delle industrie a una maggiore automazione. Dov’è la buona notizia? 133 milioni di nuove professioni potrebbero emergere entro il 2022 (World Economic Forum’s “The Future of Jobs Report”). Per quanto concerne il cambiamento climatico si stima invece che l’economia green genererà 24 milioni di nuovi lavori (ILO-UN, World Employment and Social Outlook 2018).
La domanda che ci poniamo è: siamo pronti ad affrontare queste sfide questi cambiamenti? L’Università Luiss Guido Carli risponde a tali cambiamenti lanciando una Laurea Magistrale in Innovazione Digitale e Sostenibilità (LDIS), un corso di laurea in lingua inglese nelle scienze sociali (legge, economia e politica) della digitalizzazione e della sostenibilità, creato per preparare gli studenti ai cambiamenti prossimi e nella formazione di una nuova classe dirigente, che si faccia trovare pronta per affrontare le sfide sopra citate. Al giorno d’oggi, è il mercato stesso che richiede un corso di laurea come LDIS.
Il programma di laurea magistrale LDIS crea opportunità di lavoro forgiando figure professionali dotate degli strumenti giusti per affrontare la trasformazione digitale e la transizione ecologica, promuovendo opportunità di lavoro e tirocinio come responsabili dell’innovazione o responsabili della sostenibilità con forti capacità di gestione del rischio e analisi giuridica. Qui puoi trovare un articolo su come i CEO degli avvocati potrebbero influenzare il processo decisionale in maniera più ampia e se differiscono dai CEO senza una laurea in legge. Lo studio mostra che le aziende gestite da amministratori delegati con esperienza legale erano associate a controversie societarie molto meno. Rispetto alla società media, le aziende gestite da avvocati hanno registrato un contenzioso dal 16% al 74% in meno, a seconda del tipo di controversia.
Si tratta di professionisti che lavorano per grandi organizzazioni nel coordinamento di unità aziendali integrate che gestiscono processi di innovazione digitale o sociale con capacità transdisciplinari nel pensiero di sistema, nel pensiero laterale e nella gestione dei rischi. Tuttavia, il contenuto del corso non solo attira l’attenzione sul background manageriale, ma anche sulle capacità legali che promuovono il ruolo dei progettisti dell’innovazione legale e dei gestori del rischio, in altre parole, esperti nella progettazione giuridica e nella codifica di nuove regole / norme di convivenza umana in una fase di transizione digitale, tecnologica, ecologica e sociale che contribuiscono a definire strategie di gestione del rischio e analisi del rischio utilizzando il pensiero del design legale e il pensiero laterale.
Il Master è progettato per adattarsi e adattarsi correttamente agli interessi degli studenti e alle aspirazioni di carriera, offrendo l’opportunità di selezionare due possibili majors: uno in Sostenibilità, attraverso corsi in Gestione dell’Economia Circolare, Finanza Green e Sostenibile, Innovazione Normativa e uno in Digitalizzazione con corsi in Gestione dell’innovazione e dell’Imprenditorialità, Fintech e Legge sulla Protezione dei Dati. Inoltre, il Master prevede alcuni corsi elettivi e attività per tutte le major, più precisamente tre corsi opzionali, un progetto finale (ad esempio tesi, proof of concept, creazione e accelerazione di start-up, nuova unità aziendale, nuovi investimenti finanziari, ecc. ), uno stage presso una grande organizzazione privata o pubblica e tre Labs & Skills.
Durante il secondo anno, il Lab & Skills sarà incentrato su 4 diverse aree di interesse: Scienza e Tecnologia, Economia e Commercio, Società e Politica, Legale, e promuoverà attività di soft skills in programmazione informatica, codifica legale, cliniche legali, negoziazione, legale pubblico parlare e scrivere legalmente, automazione della due diligence, raccolta fondi Lab (Eu Projects & Project Management) imprenditoria legale, pensiero di progettazione legale e data lab (Database & Empirical Research). Inoltre, al fine di formare sia la teoria che la pratica, il corso mira a promuovere le “attività di coinvolgimento” con il supporto di partner aziendali e istituzionali, accordi di tirocinio e accordi di cooperazione internazionale (ovvero scambi di studenti, doppia e doppia laurea). Come può essere evidente, il corso mira non solo a stabilire le basi teoriche, ma soprattutto, combina approfondimenti teorici con attività pratiche in modo da acquisire la sintesi della “teoria pratica” e creare posti di lavoro durante la formazione.
