by Chiara De Angelis | Jul 10, 2018 | The Urban Media Lab

Urbinclusion Local Support Group. Towards the community welfare. The economic question in the public-private partnership: regulation, responsibility, governance.
A workshop of the Local Support Group of the Urbact Network Urbinclusion takes place today, Tuesday 10 July 2018, from 3.30 to 6.00 pm. The workshop will be held at Corso Castelfidardo 30 in Turin.
Institutional greetings by Marco Giusta and Paola Pisano will open the day. Then, the URBinclusion Implementation Plan – LSG will be presented by the Special Project, Innovation, Smart City, the European funds of the City of Turin. This will be followed by the presentation of the UIA Co-City Project by the AxTO Project Service, Beni Comuni, Periferie of the City of Turin.
The interventions section will follow: S & T and SocialFare will talk about “Economic models applied to public-private partnerships in the case of community welfare projects”. Subsequently, a representative of the Neighborhood Houses Network of Turin on “The management of economic activities: opportunities and constraints”. Finally, Alessandra Quarta, a researcher of the Department of Law of the University of Turin will make an intervention on the “Legal and governance aspects in the forms of public-private collaboration, from the grant to the collaboration agreements”.
The second part of the event consists in a Roundtable on the issue “What governance?”. The roundtable is composed by representatives of the institutional and civic actors participating in the Urbinclusion network and are now active in the implementation of the UIA Co-City Project. Both policy programs are funded by the EU and aimed at promoting social and economic inclusion in the City’s outskirts and are facing the related economic sustainability challenges.
Progetto Speciale, Innovazione, Smart City, fondi europei della Città di Torino; Servizio Progetto AxTO, Beni Comuni, Periferie della Città di Torino, Valter Cavallaro, Gianni Ferrero; Servizio Area Patrimonio della Città di Torino; Servizio Area Partecipazioni Comunali della Città di Torino; Attori del tavolo Azioni collettive del progetto Boostinno; Compagnia di San Paolo; UIA Expert, Christian Iaione; ANCI, Simone D’Antonio; Beneficiari di Co.City (tipologia A e B); Unito- Dipartimento di Informatica, Guido Boella; Città Metropolitana, Claudia Fassero. Moderatori: Fabrizio Barbiero (Città di Torino) e Matteo Tabasso (SiTI)

Urbinclusion Local Support Group. Verso il welfare di Comunità. La questione economica nella partnership pubblico-privato: normativa, responsabilità, governance.
Si svolge oggi, martedì 10 luglio 2018 dalle ore 15.30 alle 18.00 il workshop del Local Support Group del Network Urbact Urbinclusion. Il workshop si terrà presso Corso Castelfidardo 30 a Torino.
Dopo i saluti istituzionali a cura dell’Assessore Marco Giusta e Paola Pisano, sarà presentato l’ URBinclusion Implementation Plan -LSG a cura del Progetto Speciale, Innovazione, Smart City, fondi europei della Città di Torino. Seguirà la presentazione del Progetto UIA Co-City Torino a cura del Servizio Progetto AxTO, Beni Comuni, Periferie della Città di Torino.
Seguirà la sezione degli interventi: S&T e SocialFare parleranno dei “Modelli economici applicati a partnership pubblico-private nel caso di progetti di welfare di comunità”. Successivamente, un rappresentante della Rete delle Case del Quartiere su “La gestione delle attività economiche: opportunità e vincoli”. Infine, la ricercatrice del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza UniTo farà un intervento sugli “Aspetti giuridici e di governance nelle forme di collaborazione pubblico-privato, dalla concessione ai patti di collaborazione”.
La seconda parte della giornata prevede una tavola rotonda: Quale governance?
Alla tavola rotonda parteciperanno rappresentanti di realtà civiche e istituzionali impegnate in Urbinclusion e adesso nel progetto Co-City Torino, entrambi finanziati dall’Unione Europea ed entrambi focalizzati sulla promozione dell’inclusione sociale ed economica nelle periferie della città di Torino: Progetto Speciale, Innovazione, Smart City, fondi europei della Città di Torino; Servizio Progetto AxTO, Beni Comuni, Periferie della Città di Torino, Valter Cavallaro, Gianni Ferrero; Servizio Area Patrimonio della Città di Torino; Servizio Area Partecipazioni Comunali della Città di Torino; Attori del tavolo Azioni collettive del progetto Boostinno; Compagnia di San Paolo; UIA Expert, Christian Iaione; ANCI, Simone D’Antonio; Beneficiari di Co.City (tipologia A e B); Unito- Dipartimento di Informatica, Guido Boella; Città Metropolitana, Claudia Fassero. Moderatori: Fabrizio Barbiero (Città di Torino) e Matteo Tabasso (SiTI).
by Chiara De Angelis | Jul 6, 2018 | The Urban Media Lab

