logo_aggiornatoBefore going to the first civic Collaboration Fest in Bologna, we will travel down south to Campania.

In Battipaglia – a fifty-thousands inhabitants town in the province of Salerno – on the 7th of May at 10.30 a.m. and at 2.30 p.m at the De Amicis school, two co-working sessions on “Regenerate Battipaglia” and “Green Battipaglia” will take place.
The names of the two debates are not fortuitous. On the contrary, they are the two names of two of the four pieces in which CO-Battipaglia is being built (the website is already online).

What is worth to underline is the delicate context in which CO-Battipaglia is coming into being.
Actually, in April 2014, Battipaglia’s city council was dismissed over “mafia infiltratation” allegations. After few weeks, the prefect designated the architect Massimo Alvisi for designing an unprecendented urban strategic plan which, thanks to the participation of LabGov, will be imagined in a collaborative way.

Let’s go back for a moment.
On the 21st of April 2015, the team who is working on CO-Battipaglia, together with the citizens of Battipaglia, imagined the operations to carry on in order to assemble a “Creative Battipaglia” and a “Public Battipaglia”.
During those debates, the participants talked about the way in which the city will build its future, that is on education and knowledge, using the former school De Amicis, the Castelluccio and the Tabacchificio as strategic places for the cognitive development of the city. Through this, Battipaglia will turn into a meeting point for learning, knowledge, culture, and research.
Secondly, since there is a serious lack of public spaces in the whole town, it is necessary to recover and regenerate them wherever they are available, as soon as possible.

Thanks to next week’s debates, it will be possible to propose ideas and projects for regenerate dismissed or abandoned spaces and to convert the whole city into a CO-city. In particular, issues concerning the health of the territory (making the citizens aware of the hydro-geological instability, the contamination of the aquifers and sustainable mobility) will be faced.

All these precious events, organised by Battipaglia Municipality together with LabGov, Alvisi Kirimoto and partners, LUISS and INSITI, will lead to the draft of the strategic guidelines of the new Battipaglia’s urban management plan, that will have the collaboration at his core.

The last event will take place in June, when it will be possible to put into effect what has been talked about from February 2015 on, following the three axis through which CO-Mantova (the prototype of the co-cities) was designed, that is to say living together (collaborative services), growing together (co-ventures) and making together (co-production).

Further information can be retrieved following these links, stay tuned!