Qui puoi trovare la lista dei membri Internazionali della Facoltà di LDIS: Shelia Foster (Georgetown University), Séverine Dussolier (SciencesPo University), Helen Eenmaa (the University of Tartu), Sofia Ranchordas (University of Groningen), Daniel Armanios (Carnegie Mellon University), Giorgio Ventre (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II).
Qui puoi trovare la lista del Comitato d’indirizzo della Facoltà LDIS: Helèna Ravasini (Huawei), Benedetta Gillio (Arpinge e LabGov.city), Caterina Strippoli (ENEL Group), Andrea Buonomini (Ratp DEv), Enrico Salvatori (Qualcomm); Marco Tulliani (Cybertech).
Se desideri saperne di più, puoi visitare questa webpage e unirti a noi venerdì3 aprile alle 15:30 per la presentazione online del Master in Giurisprudenza, innovazione digitale e sostenibilità attraverso una riunione Webex disponibile a questo link. Potrai porre delle domande a Caterina Strippoli, head od Intellectual Property of ENEL Group, e Christian Iaione, Direttore del Master in Law, Digital Innovation and Sustainability.
The Luiss viale Romania Campus hosted the Luiss Debate “Civic Engagement, Heritage and Sustainability” organized by the Luiss School of Law and Luiss LabGov.City in collaboration with the Roma Tre University Architecture Department and Eutropian.Org. The Debate was organized in the framework of the Third Consortium Meeting of the Horizon 2020 project “Open Heritage” (https://openheritage.eu/ ), that aims at creating sustainable models of heritage asset management by putting the idea of inclusive governance of cultural heritage sites together with development of heritage communities at its center (it involves an open definition of heritage, not limited to listed assets but also involving those buildings, complexes, and spaces that have a symbolic or practical significance for local or trans-local heritage communities). This means empowering the community in the processes of adaptive reuse. LabGov – Luiss is part of the project, thanks to its engaged research conducted in Rome.
Luiss Rector, Andrea Prencipe, opened the meeting underlining the importance of the three key words: Sustainability, a crucial theme in these days; Heritage, as Rome is the homeland of cultural heritage; and Civicness, as Luiss students must be Engaged and good Citizens before being professionals.
The Vice Dean of the Department of Law Antonio Punzi continued exposing how relevant are civic engagement, heritage and sustainability in innovating and updating the academic curricula of the Luiss Law Department, through the creation of a master degree in Law, Digital innovation and Sustainability.
The debate, moderated by Raffaele Bifulco (Professor of Constitutional law – Department of Law Luiss University) continued following the keynote speeches from national and international scholars and members of European institutions, an interesting discussion on civil engagement and sustainability as cross-cutting principles for the governance of cultural heritage. Among the participants, Erminia Sciacchitano, Eu Commision DG Culture Policy Officier and Chief Scientific Advisor EYCH 2018, exposed the new EU cultural policy framework underlining the crucial role of an Open Governance through the Urban Innovative Actions, an initiative of the EU that englobes all the pilot projects for sustainable urban development, launching the 5th call for proposals that will expire on December the 12th.
Mark Thatcher, Luiss Professor of Political Science, has deal with the link between identity and markets within the Eu Cultural Heritage. What he stated is that the “EU can create a cultural identity through markets, but markets are too technical and therefore lack of political participation and support”. In addition, he highlighted that, even though Europe is a young Union, this does not mean that a cohesive identity cannot be created. It is thus necessary to create a link between political identity and markets so to create a parallel european citizenship that does not overcome the national one.
Luisella Pavan Woolfe, on behalf of the Council of Europe, exposed “the role of the Faro Convention for the promotion of equality, inclusion, and development of local communities and minorities trough heritage”. The focus was on the relevance of the role played by a community itself. As a consequence, it is essential to work together in order to preserve and protect the Cultural Heritage for the present and future generations.
Moreoever, as underlined by Sandra Gizdulich, member of the Urban Agenda Partnership for Culture and Cultural Heritage and Italy Territorial Cohesion Agency, one cannot left behind the importance of preserving the quality of landscape. To do so, it is necessary to build a stronger environmental heritage. This is not an objective itself, but the greatest aim necessary to achieve social and ecological cohesion. She in facts added that as Urban Partnership on heritage they will launch an action on better regulation to apply the legal approach used by Turin, Bologna and Naples on commons.