FedercasaLAB recently launched a call for ideas in the context of a broader and innovative process on housing strategies: “Public houses at the time of urban regeneration“. The call aims at investigating the connection between public housing-based neighborhoods and urban regeneration processes.
The deadline to send proposals is set on July, 12; the proposals will be evaluated by Federcasa Advisory Hub.
FedercasaLAB is a research and experimentation lab promoted by Federcasa working on exploring the actual role of public housing in urban regeneration processes. It is composed by an Advisory Hub and a multidisciplinary research unit.
With this call for ideas, Federcasa wants to broaden the discourse around the role of public housing and of its managers in urban regeneration processe, in order to open up to a confrontation with theoretical follow-ups and innovative practices. Public housing often encounters the deep social discomfort caused by the increase of economic inequalities as well as the tentatives put in place to re-think the city in a regenerative way; from the recovery and requalification experiences of the existing building heritage, to the revitalization of the socio-economic fabric, to the interventions aimed at increasing environmental sustainibility.
In this context, what are the strategies to follow in order to put public houses at the heart of regenerative processes involving whole neighborhoods?
FedercasaLab is going to tackle this and other question through three guiding themes:
- Urban spaces: what are the material and immaterial elements that contribute to build the contextual value of urban places?
- Innovation: how to abilitate social and technologic innovation that are still not adequately recognised?
- Governance: which economic and administrative tools can raise the efficiency of the management of houses and the quality of life of their inhabitants?
The process will follow those steps:
- 12 June: launch of the call
- 12 July: deadline of the call
- 31 August: selection of proposals
- 3 September/3 October
- 8 October kick-off of the research unit
- 31 July 2019: closing of the first cycle of FedercasaLab’s activities
Read the full text of the call here:
by Chiara De Angelis | May 12, 2018 | The Urban Media Lab

On Saturday, May 5th, the South East Co-District of Rome has been crossed by Civic Collaboration, urban redevelopment and co-governance of urban commons paths in a whole day full of activities, meetings, debates that has been organized by LabGov in the context of the Co-Rome, in collaboration with V Municipio, ENEA, LUISS University, Comunità Parco Pubblico di Centocelle and several organizations and associations from the district
An itinerant community made of students, academics, stakeholders and active citizens started its path from Parco degli Acquedotti, in Don Bosco neighborhood, to reach Torre Spaccata where, in the green area next to Biblioteca Rugantino, the labgovers and students from the master degree in Landscape Architecture of La Sapienza University inaugurated the third satellite of LUISS’ community garden #OrtoLUISS.
An horticulture lab, the valorization of urban vertical gardens an of “in-the-box” gardens and thoughts on the importance of concrete experimentations of circular economy enriched a morning where people of every age shared a new contact with public and natural spaces of the district
In this direction, the third step of the day was in the permaculture project oh Municipio V “Il sogno trasformato”, that consented to the participants to visit Parco Giorgio de Chirico, in Tor Sapienza neighborhood, and to discuss on how public institutions and communities can try together to look for solutions for environmental redevelopment and social re-activation of those territories where urban inequalities are much stronger.
The rain didn’t stop the seek for experimentation and collaboration, and the participants continued their path in the library “L’ora di libertà”, where they first admired the exhibition “100 piccoli volti di Centocelle” by Giorgia Capatano, and where they then sat down to discuss together the future of Centocelle district
Representatives of ENEA’s #fuTure and Centoc’è labs presented their new ideas to design and manage together the territory while ensuring environmental and social sustainability.

