The aim of the GSEF 2018 (October 1-3, 2018) is to highlight the Social Economy as a feasible option to foster socioeconomic progress and development.
The Bilbao City Council have announced that the deadline of the Call for Initiatives for GSEF 2018 has been extended until March 23. This is a chance to contribute to this 4th edition of the Global Social Economy Forum, bringing together regional and local governments, Social Economy agents, civil society, universities and social organizations.
Click here to SUBMIT your proposal at GSEF2018!
Open call up until the 23rd March
The selected initiative will be offered the chance to attend the Forum and expose the project before a large international audience (the 2016 Forum held in Montreal was attended by over 1,400 delegates).
Once evaluated, successful proposals will be presented at the GSEF2018 which will be held in Bilbao, in the Basque Country, from 1st to 3rd October of 2018.
Submit your initiatives here