The debate continued with Esmeralda Valente (Contemporary creativity and Urban Regeneration Directorate – Italian Ministry of Culture) presenting “Cultura Futuro Urbano”, an innovative public policy based on promoting the adequate conditions for citizens to improve their creativity and human talent. This is, in her words, one of the most ambitious projects launched by MiBact and it has been created with the scientific support of LabGov.City and the Luiss Business School.
Not to leave behind the Cultural Heritage’s role when dealing with Archaeology, Peter G. Gould, from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology and Professor of Archaeology at the American University of Rome, explained the success factors associated with economic development projects within communities adjacent to archaeological and heritage sites. Under his view, the success of community projects is linked to the mechanism community members use to govern their projects activities. He also cited the work of Elinor Ostrom and her attention to the polycentricity principle.
The Luiss Debate was concluded with the intervention of Giovanni Caudo, from the Roma Tre University’s Architecture Department and Elena De Nictolis post doc of the Department of Political Science. The Open Heritage project and the whole debate has shown that there is possible room for improving, thought the commons approach, trough better regulations, institutions and communities’ inclusion. All these realities are fundamental in creating a new regulatory framework, new policies, and in general an higher awareness and knowledge in managing the Cultural Heritage. The Debated ended with the greetings of Professor Iaione.
The fourth module of the Urban Clinic EDU@LabGov took place on Friday the 29th and Saturday the 30th of March into the Viale Romania Campus of LUISS University. The workshop has inaugurated the fourth module of the course. The module was dedicated to “Urban experimentalism and service design” and foresaw a focus on the Mediterranean Diet and Nutraceutics. Indeed, the workshop hosted two important experts on these themes: Dr. Daniela Patti and prof. Lorenzo Maria Donini, while the co-working session was introduced by mr. Vincenzo Maria Capelli, urban agriculture entrepreneur and former World Champion of boating, and it was facilitated by Dr. Alessandro Piperno, PhD in Economics – Luiss and by dr. Arianna Centofanti expert in GDPR from the Law Firm Giplex. The experts have been invited on the basis of the ideas elaborated by the Labgovers that, as we know, are working on cooperative and digital gardens and platforms, in order to promote and raise awareness about sustainable agriculture and nutrition in the cities, through the urban common gardens.
Dr. Daniela Patti is an expert in the urban regeneration and in the collaborative and cooperative planning and co-founder and manager of Eutropian.org Research & Action (http://eutropian.org/). He has collaborated with LabGov in many EU funded projects.
Prof. Lorenzo Maria Donini is an expert in nutritional principles and food science from La Sapienza University where he also teaches in the Medical School.
The workshop was introduced by Dr. Daniela Patti that has explained to the Labgovers many experiences of cooperation in the cities and the new phenomena of Platform Cooperativism. He has talked also about EU projects dedicated to urban context and urban experimentalism, such as URBACT.
Prof. Lorenzo Maria Donini has talked about the uniqueness of the Mediterranean Diet and of its extraordinary benefits. He has also talked about Nutraceutics. These are two relevant themes for the platform that Labgovers are developing because they are themes that are not always known in the cities, especially in the peri-urban areas.
The 4th Module of the Urban Clinic LabGov EDU 2019 continued with the Co-Working session, held on March 30th. The co-working session was facilitated by Alessandro Piperno, Phd in Luiss Guido Carli, by dr. Arianna Centofanti from the law firm Giplex and by the Team of EDU@LabGov.
The Co-Working session took place in the LUISS Campus of Viale Romania and it started at 10 am with mr. Vincenzo Maria Capelli testimony, expert of Confagricoltura (http://www.confagricoltura.it/ita/) and he is an agricultural entrepreneur of the urban gardens and italian boating world champion. He talked to the Labgovers about his professional experience with the “Orti del Canottiere” and the connection between urban agriculture, sport, nutrition, entrepreneurship. In particular, he has turned his passion into a job by creating a garden where sports can be practiced, the most fragile people can be assisted and you can play with animals. This testimony has greatly inspired the LabGovers for the project they are designing.
After this inspirational session, Alessandro Piperno explained the Labgovers of fundings for their idea and the different way to obtain them: elevator pitch, investor pitch, crowdfunding, business plan. Indeed, the LabGovers during the morning developed the business plan of their project. It’s an important passage to complete and improve the idea that they’re developing during this A.A. of the Urban Clinic LabGov EDU. For this reason, the LabGovers were divided into groups in order to produce the business plan.
In the afternoon, the LabGovers talked to dr. Arianna Centofanti, an expert of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and member of the GIPLEX law firm, about processing of data and respect for privacy.