At the end of the day, at FusoLab 2.0, the last emotional step of the day with Valentina Correani sharing with Silvio Bruno (President of Centocelle Neighborhood’s Committee) and Vinceno Luciano (Director of Abitarearoma) stories and poems on the history and the beauties of urban suburbs, starting from the South East of Rome. During the evening the short film by Myrice Tansini “La Prima Volta“, starring Mario Caldaro (beloved honorary member of the Comunità Parco Pubblico di Centocelle) was shown to the move public.
And then: party and music! The musical event #RomaSudfEst was opened by the young Coro Cantering, who sang several folk songs from Italy and Europe (and Rome, of course), and continued with a space all dedicated to #Orto17 with three young roman songwriters, Emilio Stella, Gianmarco Dottori and Andrea D’Apolito, that shared an hymn to the Rome that we hope to be able to build together.
by Chiara De Angelis | Mar 28, 2018 | The Urban Media Lab

Mary Dellenbaugh-Losse from the Urban Research Group is back with a follow-up publication to “Urban Commons: Moving beyond State and Market.” The Urban Commons Cookbook will combine the theoretical framework set out in the 2015 publication with real-world insights, usable tips, and tested methods for creating and maintaining commons from real urban commons projects. The result will be a practical handbook which can inform actors from the civil society and politics alike.
A successful Kickstarter campaign has been online from February 18 to March 9th: 56 backers supported it, so the Cookbook is going to be a reality! (For more information: )
The core of the cookbook will be made up of interviews with commons projects across a broad spectrum of resource types and locations. The interviews will focus on the projects’ experiences – which ingredients and structures made their commons project possible? What challenges arose and how did they deal with them? What was critical to success and which lessons would they pass on to projects just starting out?
These real-world experiences will be supplemented with a clear and reader-friendly introduction to commons theory and a range of practical methods for starting a project, dealing with internal & external challenges, creating visibility and impact, and building trust and community.
Once completed, a barrier-free PDF of the book will be freely available for download; hard copies will be available for a nominal fee to offset printing costs via print-on-demand. We expect the book to be about 100 A5 pages. It will be written in English with a journalistic writing style which is accessible for people of different backgrounds and a large number of graphic elements (infographics, diagrams, photos) in order to be visually interesting. The intended audience includes activists, policy makers, district managers, and educators. The publication is expected to be released in fall 2018.
by Chiara De Angelis | Mar 21, 2018 | The Urban Media Lab

Tuesday, March 27, Instituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani is going to host the launch of “Politiche pubbliche” (“daily politics”), a book written by Professor Ezio Manzini, DESIS Network‘s founder.
Daily politics are those that each of us implement developing our own life goals and projects. They can confirm the tendency to develop new forms of connected solitude, or either to create flexible, open and inclusive communities who are, for this reason, resilient and socially sustainable.
“Politiche del quotidiano” finds in social innovation some examples of how, in hard times, the second path can be feasible. They teach us that, combining autonomy and collaboration, it is possible to develop unedited forms of design intelligences. For our own good, for its own’s community and for society as a whole.
Together with the author, the event is going to host Marianella Sclavi, Federica Fava and Bertram Niessen.
Martedì 27 marzo l’Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani ospiterà la presentazione di “Politiche pubbliche”, il nuovo libro del Professor Ezio Manzini, edito da Che Fare
Le politiche del quotidiano sono quelle che ciascuno di noi mette in atto sviluppando i propri progetti di vita. Esse possono confermare le tendenze verso nuove forme di solitudine connessa. Oppure concorrere a creare comunità flessibili, aperte e inclusive. E, per questo, resilienti e socialmente sostenibili.
Politiche del quotidiano trova nell’innovazione sociale esempi di come, anche in tempi difficili come questi, la seconda strada sia praticabile. Essi ci insegnano che, coniugando autonomia e collaborazione, è possibile sviluppare inedite forme di intelligenza progettuale. Per il bene proprio, della comunità di cui si è parte e della società nel suo complesso.
Ezio Manzini si occupa da molti anni di design per l’innovazione sociale e di come promuovere una nuova cultura del progetto. Su questi temi ha fondato una rete internazionale, DESIS Network, e svolge attività di ricerca e didattica in diverse università. Il suo ultimo libro, Design, When Everybody Designs, MIT Press, 2015, è stato pubblicato in 7 lingue.
Saranno ospiti dell’evento, insieme all’autore, Prof Marianella Sclavi, Federica Fava and Bertram Niessen, scientific director of CheFare.