Towards a shared administration in the care of urban commons.

small_2590200541Labsus – Laboratorio per la sussidiarietà, Centro Antartide with the support and involvement of the municipality of Bologna and through the founding of Del Monte Foundation have launched in the city of Bologna, during this year, several labs within the project “cities as commons“, officially unveiled on October 17 during a press conference.

The project aims to make the active involvement of citizens in the care of urban commons a primary trait of the administration of the city of Bologna, following a shared-administration model based on a new paradigm established between government and citizens.  The aim has been pursued both by a facilitation of administrative procedures, allowing citizens to activate themselves in a more direct way, and by the testing, through the three labs currently planned in the project, of civic management forms. The Labs are located in different areas of the city.  Each of them has been selected according with the neighborhoods.

The project includes several activities necessary to its full implementation: from the elaboration of a suitable law, to the formation of municipal staff involved in the scheme and the recognition of civic strengths available on the territory (surely also through the detection of civic mobilization experiences already active and working in the area). Finally major emphasis is given to on-field-experimentation and to the assessment of results. “Project activities” as Bologna’s major Virginio Merola declared “are designed to make Bologna an archetype, which may represent, in terms of regulation and operational practices a pilot project to be told and exported to other cities”.

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